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Blue Sierra Customer Survey Thread

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2004
Attn All RF Members

I am requesting your help in taking the time to fill out a small survey to help improve Blue Sierra. We have gone through TONS of changes over the past year, just like the industry has. Due to these changes in the industry, not to mention the uncertainty of the economy, many LFS over the past few years have been forced to change or just close down all together. That is not good for anyone. This leaves hobbyist with limited options and have forced many people out of the hobby all together due to limited local resources. With your suggestion, it can help Blue Sierra make necessary changes to provide better products, better service, and outstanding promotions for a long time to come. I think there are many little things that can be done to help continue to grow our business in the future.

Please take a few minutes to take this survey and please add comments.

Here is the link:
Survey : Questions

After you finish, PRINT off the conformation, BRING it in to Blue Sierra to get 25% OFF ANYTHING. MUST BE USED AT ISSAQUAH BLUE SIERRA ONLY!

Thanks for your continued support over the years and into the future!

Jonas Sternberg
Not really looking to fill out a survey, but thought I'd share my unfortunately negative feedback. I needed an RO/DI unit QUICKLY. Contacted your Renton store (which is the one I am closest too) and was told they had one in stock. Good news right? Not really since they couldn't find the price and no one seemed to be able to come up with one. Was told I would get a callback within the hour and didn't hear back. When I called back the kid on the other end of the line was snotty and said he couldn't really help me- they couldn't sell me the unit until they figured out the pricing which they weren't able to do. No manager was available.

When I have Barrier Reef with a bunch of nice helpful people and Rob at Red C equally helpful I'm disinclined to deal with that sort of hassle. I wasn't looking for advice or anything special, just a straight up purchase. Bummer for everyone. :-(
Had a very similar experience regarding T5 lighting at the renton store. I'll stick to BRA.
keep up the good work,guy,,i had been shopping at blue seirra for 10 years ,,they always had the great gyms ,,this is the sample that i found at blue seiira in Issaquah




just have to keep on looking,,gotta be at the right place and the right time
Just wanted to say I have always felt like I got a great deal on equipment at Blue Sierra in Renton and in Issaquah. I purchased my wife's skimmer and a few different pumps there and every time I called I talked with Jonas. Jonas made me feel like I was getting a great price especially from a local store. So between the service and price/availability of equipment makes me feel like my 100 mile round trip is worth it.

Maybe I just had a bad experience...I'll check them out again when I get home....You know since Dang went and all.
I filled out the survey, I cannot comment on the Renton store, but I will have to check it out now that I know there is one :p
As for the Issaquah store, they could keep tanks cleaner looking but still far better than some LFS's I have visited that carry SW livestock.
I goto BR allot more because they are closer to me and No one in the area has cleaner tanks that I have seen, but I still see Blue Sierra as a good and valued option when I can make the trip.

On a side note. they were the only LFS in the area that was able to help me with a new top ring for my 75g bowfront tank I was rebuilding.
They helped me threw closing while wading threw the calls to find what exactly I needed and got one special ordered for me.

I am glad to call my self a Blue Sierra customer.
I think everyone is hitting it right on the nose. BR is hard to beat in the LFS arena these days. Most customers are drawn to BR for the following reasons (IMO) and I feel that any LFS should follow these simple ideas to make a profit these days. These are not in any particular order.

If any LFS would like to sit down and brain storm all these I would be more than happy to assist with marketing and general store apperance.

Good store lighting
Clean store (inside and out) with a nicely laid out floor plan, staff is clean dressed and well groomed.
Clean tanks (a must)
Good aquarium lighting on all tanks, not just coral tanks. Most customers want to see what those fish will look like with actual good lighting.
Friendly and outgoing staff. (If you are going to hire kids, make sure they understand the inportance of the customer, more customer $$$ = paychecks/raises.)

These are just a few ideas to get started. I for one haven't made the trek into the newer Renton store and last time I was at the Issaquah store it was filthy/ poor customer service. Also those who say Red C being better than Blue Sierra? Not by much at all. That is another story entirely and not for here.
Let's please keep in mind that this is Blue Sierra's Sponsor Forum!

