BOB Moore 2011 News.

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But you gotta pay a PSAS Due to be apart of a "club" where you don't really get anything but access to a frag swap. If this were free SOOOO many more people would be willing to come and enjoy fellow hobbyists. But with this hobby being so expensive I'm not about to pay dues so I can go to a meeting once a year.

Thats fine, you can keep your money. There are enough people as it is that come to the Bob Moore to make this event worth the everyones time and effort.

Please keep in mind, everyone else that attends the Bob Moore frag swap are also in this hobby that is so expensive. Usually the reward for being a club member and attending MORE THAN one meeting a year is worth the 30 bucks, didn't anyone mention the local store discounts you get with the club membership and how the PSAS dues cover more then the Bob Moore.

Wanna see a Bob Moore coral thats gonna fragged up, and dished out to members who have payed there dues??


sorry for the cell phone pic but its all I have, just tilt your head...
I think Ferrari's should be free then everyone could have one...Oh crap, sorry, wrong board. Asshat
Do people even remember why the PSAS has this frag swap every year? His name is in the title but yet it's all about the $$$ these days and what frags are going to be there and well you get the point.

Bob Moore, from what I understand seemed to always "Pay it Forward " to people that shared in our hobby. We should keep that idea moving ahead. These events are getting crazy and they seem to be more about the $$$ rather than the pay it forward and time to reflect. We should be more in the mindset of trading frags for frags that we don't have or giving the newbie a great deal and maybe even a "Pay it Forward".

And to those who think why should I have to pay a yearly mebership for this one frag swap. Just think of all of those who do pay their dues to be able to attend this great event. And also remeber that this event wouldn't even be here if it weren't for "BOB MOORE"!

Sorry, I'll get off my soapbox.
Do people even remember why the PSAS has this frag swap every year? His name is in the title but yet it's all about the $$$ these days and what frags are going to be there and well you get the point.

Bob Moore, from what I understand seemed to always "Pay it Forward " to people that shared in our hobby. We should keep that idea moving ahead. These events are getting crazy and they seem to be more about the $$$ rather than the pay it forward and time to reflect. We should be more in the mindset of trading frags for frags that we don't have or giving the newbie a great deal and maybe even a "Pay it Forward".

And to those who think why should I have to pay a yearly mebership for this one frag swap. Just think of all of those who do pay their dues to be able to attend this great event. And also remeber that this event wouldn't even be here if it weren't for "BOB MOORE"!

Sorry, I'll get off my soapbox.

you stay on your soapbox all you like alex, well said.

FWIW the BOD still very much has the focus on the pay it forward aspect of this frag swap. hence the large amount of $ the club will be spending this year for corals to give to members. in addition to getting not 2 but 3 supporting vendors to setup booths at the swap for members to enjoy!
Last year I brought a tank with a few things that I wanted to TRADE but nobody wanted to trade anything or brought anything to trade, they just wanted good deals and I gave them. The only person that I ended up trading with was Todd from Cherry Corals. I tried to Trade really I did and I was more than happy to trade but it is really hard to trade with yourself.

So I guess what I am saying is don't be hard on the people that try to trade and get absolutly nowhere with it.

So who wants to TRADE at this fragswap?
@Eddie, Wow. "Gimme something for nothing"? "I want what you have, but I don't want to be part of your club."
I hope I read your post in a negative way and you will correct my mistake.
I'd like to say that last year was my first year keeping coral. My son and I went to the frag swap not really understanding what it was about, but heard it was a good place to meet other club members.
Boy I'll say! We wandered around looking at all the cool stuff, took pictures, and asked a ton of dumb questions. Everyone was so nice, and took the time to answer our questions and point us in the right direction.
Thanks to THE CLUB in general and Adam in particular, we left with a cooler full of corals that have since been fragged and given to other newbies in the northend.
I have yet to charge for any coral though I have traded a time or two. I have provided literally dozens of frags to new tanks.
I hope that those corals will be fragged again and again by their new keepers, providing tons of enjoyment to still more new reefkeepers.
This frag swap seems to be a great example of the Bob More ethos, at least that's how it affected me and those around me.
I received corals that were worth far more than $30, and meeting new people that have become friends has a worth far beyond dollars.
Don't come to the frag swap because you can get some great coral, come so you can meet some great people.

So I guess what I am saying is don't be hard on the people that try to trade and get absolutly nowhere with it.

