anyone a victim of identity theft?????

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2006
Bothell, WA
Never thought it would happen, but.......over Labor Day weekend I became of victim of identify theft. Any of you had to deal with this before? I've lost a few thousand dollars (which will be recovered when the investigation is over) but in the meantime my mortgage bounced and my kids stuff (PE uniforms, workbooks, ASB, Bank-A-Meal checks for their lunch, etc all got returned). Not only am I completely embarrassed but I feel totally violated. There are some sick people out there. Luckily banks are insured and sometime in the next few weeks my money will be returned to me......and as of right now it appears that my social security number is safe (thank God, sigh....) but the embarrassment I am going through trying to explain to my kid's schools (4 kids 3 schools) why my checks are bouncing is very emotional and disturbing. I've never bounced a check in my life. I wish I could find out who did this and how. It would be very nice to talk to someone that has been through this......How do you make your identity yours again??????????

~ Krystee
Wow!!! Sorry to hear that :doubt: I've never been a victum of identity theft, but can imagine what you are going through. Some people just don't have a heart at all!! I wish you well and I hope everything is returned back to normal really soon. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers:)
It happened to me about 4 years ago. It took almost 6 months but got it all corrected. The main thing to do is ensure that the bank does not put a mark on your credit rating. I had to call them several times to get mine removed. I keep several accounts around the country but only the Bank of America was violated. Turned out mine was an inside job, But a freind of mine got his stolen by a dude in Africa. Can happen to anyone, Why I shred anything with my name on it. And let me tell ya trick to ensure your theft rate decreases, When going to a bank to cash a check or Depsit money, Never allow the teller to write your accounts numbers on the check. all they are required the write is the last 4 numbers on the check. This was how they stole my account. I get into a battle everytime I get a new teller. But the end up doing as I say. Just a tip.
Thanks Krish,

We went through the hours at the bank yesterday, and the evening with the police followed by an ice cream social at my youngest daughters school (didn't want to go...mentally exhausted... but couldn't break her heart). Next morning my banker called and said the detective traced one of the checks to a young womens clothing store called Cache. That check was almost $500.00 and they didn't check ID and they didn't have a camera. I just don't understand why any employee would except a check of that amount without identification???? I'm still waiting on better news....on each affidavit I signed I checked the box for "WILL PROSECUTE!!!!! This if very frustrating to me and I apologize if I sound vengeful......but I am.

That's interesting, I am a diehard online banker, I have written 6 checks in the last two months, two of which were to Bank Of America. All 6 checks were hand delivered and I am very curious as to how my information could have been aquired.....more to think about....~ THANKS!!!!!!
happened to me back in the early nineties when i was in college. it wasn't very common yet back then, and a lot of the protections that we have against it now were not in place. it took several years before it stopped haunting me. for a while i was constantly being charged for accounts that i had never opened. it wasn't until probably the late nineties when it started vanishing from my credit report.
I would be beyond Mad.
I apologize if I sound vengeful......but I am.
More power to you. KICK BUTT! Hope everything gets straightened out soon.

My personal banker has been amazing! I got my money back, he called me every other day checking in and giving me updates on the account. I really thought everything was taken care of and it was over. My gosh, I was WRONG!!!! My affidavit folder is 1/2" thick as of tonight. I have been at the bank at least 5 hours during the last week. The bank stuff is going great, no more checks are clearing my account, instead I am getting loads of collection letters every day for counterfeit checks that were returned and each one requires an affidavit with police report info sent back to them to clear my name. This is just sick, I am signing on average 3 affidavits a day. As of this point I know of two fake ID's in my name. My banker said that it could go away soon but some people have to clear their name for years. The detective working with me said the shopping sprees will just probably end up on Ebay. I'm getting very frustrated. Between 4 kids, a small business and a very expensive hobby, I just don't have the time to spend each morning signing papers at the bank. Plus I'm getting a cyano outbreak on my sand bed due to neglect and I just don't have the "gumption" to tackle it......but I will....gotta keep the stress reliever pretty or it wont be a pretty good stress reliever! ~ Krystee
I feel for you. We had identity theft recently too. Our lockbox mail box was pried open in the middle of the day! The person who did it had my address, cc#, etc. and the only phony thing was an email made to look like it might be mine. One incident was quickly caught by an observant online company owner who reversed the charges and I saw the strange charges online when reviewing my account. Got a delivery address from the vendor but because there was no "damage" done the CC co. will not pursue it.

I am hoping this last one has gone away since the affected card accounts were closed down immediately. I think it is the third time we have had some kind of identity theft. You have to be dilegent in making sure your credit is clean. It takes time but you will be successful as long as you keep at it. Be VERY SURE that every time you talk to someone at a credit agency you get their name, and be VERY SURE that you put everything in writing. Even if you have an agreement over the phone, send a confirmation letter summarizing the agreement and linking it to your file.
Oh, Jnarowe,

Three times? I am sooooo sorry. This has been frustating but I just can't imagine doing it over and over again. I think mine is starting to clear up after 36 affidavits being faxed to clear my name. Can't wait to see my phone bill next month since none were 800 numbers. Oh well, my name is way more important than a few long distance calls. Good luck on your ordeal! ~ K
Thanks...U2! I always get my may be 10 years later but he will feel the pian in the end. :D