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krish75 said:
Which question????
Both. Actually all three... yours, wrightme43 and gabby. I think its time to change the conversation to something else. Say you had a tank big enough for a shark (one that can be kept in a home tank "No Great Whites")if you had the chance to keep a shark which type of shark would you keep?

I would keep a bonnet Head.(its similar to a hammerhead shark)
i'm scared of sharks dood... didn't you see Jaws :D .
hmm i think i'd keep hmm i'd say a whale shark (just because they don't eat humans :p) but i guess a tiger shark would work.

same question
I love Sharks as a matter of fact JAWS is my favoriate movie. I love fishing for sharks (catch and release unless its attached to me that is) I was even thinking about quitting the reef scene and going straight into sharks. I used to keep two Brown Banded Bamboo Sharks that i raised from eggs but after a few months they began to dig under my live rock and got crushed. I was so sad. My LFS guy has a shark Lagoon in his basement with a black tip in it. Its so cool. I'll try and post pics if i can get any from him.

Same Question
Nope...I wouldn't keep a shark.

How would you rate your dancing ability?
hehe Nikki :D ... you are talking to a latina here ;) , the first thing i grew up knowing is how to dance even my best friend from Iran taught me a little bit how to do the belly dancing, also some brazilian music (i was in a dance group, so i'd perfom for people) :D, but don't expect me dancing that, rave music or whatever people call it where you put yourself upside down and do crazy things, the same with rap because i like listen to the music but no clue on how to dance it.. all i see is people saying wus up yo yo yo yo... and looking at you like they are about bite you.

same question
Well my dancing ability is poor, to please call a ambulance, you have broken my foot. LOL
I can two step, and slow dance, but thats it. I just have to keep saying left together, left together, right together. Its really distracting, and girls usually just laugh and point at me.
My question
Do you ever take two newpapers out of the paper machine and only pay for one?
LOL!!! i admire the people that do chicken dance :) it takes a lot to get up there and do it .
hmm i haven't done that yet, but one time i took 2 eye shadows (the make up thingy) and only paid for one :p, does that count?

same question
I thought we all had a mutual agreement to let this thread die.

With that being said, i regularly take "at least" two papers out of the machine and leave them on top. I always wanted to take them all out and sell them on the corner like a city paperboy, but thats way to much effort.

In a related story, when i was small child (like 14) my friends and I were walking home very late at night and the newspapers where being dropped off at there corners for distro. Well taht was the same time that McDonalds was playing the monopoly piece game, and gave you two free pieces in the sunday paper, so each one of myfriends grabbed a stack of papers to collect all those free hasbrowns and apple pies

Can you beat that story?
u stole 3 bundles of papers and only got hasbrowns and apple pies
i do have a sotry that could beat that but its too rude for this site
have u ever over stocked a reef tank with 2 many fish
Well, better late than never on this thread I guess. My next purchase will be a skimmer! Considering the thread I started on the skimmer subject I guess this is my conclusion.

How many fish/corals have you bought at once? (I don't know if this has been asked before, I didn't want to read all 2000 posts to find out).:)
Well this is bad. Dont know a exact number of corals, but it ended up being two whole boxes from vivid aquariums to put in one tank in one day. Better than 90% are still alive after two years. The water was perfect, and the tank had been running for 3 months. He was pressuring me to hurry, and was told of the risk. It was for a open house. He said he would replace them if they died, I didnt like that, but I get paid to do what people want, not what I want. LOL
If you could would you keep cuttlefish?
wwoouu Steve that's a lot of corals dood !!! .
hmm i don't know what's a cuttlefish :p, but sure as long as it doesn't try to eat me first :D .

same question
Its like a little squid, that changes colors instantly, flashes, ribbons, splotches, and every other word you can use describe color patterns. Very intelligent critter
They had cuttlefish at my LFS here. They are cute! If I had the correct setup for them I would keep them.

Totally off the subject of fish....

What are you spring/summer vacation plans?
Vacation I dont need no stinking vaction. LOL
Sponsorship Rally May 26, 27, 28th.
Fishing when I can, Mammoth cave when I can. Beech Bend when I can.
Same question