air skimmer for 300g setup

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Stones were pretty clogged. So I cleaned them the best I could with vinegar. I hooked the air pump up and it made bubbles. I haven't got it back together to test it totally yet. the air pump seems to be making abit more noise than it used to but i dunno. I cracked the collection cup off the s kimmer in my disassemly process. So it is gluingg now. it was a clean break.

So hopefully it will be back together tommorow
Doesn't take much to clog airstones :p They are a pain in the butt. Not sure what kind you are useing. will it be easier to buy new ones to replace them? The better the flow through the stone the quiter the pump. I used to have 2 sets and switch them constantly. That way it was easier to clean them then I would replace them once a year or so.
Hmm I actually found it took alot to clog the air stones. Mine lasted 6 months before I had to clean them, Best thing to use is muratic acid and just leave it over night. If you have a clogging problem then you have a some dirty air going into the stones. Do you have a filter on the input end of the air pump?? If not you should, I use a filter from a shop vac, I know don w used a filter from a carburator. Its the particles from the air being sucked in that clog the stones so just slap a filter on the input side of the pump

Thats cool, never thought of a filter on the pump before. Thanks! I am off to the store to pick one up WOOT!
Yeah I am just running the pump with the standard filter that came with it. not nearly good enough. I will get a better filter.

I got everything cleaned and back together. and it is working well again. the rattle in my air pump was a ball bearing that is at the end of the piston. it needs to be reset in its hole after you take the pump apart.

Is that murtaic acid a local buy?

You can get it at HD, contracters use it to clean concrete before applying an overlay or coatings. Read the instructions before you open the jug though.
WHat I do is wrap the plastic end (either the thread fitting or the nipple ) with masking tape and then toss the stones in, Becare when using the acid as it is nasty stuff, one big sniff of it and it will feel like someone just sucked your lungs out. Make sure you give the stones a good rincing with a garden hose for as lon as you can to get rid of any left over residue.

Mojo, why masking tape? Just curious.

Got another small issue. I am pretty sensitive to ozone. I just started running it in the skimmer. i sealed it up so that no air is leaking out. I also put carbon on the output of my collection bucket. Because I buttoned it down so much it seems that the buuble production has gone way down.

what is the best way to deal with this.
Put a bigger line to the collection bucket. or drill the top of the skimmer for some sort of vent that can be filled with carbon?
The masking tape just keeps the acid off the cpvc. I run my skimate pipe from the cup to the great outdoors. You might be back pressuring the skimmer and thus lower bubble production.


I am thinking that I am going to have to make a separate ozone reactor. I could upsize the line from the skimmer but I don't feel like messing with it.


tommy, I had the same problem with running ozone through my dual beckett. I put a bag of carbon on the air outlet of the collection bucket and it restricted the airflow in the skimmer. So I did the same as Mojo. I ran a 1.5" PVC line to outside. This eliminated the need for the carbon and also ended up helping with the humidity levels in the tank room as all that humid skimmer air was being exhausted outside.
Mr. Tommyp. What kind of airstone, size and number do you have on your skimmer?
Thanks Mr. Tommyp! Good luck with your skimmer and please keep us posted on your skimmer the good and the bad. I hope to build one next month......
BTW how did you come up with those sizes and quantities? I read the links that Mr. Edgerat gave me (thank you BTW) and I still dont see how anyone can decide the quantity and size of the airstone. Is it due to the limitations in space of the reaction chamber? Or is there a ratio/formula say x gallons of skimmer water = y inches of airstones? Or is it height and total volume of water in the skimmer vs the cfm to push the bubbles up. Or do we just somehow fill the reaction chamber with airstones and control it via the airpump and see what happens.

See I live outside the states and ordering/airshipping the stones and pumps would easily double the cost. If I make a mistake then its one frustrating experience.

Please don't be obliged to answer this as you (& Mr. Mojoreef and DonW) have already shared as much. In which case I guess I'll just have to do it in my best estimates and live with it.

Sigh. . .Maybe I have to reread the posts again......

Thank you sir.
sig i just copied the sizes of stones and pump from donw's skimmer. Cause I could see that it was working and producing foam. No science behind it for me sorry.

tommyp said:
Hey all,

After a few years of running a beckett on my smaller tank. I am upgrading my tank and skimmer. I am intriqued by the linear airpump method. My skimmer/sumps are in my basement so noise is not an issue for me. I just want something that will skim the heck out of the water.

I have thought about needlewheel or adding another beckett head to my skimmer and a larger pump but just can bring myself to build ether.

So what do I need to get this skimmer to reality. I have built a few skimmers so the Diy is not a prob.

What size tube should I shoot for? it looks as though a mixing chamber is necessary on the smaller skimmers. I don't think I am going to be able to afford 12" tube.

Is there a recipe out there for a good total diy air skimmer?


If you like air look at this I just finished it today. Got foam in 10 min. Im sure you can modify it to fit your needs. My stuff is also in the basment best place for it always out of site
thanks! interesting skimmer you should start your own thread on how you built it. Looks pretty cool.
SteelGluer, Is that an airstone/Cc skimmer? It looks as if it could be a needlewheel. More info please.