Sorry if it felt that I was stepping on toes. I thank you and anyone else who "Pays it forward" and offers to trade corals. Trading corals will help in saving our earths oceans reefs for generations to come.
Thanks ALEX and others on here..
YES the coral pics posted on here by PSAS BOD are all GIVE AWAYS NOT FOR SALE.

We are trying to spread the good nature of fragging and trading by holding a HUGE meeting with lots of people and corals for info and friendship and stuff..
The more the merrier.
BUT what we wont have (like last year) is a handful of people getting in the door without being members to enjoy all the work we put into this meeting..
If you don't want to join PSAS and reap the benefits of 10% off at most stores , along with entrance into all PSAS meeting that's your choice

YES this meeting is for PSAS members to have a FRAG SWAP.
BE IT, buy, sell, or trade.. What ever you like. They are your corals.

PSAS will be giving away corals to all members in memory of BOB MOORE. and how generous he was.Thats the bottom line!!

BUT those who wish to join us on FEB 19th are free to bring corals of there own and buy, sell, trade your stuff too.
YOU WILL NOT get to set up a tank there if you are not a PSAS member. (yes you can sign up at the door,.)
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Thanks ALEX and others on here..
YES the coral pics posted on here by PSAS BOD are all GIVE AWAYS NOT FOR SALE.

We are trying to spread the good nature of fragging and trading by holding a HUGE meeting with lots of people and corals for info and friendship and stuff..
The more the merrier.
BUT what we wont have (like last year) is a handful of people getting in the door without being members to enjoy all the work we put into this meeting..
If you don't want to join PSAS and reap the benefits of 10% off at most stores , along with entrance into all PSAS meeting that's your choice

YES this meeting is for PSAS members to have a FRAG SWAP.
BE IT, buy, sell, or trade.. What ever you like. They are your corals.

PSAS will be giving away corals to all members in memory of BOB MOORE. and how generous he was.Thats the bottom line!!

BUT those who wish to join us on FEB 19th are free to bring corals of there own and buy, sell, trade your stuff too.
YOU WILL NOT get to set up a tank there if you are not a PSAS member. (yes you can sign up at the door,.)

Well said. I personally can't understand the 'I want all the benefits of the club, but don't want to support the club' attitude.

My son and I attended our first PSAS meeting (a frag swap at Duane's house) before we were members. We wanted to check out the people and get a feeling for the club. Once I had time in my life to participate, I joined. I'm met some great people through the club.

I can't wait!!!!!
I'll second that!
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Has n1 mentioned the great workshops that have been hosted and the great venues we have gotten access to? The Shark Workshop? Aquariums? I have to figure if i had to pay for what I have "gotten" it is probably worth $3-400 per year. I have gone to all the meetings but one since i joined last year. I met people who helped me with problems - free. Great frags - free. Educational seminars - free. Food - Free. Met 10 to 15 people i know that and call with questions - Free. Raffle items - free. Discounts at stores and it goes on and on. Maybe $30 is to low. Thanks again to those that do the hard work.
I would pay twice as much for my membership card if asked! The benefits far outweigh the cost, in fact I try to buy a generous amount of raffle tickets at each event in order to further support the club.

The Bob Moore frag swap is not about trying to bring more people in, it is about remembering a generous man and his pay it forward philosophy.

I never had an opportunity to meet Bob Moore, so I have no stories of my own to tell but here is one Paul (Fragman) shared a few years ago.

"I remember my first PSAS meeting. About 8 or 9 years ago, When I was new and struggling with this reef keeping hobby I attended my first PSAS meeting. It was at some guys house in Newcastle that I could barely even find. I didn't know anyone, I just showed up because I had seen a flyer at the LFS. The club had no internet presence at all and there was certainly no Reef Frontiers forum promoting events. I met about 15 people at that meeting. Four or five of us were "newbies" like me attending a PSAS meeting for the first or second time. (Chuck Fiterman, Paul Merkling, and Jon from Bellingham to name a few). We gathered around the host's tank and admired his system and all of the wonderful marine life that it supported. We enjoyed some snaks and a few beverages and shared Reef Keeping ideas. A few other members brought some corals that had out grown their tanks at home or that they simply wanted to share with their buddies. When our host found out that several of us were starting from scratch with basically new tanks and hardly any corals, he dug into his tank and pulled out a couple of large colonies. He busted them up into what he called frags (really medium sized colonies) so that each of us left with several new corals. The feeling that I came away with that night was incredible, but it probably wasn't as incredible as the feeling that our host enjoyed. Our host that night was Bob Moore. "
time for me to pay again i cant miss thei one was great last year and cherry corals and reef koi too nice who else ?

where is this year same place ?
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