Bahamian Profiles of reefs, rocks and puddles

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krish75 said:
ROFL! Hopefully this weekend man. The weather is supposed to be amazing this weekend. I might have to jump in the water if we go in the boat. If, not, I may play in a few puddles to shoot some shots and see if I can find any cool things to toss in the tank:D
Krish-----you are KILLING me, man. All of the kind of stuff I wish my boys could see in real time.

No hard feelings. :eek:)

Krish-----you are KILLING me, man. All of the kind of stuff I wish my boys could see in real time.

No hard feelings. :eek:)


Yeah...I know Anne:doubt: Trust me...If I ever win the Lotto or come into some good money, I'll fly you guys down. Trust me and believe me when I say, I would. Anyone who knows me personally, knows I'd do it;) . I really hope your boys get a chance to see a beach...I'm really blessed for that aspect, of living where I do and I guess we have kids here, that are dying to see snow. I really hope your boys get to see it, and you are there as well to witness it because I can tell, it really means something to you.

Just a little note I don't want any of you guys to think that I post these photos of mine here on RF as my way of rubbing it in where I live. I'm not that kind of person even though I play and joke around alot. This is really just my way of sharing what I can with all of youy from where I live...That's all. I really wish you all could come...:)
krish75 said:
Yeah...I know Anne:doubt: Trust me...If I ever win the Lotto or come into some good money, I'll fly you guys down. Trust me and believe me when I say, I would. Anyone who knows me personally, knows I'd do it;) . I really hope your boys get a chance to see a beach...I'm really blessed for that aspect, of living where I do and I guess we have kids here, that are dying to see snow. I really hope your boys get to see it, and you are there as well to witness it because I can tell, it really means something to you.

Just a little note I don't want any of you guys to think that I post these photos of mine here on RF as my way of rubbing it in where I live. I'm not that kind of person even though I play and joke around alot. This is really just my way of sharing what I can with all of youy from where I live...That's all. I really wish you all could come...:)
No, you are not rubbing it in Krish--I am glad that you have the ability to share the photos. Tell you what--if we come into some major money--we'll fly you and your family out when we have a good snowstorm. Guess I just did not think of it that way.

Wow-wonder if some fat cat company would be willing to sponsor a family exchange. One family comes here when it is snowing and one family goes there to get hands on knowledge of the marine ecosystem. Guess we could dream, couldn't we???? :eek:)

No, you are not rubbing it in Krish--I am glad that you have the ability to share the photos. Tell you what--if we come into some major money--we'll fly you and your family out when we have a good snowstorm. Guess I just did not think of it that way.

Wow-wonder if some fat cat company would be willing to sponsor a family exchange. One family comes here when it is snowing and one family goes there to get hands on knowledge of the marine ecosystem. Guess we could dream, couldn't we???? :eek:)


LOL...That would be cool! Family exchange. Just hope you keep my tank clean:p Just wanted you to know Anne, you didn't say anything that made me fell that way (like I was rubbing it in) or anyone for that matter. I've wondered about that many times if I come off that way to you guys here at RF, but didn't want to start a whole thread about it(LOL) I only brought it up now because I felt now was a good time to say it...:)
krish75 said:
LOL...That would be cool! Family exchange. Just hope you keep my tank clean:p Just wanted you to know Anne, you didn't say anything that made me fell that way (like I was rubbing it in) or anyone for that matter. I've wondered about that many times if I come off that way to you guys here at RF, but didn't want to start a whole thread about it(LOL) I only brought it up now because I felt now was a good time to say it...:)
I just hope the kids there are learning how important our reefs are to our world. I wish I could do more here to raise reef awareness here in landlocked Kansas. Unfortunately, just don't know how or where to begin and the majority of our local club does not seem that interested. I will keep trying with them, though.

BTW-I am trying to do my part (for the most part) by trying to buy or trade frags locally that have come from local tanks as well as trying to keep to fish that are tank raised. There is only one other fish I plan to get that may not be tank raised and whole coral colonies are expensive--so local frags are great.

This tread reminds me of what I do for fun when I go on vacation. I usually will try to walk out on the edge of the reef, the break or the shore and just stare into little tidal pools IDing inverts and looking for corals. Thanks for posting the pictures. I would love to bring you frags next time I travel to the Bahamas, but it sounds like they would be confiscated!

