NaH2O's Fabulous 120

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Yep, same boiling. I actually had forgotten about the rock I stored in the basement. Bttrflygrl was trying to move a piece of rock in my tank, but it had already been epoxied down. She became frustrated, and I said I had some old rock from the tank in the basement. After looking at the pieces I had, she was able to incorporate some more into the aquascape. It looks fabulous.

Pics or it didnt happen!

Pics or it didnt happen!


ROFL! Ok ok... I'll get right on that, you know how much down time I have on my hands!! :rolleyes: :p

On a side note, I noticed today after 9 days, my skimmer smells so bad, when I walked in the house I could smell it. Now, keep in mind my smelling capabilities ever since I gave birth all those years ago have increased to the strength of a blood hound. HOWEVER, I wasn't able to smell it before, so it must be stinkier than ever. :D
On a side note, I noticed today after 9 days, my skimmer smells so bad, when I walked in the house I could smell it. Now, keep in mind my smelling capabilities ever since I gave birth all those years ago have increased to the strength of a blood hound. HOWEVER, I wasn't able to smell it before, so it must be stinkier than ever.

LMBO !!! :lol: that's such a true mothers can smell anything and i mean .......anything :shock::lol::lol:
Nikki that looks awesome. I like the swirls in the sand--very cool. Glad you're happy with it. By the way, that's a good looking purple tang you have there :)
Thanks, Katrina! Yes, the purple is very handsome, isn't it?? I think its a testament to the person that had him before me :D.

I had change of heart, and added a blue spotted jawfish instead of the shrimp goby pair. I love this fish. It has been a great addition. It acclimated to my tank life right away. Has a front and center home, used a bunch of shells and small rubble pieces for its spot, and it is eating without problem. It sees the turkey baster come, and it is ready for food. I did take a picture of him, but I still need to get it downloaded from the camera.

So far, the tank has been outstanding. I'm finishing up a little diatom bloom from the switcheroo. The skimmer is cranking out some smelly stuff, too.

I really need to update some pics. Hopefully, I can get to it this weekend sometime. We'll see. Jeff will be back from China for a couple of weeks, and I'm sure we'll be having a lot of family time before he goes back.
Thanks, Scott. I've learned how self-sufficient I can be. At least until something breaks :rolleyes:. Although, I'm still patting myself on the back for getting up on an extension ladder to fix the siding :D.

On a side note, the jawfish actually swam to the turkey baster waiting for food today. Love it!
Heres a pic the day after the switcheroo

Scott - that pic is already in the thread. Pay attention! :p

Charlie - all the plumbing on the back of the tank is still there. The pump was removed and the lines drained. Other than the pump gone, the tank looks the same from the back.
Hey 'fish girls' got other talents:lol:
We need updated pics! How are my, I mean your Clowns? ;) Glad to hear the Jawfish is doing well! He is sooooo cool!!
Scott - I posted the picture :p. Pay attention grasshopper!

Kim the clowns are fabulous!

As for the jawfish, I just said to Jeff last night (when I was going through the list of things that had to be done before he heads back to China) that I had to get the eggcrate on the tank today. WELL, this morning, we found the jawfish on the floor. I'm so ticked off, because I knew, I KNEW, I was going to need the eggcrate on there. Nothing worse than a loss because of your own stupidity! This time there is NO NAMING the fish. Damn MikeS for cursing me with that!

On a side note, I noticed James from the club has a blue spot Jawfish AND a potter's leopard wrasse...hmmmm. This time, the eggcrate will not be forgotten! Bad mommy :mad:
OMG!! I would have thought the Jawfish would have stayed near the bottom, near his home:cry: I learned my lesson with jumpers when my Candy Hogfish jumped....he actually jumped 7 times out of my old 125:eek: Last time he was near death but he made it..
Contact James and go get you some new fishys! You'll love the Potters Wrasse, hopefully your Tangs won't pick on him like my PB does mine:rolleyes:
Just what Jeff wants to do while he's home, go fish shopping:lol: