ahhh !! it's snowing

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LOL!!! Charlie that's torture :lol: :lol: .
well i guess lettuce is good for them, just don't wash the animals with butter and you'll be fine :D
Yeah, I heard your neck of the woods is getting a lot of snow Nikki.....that storm kinda missed us in Wyoming, we got a bit earlier in the week, but it was COLD....32 below in my town the other day....brrrrrr.....

yeah, we tend to get the extremes of hot and cold where I live....:lol:

OK I've been out of touch for a while but here I am back and WOW a bunch of whimps JK. It was minus 39 here the other day with the wind chill (about -25C without) Give me the snow and bright sunshine anyday compared to living in the swamp with rain every day like the rest of my family who live on Vancouver Island. Gray day and gray day after gray day. Not enough snow up here to fire up my new sled but it is warming up now so more snow should not be that far off. One thing about living up here in an town that is booming because of Oil and Gas is that people learn how to drive in the snow pretty quick because there are just too many BIG trucks on the road...so the ones that haven't learned...........well .............they aren't driving any more I guess.
krish stop rubbing it in, i love i mean i hate when you do that dood :D .
Ohhh yeah Vancouver Island, i think that way is better here in Seattle than there hehe :D