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ive never seen that many ships in another island port at one time! the line to get in is definitely longer than the line to get out! where do i sign up? maybe i could row for my ticket? now where did that oar get off to? for a ride like that my wife might even do the dishes!
ive never seen that many ships in another island port at one time! the line to get in is definitely longer than the line to get out! where do i sign up? maybe i could row for my ticket? now where did that oar get off to? for a ride like that my wife might even do the dishes!

LOL...You could probably row here. Well, Freeport Grad Bahama is real close to Florida. Infact, it only takes 18 minutes to get there by jet!
Krish Krish Krish...we all know you live in Nebraska and are just finding these pics Keep 'em coming you know we cant get enough of this stuff
Krish Krish Krish...we all know you live in Nebraska and are just finding these pics Keep 'em coming you know we cant get enough of this stuff

LOL...I will. Hopefully this weekend I can update these thread with new photos. Hope you're having fun over there:D
You sure are getting a lot of great pictures, thanks!

Post 85, the 3rd picture, you said you didn't know what it was... looked like Siderastrea or star coral to me. The zoanthids look great though, and that pointy coralline algae in post #51... love that! I like plants.

That conch salad looks a lot like ceviche, MMMMM. I am vegetarian now and the idea of eating an animal I keep in one of my tanks and alive no less, well that ain't gonna work for me :)

Today I read an article that said there is unprecedented bleaching worldwide this year with huge losses in the Caribbean. Are you seeing that there? One cynical scientist said that if you want to see a reef in real life you better go now because they won't be around much longer. It's here if you want to read it, or I can copy and paste it. Might put it on a new thread. We aquarium owners know that high temperatures bleach coral but apparently people feel that there is nothing they can do about it. I think there is, but it would take a profound worldwide paradigm shift leading to global effort to change the way we all live. Ouch. That's a tall order.
Oh yeah, and if you should decide you don't want those zoanthids feel free to mail them to me, I would gladly cover the postage. :)
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Thanks for the reply Kate:)

Today I read an article that said there is unprecedented bleaching worldwide this year with huge losses in the Caribbean. Are you seeing that there? One cynical scientist said that if you want to see a reef in real life you better go now because they won't be around much longer. It's here if you want to read it, or I can copy and paste it. Might put it on a new thread. We aquarium owners know that high temperatures bleach coral but apparently people feel that there is nothing they can do about it. I think there is, but it would take a profound worldwide paradigm shift leading to global effort to change the way we all live. Ouch. That's a tall order

As for the bleaching, I haven't personally seen any of it here eventhough I've heard it is done. I do see a lot of reefs making a turn for the worse. I think it has a lot to do with "don't care" Bahamians who mess with them in search of crawfish and fish. Some areas look like grave yards. I would really like to get permission from the Gov't to frag some corals, but not sure if they'd go for it. If not, they really need to do something to preserve some species because I've heard lots about corals not being around soon...

About those zoo's(LOL) I don't think you'd like to pay shipping on them(LOL) A letter ships for about $50! Next trip over to the US, I need to take some stuff over with me and send it out to those who'd like a few things. It would tons cheaper:)
50 bucks, that's insane! Man are you lucky the internet was invented :) Crazy stuff. I think we will all have to visit you, you will have to schedule carefully so you can still have a life.
Can you have non native marine inverts? Are there a lot of responsible reef keepers around in the Bahamas? If so then one of the RBTA's floating around Seattle would be good, they split like crazy. Anemones usually love them and they are gorgeous, see my little icon on the left.
I was going to order some of the green and blue zo's from a florida collector/dealer this spring but he said the hurricanes wiped them out. Sucks... but he said he is looking for new sites. Personally I'd rather not have them if they are like the last 5 colonies left in the area. :)
I think we will just have to visit. It's too bad about those who are irresponsible collecting food animals, but it's the same everywhere. People get like that when they think they are entitled to get what they want and it's very hard to change their attitudes. Even laws don't help all that much, especially if the police force is small enough to fit in that cute little building you photographed :) The way to change people is to teach children and hope it sticks. Seems to work with reptiles, you can teach children that reptiles are not scary bad things but past a certain age people don't change and will kill snakes on sight regardless of what species they are. They say they are entitled if the snake is on their property. If the schools can reach the kids just maybe they will be a bit less likely to drag anchors through coral, use explosives on wildlife, shoot things for fun, dump waste etc. I know it worked on me, the hippies taught me good. I don't even like to kill mice and slugs. Zoanthid eating starfish, those I kill. They are killing my property! :)
LOL...If I took a picture of a real police station or our prison which is rated top 5 worst in the world, you'd run!(LOL) We have a pretty good size police force here compared to the population, but everyone knows everyone so you get away with a lot. There aren't really much people at all in the saltwater hobby here. I can count only a small few on my hand. That's why no-one really cares about corals etc. All they care about is the fish, but little do these ignorant Bahamians know, they screw up the reefs, they screw up tourism and then the have no jobs! But what can you tell um...I don't even think half of them even speak English if you ask me(lol) About native inverts etc, we are not allowed to import anything marine. A big no no as the Government is afraid of introducing something into our waters that may pose a problem. Little are they forgetting about their people and what they are doing...But yeah man...Anytime someone wants come come down and hang and see the sites just let me know! I'll be more than happy to take whoever out! Great excuse for my wife to let me go:D
50 dollars !!! that's really really insane .... just when i was gonna ask you for snails and a conch :p :D .
hmm well if everyone knows everyone and if you can get away with many things i'd frag a few corals.... heck you are saving them and it's not like you're gonna be selling them, but anyways.
Krish just use the under the table lingo ;) :D :lol:
I think it's smart of them to ban foreign inverts, if nothing else it's respectful of the rest of the caribbean. Too bad for you though, but hey, you can pick up stuff off the beach and live where it isn't 50 degrees and raining all the time so I guess I don't feel too bad :)

I don't want to guess what goes on in the 5th worst prison.

Gabby, I bought a little captive raised conch here for 8 bucks, it's great. I think you can find them occasionally in fish stores, so no worries. Creepy little thing, mows through algae. I read they eat cyano but mine doesn't.
I think it's smart of them to ban foreign inverts, if nothing else it's respectful of the rest of the caribbean. Too bad for you though, but hey, you can pick up stuff off the beach and live where it isn't 50 degrees and raining all the time so I guess I don't feel too bad :)

I don't want to guess what goes on in the 5th worst prison.

I've visited my brother in law there about a year or so ago, and let me tell you, that place (prison) is rediculous!!!!! It's in-humane if you ask me and he lost tons of weight in the few weeks he was there, but that's another topic...

Hopefully I will get some more nice pictures this weekend for you guys. We shall see:)
4 months Krish!!!!!! I'll be there! Any more pic's yet??? You know I love to see where I'm going to. LoL!
4 months Krish!!!!!! I'll be there! Any more pic's yet??? You know I love to see where I'm going to. LoL!

ROFL! Hopefully this weekend man. The weather is supposed to be amazing this weekend. I might have to jump in the water if we go in the boat. If, not, I may play in a few puddles to shoot some shots and see if I can find any cool things to toss in the tank:D