~~Aprlil 19th, Bob Moore "Pay it forward" Frag Swap~~

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Had a couple questions...

THis is definately a member's only event. :)

I've been asked questions on this too. Maybe you can explain just how a Member's Only Event works.....

What about Husbands, Wives, Fathers, Mothers, Sons, Daughters, etc of a Member. Must they each have either Individual Memberships or have a Family Membership to attend?

Well all events are members only.

People who come alone; always buy a single membership. (Like you)

Couples or families who are in this together and some of the time come to events together are expected to purchase a family membership. We buy things for events, and extra people cost, so that is how we balance out.

Randy can pipe up if he has other ideas.

I think our holiday event and June picnic has been the exception to the "must have a family membership."
Well all events are members only.

People who come alone; always buy a single membership. (Like you)

Couples or families who are in this together and some of the time come to events together are expected to purchase a family membership. We buy things for events, and extra people cost, so that is how we balance out.

Randy can pipe up if he has other ideas.

I think our holiday event and June picnic has been the exception to the "must have a family membership."

Thanks Colleen. That pretty much sums it up.

I have yet to receive a membership card. Any chance I can get one?

:evil: I'll give you one. For a price.:evil:

So, Ill bring:

The membership card bag :razz:
The raffle tickets
shrimp salad (ornamental shrimp free of course)
and a few frags that people would actually want to take home.
I've been asked questions on this too. Maybe you can explain just how a Member's Only Event works.....

What about Husbands, Wives, Fathers, Mothers, Sons, Daughters, etc of a Member. Must they each have either Individual Memberships or have a Family Membership to attend?


Well like Colleen also said All the events are Members Only... Most members attend the meetings alone and only bring a family member once or twice, for those the Individual Membership is adequate. But those that bring a family member to more than a couple events, we ask that they buy a family membership to offset additional costs....

I have yet to receive a membership card. Any chance I can get one?
you should have buged me for one when you came over last week! :p~
The Coral order came in. Took some pics as paul was putting them in the tank. Sorry the water was a little cloudy. I will take some tomorrow was short on time. Just a little update on some of the corals ED ordered. Tomorrow water should be cleared up and some differebt lighting will be placed on.
Ed/Paul Chime-in and explain the plan for the corals.

By tstumbo

By tstumbo

By tstumbo

By tstumbo






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I can already see what I want,lol I saw them all first hand today and they are awesome. This going to be quite and event. I hope everyone can make it. Dang you need to free up some time and head on down. You might see something you dont have, maybe,lol
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Hey, for us northenders, 7pm could be pushing it. You figure all said and done we get back to our houses around 10-11 if we're lucky and after you're done aclimating and treating the corals it's closer to midnight or later.... I'm turning into an old man I know, but maybe in the future we could go back to trying to get these to earlier in the day....
Ben: No worrys, you can stay the night. The only down side is you have to sleep between me and the wife and she snores. LOL
Ben: No worrys, you can stay the night. The only down side is you have to sleep between me and the wife and she snores. LOL

Im not sure if you know what your offering. If you take Ben, you get Jan and me as well. That sounds like one crowded bed and some angry spouses in the makings. :p
Wow....frag swap....dining:razz:....friends....entertainment....angry spouses....crowded bed....sounds like it is gonna be some fun!!!!!! SalmonSlayer where do those big dogs sleep?:confused:

This sounds great. Will anyone have any books on corals?
I broke a piece off my green stylophora while cleaning a while back, and it has just been sitting on the bottom of the tank. I won't be going to the frag swap, but if there is someone from around the U-district who is going, I would be glad to send the piece along.
Colour sitting on the bottom of the tank is not as bright as the parent colony, but it should brighten up if placed under better lighting.
Okay, I should have said "books about corals"!

I have a difficult time reading so if it is a book "about corals" with pictures of corals that should be adequate. Is the Veron book the - Corals of Australia?

Gotta love all the names people think up for their frags.
I think we need to loosen up on the membership fees! At least for this special event!!! Yes, it is always nice when you can donate or give $20 or so to join the club! I understand that we need the money to get special visitors here, but to not allow any visitors to check it out is just "WRONG" in my book! Come and take a look at what we have to offer people ie "Visitors"! If the food or drinks run out I will personnely run to the store and get some more stuff! On Me, not the club!! So people that don't have cards come check it out! Paul "Fragman" has a very cool setup and I would love to meet more new people anyway.

If anyone needs anything from me please don't hesitate to call me!



If you all need another large donation for people that are just having a hard time coming up with membership fees I will donate for the cause! Don't want $20 dollars or so to come between a yes or no for visitors checking out the club!

Remember Visitors! If you want to pay the $20 or so to join the club you get anywhere from 5% to 15% off purchases at many of the local fish stores in Seattle and abroad!

Look forward to seeing new people!

Take care
