all seattle folks- trip to portland stores

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Dec 26, 2003
Galactic Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha
i have this posted in the psas forum but wanted to put a reminder here in case everyone hasnt seen this.
i am planning a trip to portland's awesome reef stores so seattle folks can check out the killer deals on corals and fish. there are many more stores in the portland area therefore making them much more competitive with eachother and driving the price down.furthermore, i have also managed to wrangle a 10% discount at a couple of the most popular stores; soutas and waves, to make for even better deals!
these stores specialize in rare corals and it's always a treat to go and drool,
also, they even said they could accomodate special requests if we give them enough notice.
right now we are shooting for either friday july 15th, or sunday july 17th, feedback on this decision is encouraged!
several days before the event we will take a tally of who's going and work out a carpool plan.
currently we are planning on going to soutas, waves, and upscales. in that order.
please post here if you would like to go, and wich day you vote for.
the day that best suits the majority wins! seem fair? if we go on friday we beat the weekend rush, if we go on sunday it would probably be easier on everyones schedule.
A few tips for you boys....

1) by far, Upscales will have the most diversity. His shipments (usually about 10 boxes) are every Friday @ noon. The best stuff will gone by 4pm....but, in general, he will have the most sps, lps, and fish available in the PDX area.

2) Soutas hasn't gotten in an sps shipment in over a's frags only really. There's a great selection of frags though....but, be prepared for very, very small frags and not so small prices....but, there are some rare frags.

3) since Waves moved into the new store, the amount of stock has not reached previous levels yet. There is a small amount of sps.... a fair amount of lps....and some fish.
yep, upscales is cool, too bad travis doesnt give anybody a discount, let alone us.... :)
and i never expected that i could afford anything other than frags at soutas, i dont even want to know whole colony least we 'll get a discount!
and yeah, shawn is still reclaiming his former glory, but he's doing a great job!!
too bad you dont have a store steve, im sure it would kick butt! :)
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I wouldn't get too wrapped up in that discount thing. As an example.... Rick (Soutas) sells a 1" (or less) piece of Oregon Blue Tort for $100....Travis (Upscales) sells the same tort (usually around 2") for $50 -$60......Rick had a very nice green centered blasto colony that he wanted $250 for..... Travis had a similar piece for $85 (both Rick and Travis get much of their LPS from the same local wholesaler). Travis has been getting in some pretty nice blastos, acans, and echnophyllias lately. These same ones I see on Dr. Macs site for $400 or more.....Travis moves them @ $85 -$100. I visit all the local shops very regularly here.....but for the past year or so, Upscales has been the only one getting in quality stuff on a consistant basis. Soutas used to be my favorite....but, that was another time....I think you will leave Soutas shaking your head. You will be amazed at all the frag trays that are now colony trays. I mean that all the frags have been sitting there so long that they have grown all together into a single is quite the site to see. They do not sell these colonies though....they will break off a 1" frag for the posted sign states. I know that this is just my opinion.....but, I think you guys shouldn't get too wrapped up in a meaningless discount when prices vary so widely here.

Waves is somewhere in between....but, their problem of late is getting in any stock. Sometimes you can find a great piece....but lately, unusual specimens have been few and far between. The owner (Shaun) has now taken a 9 -5 job as a mortgage, I don't see the stock availability issue improving soon....but, it's always worth a never know.....and Shaun is a great guy and always worth speaking to (but, he's only in the store on weekends due to the new job)

On a side note....the best deal in town would be at Rainbowcorals. He (Jim....reefcam on is a garage operation with some incredible stock at giveaway prices. I would contact him to see if you could arrange a visit. He is busy with other things now....but, it's worth a shot. I'll be visiting Travis later today since he's getting an sps Bali shipment (yes, he's open on July 4th and getting shipments) plus, he's supposed to be getting some of those tarakis that have been showing up on the Atlantis site for $225.....Travis' price should be less than $100. I know it sounds like I'm pimping Upscales....I really don't have an agenda....I'm just telling you what I see. Good luck on your trip and sales tax, there's your discount right off the bat.

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thanks for all the great info steve,
that's pretty funny about soutas frags growing together into a matt, lol!
i wonder how many hundreds of dollars the matt costs? :lol:
i personally wasnt going to buy anything there but i figured scince everyone around here keeps hearing about soutas and how rare everything is and that there's litterally hundreds of frags to choose from, it would be a good place to stop, mabye we should make it last on the list though...
this rainbow corals sounds pretty cool, could you shoot me a pm whith his name and number?
i've always liked upscales frag tank, where everything is $15 a piece and less with the more you buy, i've stocked whole aquariums off those frags!!!
he always has the nice l.p.s. i drool at too...
and yup, he's the only guy who would sell me a tort frag for $40, ha, i gotta great story for that one:
i call soutas from seattle saying that im coming down and that i would like to buy a few tort frags, and that i know they are $100 a piece, i think it was the hippie guy who used to work there that i talked to, he said no problem, they had a bunch, come on down. so i arrive about 2 1/2 hours later and rick was there, i stated how i called first and was really psyched to finally be getting some tort, he walks over to the whole tray of tort and starts shaking his head, "nope, i better not sell you any", i looked up and said WHAT???
he says " i dont like the way it's looking and the ones that do look nice are already sold on the internet" of coarse this is where i start nutting up all over the place, i calmly stated that i drove all the way from seattle to get a couple pieces and that i even called ahead to make sure it was in stock and for sale. he just shrugged his sholders and said sorry, i dont want it on my head if i sell it to you and it dies( there wes nothing wrong with these frags), i said how about you let me worry about that, just sell them to me and i wont hold you responsible. all the guy could do was whine about it so finally i gave up. anyway so the hippie guy i talked to comes in, i told him who i was and what happened , he felt really bad, apologized profusely.
anyway i was talking to him how i was also picking up my first colony of bright blue zoanthids from a friend in the area and rick overhears me, he comes over and says, "if your getting a real nice colony of blues id be willing to trade for a frag of tort". i was dumbfounded!! all i said was rick i wouldnt trade it to you if you had the last colony of tort in the whole world, and i left. i went to upscales after that and told travis and bob the story, travis while cutting a piece of pink milli off his mother colony in the display for me says i can sell you this little branch of tort for $40 bucks, it was roughly the size of the $100 piece from soutas. i havnt bought a single coral from soutas ever's been years now scince that, so i am pretty willing to let bygones be bygones, i like to think i dont hold a grudge, and hence why i added them to our list of stops to visit, but more for other people than me :)
You probably won't see Rick. He's been having medical problems for many months now and is rarely in the store.....but, if you want to buy something, his employee will call his cell for pricing info. The frag trays haven't changed since you were there last....except that they are much bigger now. I gotta hand it to him though, he sure knows how to grow's selling them that seems not to be his strong point.

You can contact Jim through his I said, it will be hit or miss depending on his schedule. He shuts down his mail order during the summer months but will have visitors if it is convienent for both parties.
steveweast said:
I know it sounds like I'm pimping Upscales....I really don't have an agenda....I'm just telling you what I see. Good luck on your trip and sales tax, there's your discount right off the bat.


I completely agree with Steve on Upscales. I have visited many and Travis has been around long enough to figure things out. I would not worry too much with the 10% - 15% discount unless their initial price is already similar to others. Travis already price his corals low enough.

As for me, my day job and side project has taken more time from me and my family is already complaining, due to my schedule. I have some travel trips coming up so will not be tending to much. I do still have an SPS shipment from last month that I like, but like Steve said, my time is a hit or miss at this time. But if all works out, I'll may get to visit some LFS in Japan later this month. I rather not go, but it may be fun. Hate traveling since 9/11.


Crud... back to work.
reefcam said:
But if all works out, I'll may get to visit some LFS in Japan later this month. I rather not go, but it may be fun. Hate traveling since 9/11.


Crud... back to work.

Rock on Jim! :)

While you're there, do you want to take back a couple A. mccullochi's ? They're from Aus but man there a couple there for sure at the stores... would be tough to bring them back...

- Elmo
Well, Im in if its on Friday. I need an excuse to take a Friday off from work. ;) Would be willing to drive as well if people chip in for gas...
o.k. folks,
it was close but more people want to go on friday, so friday the 15th it is! i apologize to all those who cant make it on friday, mabye if everyone likes the idea we could schedule another trip in a month or 2.
i will be pm'ing all people who posted that they would like to go, anyone else just pm me if you would like to go. we'll be working out a carpool schedule in the next few days.
Call me speed racer

I am willing to drive and can fit at least 2 more people in my rig comfortably. I will be leaving from Bothell, aka Canyon Park and then picking up Kensn in Auburn. If anybody needs a ride and lives along 405, down south or is willing to meet up in Bothell let me know...

---The other Brad...;)
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Some are going the day before so will report any deals... can't make the day the group picked. Don't worry, we won't be cleaning out the stores, most of us are on a budget, plus we are not SPS inclined.

