Best movie ever?

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ohh i was totally forgeting about the triology of the lord of the rings.... i loved those movies.

ok a few more :p:

y tu mama tambien
Amelie (frenchi movie )
City of God (brazilian movie)
Life is Beautiful (awesome italian movie, it made cry)
Malena that movie is good too :D .

Now i never walk out of the cinema (are you kidding me, i just paid 8 bucks i might as well enjoy them sitting on a chair :p :lol: )........ the best thing i do is ......i fall asleep :D it's not my problem if i start snoring :p :lol: .

scary movie 4 or 3 one of those :p
Charlie chaplin (to freaking long of a movie)
the beach (sorry to long )

i'm sure i'll think of more :p
only movie i've ever walked out on, 'Boys don't Cry'.

I cringed watching it. I'm all for watching movies of all types, but the director or someone should have given some insight as to why she felt like she was a man in a woman's body. Since over 99% of people who will watch that movie don't have transgender issues, the screenwriter really should make the audience understand and sympathize with the character, instead of 'she wants to be a man, in the most old-fashion, chauvinistic place she could find and that's it', and it makes it seem like she's just asking for trouble. I went to a 4000+ kid texas high school, and there was no being openly gay or in a mixed race relationship without extreme ridicule or even violence. But we all can understand why people do feel that way, 'love'. But being an overly butch little woman who wants to be a man and to be accepted as one by other men(which was more the point of the movie, much more than her wanting to be with a woman as a man), fine, but why? the movie was poor.

I don't understand how it was an oscar winner.
Do you really watch them for being 'good movies' or Monica Belluci

well the husband has a huge thing for her so we rented them..... i thought they were decent movies or at least they didn't make me fall asleep :p .
I do think she's hot though :).
i walked out of Napolean Dynamite!!. i still hear that it is funny, but i don't want to watch it again..i only made it through about 20 minutes of it!

I am from southern Idaho and have spent plenty of time in Preston (where the movie was based). It is just scary how real that movie was. They really are stuck in time about 20 years ago.
All my friends think it is the best movie ever but I hated it.

Im surprised no one has mentioned it yet! Movie of the year! Brokeback mountain :lol:

I don't mean to offend anyone but was it really that good of a movie? I wouldn't watch it but everyone I know that saw/ had to see it didn't think it was anything special.
hmm brokeback mountain
it's a good movie but a little bit long.
It's sad that the 2 guys had to hide what they felt for each other because of the time.
Brenden will be offended....he loves that movie!!!

i know, you shouldn't say those things about that movie or he'll get mad and then he'll show you pictures that you don't wanna see :shock: :lol: :lol:
I don't mean to offend anyone but was it really that good of a movie? I wouldn't watch it but everyone I know that saw/ had to see it didn't think it was anything special.

Didn't see it either...I took everyones word for it and summary and just left it like that. :)
hmm that's funny Krish because you told me you saw it 5 times :shock: :D .

now another good movie is

Shintler's list ( sorry if i spelt it wrong :p)
ohh yeah and very scary

the freaking ring .....that movie gives me the spooks.
the exorsist.......same very creepy.
How about favorite bad/stupid movie?

Pootie Tang
Evil Alien Conquerers
Shaolin Soccer
Kung Fu Hustle
Krish was scared to write this, so i told him i would write it.........Peewee's Big Adventure!!!!!!!! actually, they almost cast Krish for the part instead of Peewee Herman!!!:D :D :D