No, I am not talking about calling around for home-security systems (not that telemarketers never call....).
Security is a term that I used within a term I coined earlier--the three S's:
Sustenance. Remember that in the wild, if anemones did not exist, there would not be any clownfishes today. Clownfishes use anemones for a safe-haven. Anemones are protectors of clownfishes. When clownfishes feel threatened they tend to make a fast dash or sudden swimming motion to a location within the tank that they feel most 'secure'. I have witnessed in certain situations where there were no such location in a tank with a clownfish pair, and that pair made a dash for the bottom corner of a tank. A spooked clown or one that feels threatened all the time results more often in a clownfish more prone to 'jumping' out of the tank. Therefore, it is key to provide or assist clownfishes in establishing their security so they feel safe.
What are some ways to provide them with some sense of security?
One thing to consider is that clownfishes prefer places where their surroundings are completely blocked off except for one opening. For example, if we take an anemone, clownfishes will dive into it, and peer out from between/under its tentacles. If they turn around, they are facing the anemone and cannot see anything else. Therefore, as hobbyists keeping clownfishes, several things to look for are surrogate hosts. Track records of anemones in captivity are rather low (I will refrain from quoting from recent surveys and studies, as stating the obvious fact seems to already make sense, rather than complicate it further with 'statistics') even with the recent explosion of so many bubble-tip and rose bubble-tip anemones (
Entacmaea quadricolour).
Acceptable surrogates:
- Tiles (regular bathroom tiles, kitchen tiles from hardware store (4"x4" or larger sizes)
- Terra-cotta pots (those from any garden store, comes in varying sizes; many variants)
- Expensive antique-vases? For sure. Use the replicas...

- Rocks (formation of rocks made so as to resemble a cave-like structure; many variants)
- Other corals (these include....and not limited to..Discosoma sp...Clavularia sp...Xenia sp...and others)
There are so many different options for surrogate hosts for clownfishes. I prefer inanimate hosts because they require the least amount of care. Where anemones require feedings time to time, tiles and pots stay there lifeless....In addition, one costs less than a dollar, while the other one varies in cost upwards of hundreds of dollars depending on anemone species.
These hosts also provide shelter and sleeping areas for clownfishes. Yes, indeed, clowns do 'sleep' near their usual host. In addition, having a safe-haven for clownfishes helps in clownfish pairing. They tend to sleep closer together, and more often than not, right in the surrogate host. This behavior strengthens pairing relationship, and assists in a pair that may eventually spawn. be continued...