Don't forget there is a store in Vancouver and a new store fairly close to where you are going called World of Wet Pets at 8542 SW Apple Way Portland 97225 I think you could hit that easily before or after the Waves and Upscales location as all are a short hop from eachother. Phone is (503) 292-7946. This is not an SPS heavy place-is mostly freshwater but is the largest and cleanest fish store I have ever seen, and the marine is MAC and markups are exceedingly competitive-better than online for inverts, fish were spendier though. The owner's name is Eric, said he would order some good stuff for us probably leaving the SPS to the other stores on the list, so probably will have ORA clams, unusual fish, or some other good stuff. Do check it out if you have time, it's pretty new so not heavily stocked in marine but what he has is at excellent prices... I forgot to check his gear prices but his book prices were below list.
Seahorse is also good, and there are probably a few guys running home based operations you could meet with.
Have fun!
if anyone wants to jump in at the last minute there's still a couple spaces left...act fast though!! unless you want to drive of coarse :)
hey brad
if you are picking up ken that will probably be just fine, one other person might need a ride, but they can probably ride with me and my bro..
what time sounds good for departure, and should we just meet down there, or caravan?
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Ken and I are kind of iffy. Doesnt make sense for just 2 of us to ride down and pay $50 in gas but if we can get a couple more great. Kind of ruins the sales tax savings etc. with just 2 of us splitting the gas.

With just 4-5 of us, we can all fit in my mid-size SUV comfortably. Any chance we meet up say in Southcenter and all carpool from there in my ride?
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yup that makes alot of sense, my bro and i are coming from port townsend, so meeting up closer to tacoma would probably be better for us if thats o.k.
shoot me a pm with your number and we'll talk
Just got back from there, you guys probably won't read this before you go.
Soutas has the usual fine stuff at slightly lower prices than I remember, which the other stores can beat but they can't beat the selection and color if you want small frags of locally aquacultured sps (and a few other things.) Personally not a big acro fan so moved on... no offense intended :) I love them in other peoples' tanks.
We saw some really great stuff at Upscales (their frag tanks are minus a few) they had an assortment of decent sized gorgonians at 35 if anyone is looking for them... Amazing displays and more things to look at everywhere you turn. Great zoanthid prices, here you pay twice as much. Waves too... definitely getting better on the zo price tags. Waves is more suitable to the non-sps oriented among us looking for odd unusual stuff, including an amazing brain and some cool LPS at a good price, xenia starts... It is close to Upscales but very confusing to get to, most people call for directions. Nice quality clean used gear too. His display tank has the flow rate closer to that of a real reef, the fish have to really work to stay in control. It kicks on and off with a timer, you'll know when it's on, trust me. Really fun to watch.
My friend's place World of Wet Pets is way above the bar for freshwater with a huge clean air conditioned store but for marine they are still pretty new, just recently got some more tanks up. He's stocking MAC and aquacultured stuff including some acro frags, small clams and fish from ORA and I believe is honoring the discount. Nice cherry red oscellaris at a good size and other stuff that is not necessarily rare but is quite well priced, If his marine ends up being done like his freshwater will be a major stop in the future. I'm telling you he's my friend so you know I am biased... but he seriously has potential when the marine is all up and running, and it's not all there yet. One to watch.
Loved Woody's new place, it's self serve and he had a large variety of appealing inverts and a decent fish selection. More stores should do the self serve thing... saves a lot of time, long as you can trust the customers to clean their hands and all. Looks like he too is adding even more tanks as is Upscales, everyone actually seems to pretty much keep adding til their space is totally full. Lots of useful handy gear and it looks like they could fix or rewire just about any problem you have if you are not DIY oriented or supply parts if you are. One thing I noticed at all stores was that they were quite busy, glad we didn't go on a weekend especially a sunday as they seem to sell things pretty quick.
We didn't know Hollywood Aquarium is still in business so didn't see that, apparently they have moved and closed out all freshwater. They are now in the cluster of Waves/Upscales/World of Wet Pets. Used to be a good size store so if they are all marine could also be one to watch, anyone ever go there?

The van got pretty hot even with coolers being used so do keep an eye on livestock. I think I stressed a lot of my critters but only outright lost a bag of adult brine shrimp.
We also visited a couple of friends who sell online, Jim at Rainbow Corals and a guy who is selling frags on ebay. Jim's going out of town so is not stocking a ton of stuff for sale but has even more acros... nice ones too. Jim should be back soon, is working on a project we can all soon enjoy: a McMenamins brewpub is stocking a 300+ gallon reef tank so we can enjoy that after a hard day of surfing the stores.
Almost all the stores have stellar display tanks. Some of the best corals are being fragged so you can see what they have the potential to be.
I'm really out of it from lack of sleep and acclimating so I guess I should stop writing. Have fun tomorrow everyone who goes. If you can get a good loop of stores in then there should be something for everyone.