What kind of lights do you run anyway?

Again, thanks for the pictures.
I just hope the kids there are learning how important our reefs are to our world. I wish I could do more here to raise reef awareness here in landlocked Kansas. Unfortunately, just don't know how or where to begin and the majority of our local club does not seem that interested. I will keep trying with them, though.

BTW-I am trying to do my part (for the most part) by trying to buy or trade frags locally that have come from local tanks as well as trying to keep to fish that are tank raised. There is only one other fish I plan to get that may not be tank raised and whole coral colonies are expensive--so local frags are great.


All half of these kids here care about is what tennis shoes they want next or what wall they can spray paint next! Most Bahamians could care less about the reefs which is sad. Once there is water shallow enough there for them to "play" in, that's all they care about. Not very many people know what a coral even looks like because believe it or not, probably more than half the population can't swim even living on a 21x7 island surrounded by water! I wish I could frag a whole bunch of corals off of some reefs to help keep them into existance, but I just can't bring myself to break one off so I'll have to wait on the un-fortunate occurance (which is getting pretty common) and that is violent waves breaking them off during storms or boats crashing on top of reefs (BTW Andrew, next time you guys decide to flip a boat, do it right! :lol: Joking) I know what you mean Anne, but it's pointless trying to tell some of these Bahamian's anything because it all boils down to the fact that they are just down right "Moofs!" (P.S Don't ever use that word if you visit:D)

Dude I enjoy your pictures. Thanks for posting them.

That's cool man...Glad you enjoy them:cool: Can you handle some Bahamian slang? Here it is again like a typical Bahamian would say it..."Das cool dred" "Glad yunna does like it and ting!":p
This tread reminds me of what I do for fun when I go on vacation. I usually will try to walk out on the edge of the reef, the break or the shore and just stare into little tidal pools IDing inverts and looking for corals. Thanks for posting the pictures. I would love to bring you frags next time I travel to the Bahamas, but it sounds like they would be confiscated!

What kind of lights do you run anyway?

Again, thanks for the pictures.

LOL...They'd never check a tourists bag coming into the country. Once you show a passport other than a Bahamian one, they say, "Thank you and enjoy your stay":) As for the lights, I run a coralife 260 watt pc, but will be changing to 500 watt metal halides. Nevertheless, I don't have anything really in my tank, believe it or not. If you click on my photo gallery under my name to the left of this post, you'll see that the only thing in my tank that I got locally, is a small colony of zoo's, a small wrasse, and some snails. This thread is mostly just me going out, catching things to shoot photos and set them free...Glad you enjoy it:)
Have any new pics yet?? I love the others BTW.

LOL...Soon:) I wanted to go out this past weekend, but I ate something I shouldn't have and paid for it. So hopefully this weekend for sure. Time to update this puppy:)
Can I come live with you?:shock: :lol: I love washington :( lol We have had good weather for the last two days, so its not too bad.
Can I come live with you? I love washington lol We have had good weather for the last two days, so its not too bad.

Yeah man:p I got a great idea...The Bahamas is made up of 700 islands. RF has over 10,000 members. I say everyone move here, we all pitch in a few bucks and buy an Island from the Bahamian government. Disney already did!:D
Great idea! I can pitch in a few bucks lol I wont have any money left once I'm done setting up my tank. Whats it like living in the Bahamas? Is it anything like the U.S.? My guess is its totally different, so please forgive my ignorance.
Great idea! I can pitch in a few bucks lol I wont have any money left once I'm done setting up my tank. Whats it like living in the Bahamas? Is it anything like the U.S.? My guess is its totally different, so please forgive my ignorance.

Yeah...You guys live with people. I live with a bunch of monkeys!:p It's a bit different, but has a lot of the same restaurants and fast food places. The major difference I would say is you are surrounded by water, there are no free ways, we drive on the left side of the road, and we don't have income taxes, but have something called customs duty which means basically anything brought into the country can have a duty (sort of like a tax) tagged on it anywhere from 5%-100%. Motorbikes for instance have a 100% customs duty so a $20,000 motorbike will cost you $40,000 plus shipping. Another thing is everyone almost knows everyone or knows someone who knows you(LOL). The population is under 400,00 total. So not very many people...Other than that, I guess I'll have to post more photos of the place to give you an idea. :)