I'd imagine that they haven't read this yet, but would assume that they appreciate the feedback, on customer service. Let's please keep our comments limited to that, if we're going to comment.

Otherwise, this thread was originally opened, to invite us to fill out Blue Sierra's Customer Survey. Please feel free to do so.
I am not sure when the last time you guys have been in Blue Sierra Issaquah store but when I went in there a month ago the store was Alot cleaner then they have been in the past, I think that when they downsized the store a year + ago they where not used to the new smaller space.

I will give them props on what looks like a major push to clean up the whole store.
Let's please keep in mind that this is Blue Sierra's Sponsor Forum!

I'd imagine that they haven't read this yet, but would assume that they appreciate the feedback, on customer service. Let's please keep our comments limited to that, if we're going to comment.

Otherwise, this thread was originally opened, to invite us to fill out Blue Sierra's Customer Survey. Please feel free to do so.

No disrespect meant to Blue Sierra in their own forum by any means. I will try to be more constructive in my post.

This is all based on a limited number of visits to the Renton store. (which is the only reason I brought up BRA due to close relative distance as a customer)

The good I have experienced at the Renton store:

My second "visit" was actually a phone call looking for a specific lighting fixture for a tank i was helping build/ establish for a friend.
The service over the phone was prompt and professional.
The lighting fixture was not available but the sales person did look it up in the system and quoted your suggested retail price.
Also provided the number to your other locations.

My initial visit was not nearly as good

The tank area may have been undergoing cleaning, but seemed somewhat ignored with significant salt creep covering them and healthy algae growth on the tanks. Again the tanks may have been waiting for maintenance or that individual may have been on vacation I don't know.

I then left the livestock area to look for some dry goods I needed. Initially I couldn't find what I was looking for so I went to find an associate. The only one I could locate was the cashier who was swamped assisting other people. After waiting and looking for someone else for about 7-10 minutes I decided to just leave.

I do plan on going back because I have heard really good things about the issaquah store and hope that the Renton store become as nice and enjoyable to visit.

I will be back because I don't believe in judging any LFS by only a one or two time visit. Heck I even gave the hole AP several attempts....

I hope this was constructive and not overly critical.
I meant no disrespect either, but the way I read the original post is that they were looking for feedback in order to improve. I think its important and good for companies to continually seek feedback from the customers, as its the customers that ultimately make or break the business. I think its great that they are looking to improve and would also give them another shot if they addressed those issues.
I think everyone is hitting it right on the nose. BR is hard to beat in the LFS arena these days. Most customers are drawn to BR for the following reasons (IMO) and I feel that any LFS should follow these simple ideas to make a profit these days. These are not in any particular order.

If any LFS would like to sit down and brain storm all these I would be more than happy to assist with marketing and general store apperance.

Good store lighting
Clean store (inside and out) with a nicely laid out floor plan, staff is clean dressed and well groomed.
Clean tanks (a must)
Good aquarium lighting on all tanks, not just coral tanks. Most customers want to see what those fish will look like with actual good lighting.
Friendly and outgoing staff. (If you are going to hire kids, make sure they understand the inportance of the customer, more customer $$$ = paychecks/raises.)

These are just a few ideas to get started. I for one haven't made the trek into the newer Renton store and last time I was at the Issaquah store it was filthy/ poor customer service. Also those who say Red C being better than Blue Sierra? Not by much at all. That is another story entirely and not for here.

That's RIGHT ON THE NOISE!!! Great point spllbnd2
I too feel that Blue Sierra opened the door here for constructive criticism. Not meaning to step on toes but they did ask for people to take the survey and leave comments too. Both of which I have done.

If a business does not like the criticism being received by its customers, then maybe that business be it a LFS or a major chain store needs to look at what they need to do in order to better themselves in the market. If people complain about the store being messy, make sure to put more effort to keep the store clean (just one example).

Again I do apologize if I make it sound as if I am being overly criticizing. I understand what it takes to run a business myself as well as running store operations at a few different places both before, during and after college. I hope that the owner(s) take all the criticism (good, bad and ugly) to heart and grow to be a better store from the comments left.
