Box Jellyfish...Most venomous!

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Oct 22, 2004
Nassau, Bahamas
I don't know if anyone has ever seen or heard about one, but they had a special on the Discovery channel last night on the Box Jelly fish. This jelly fish is said to be the most venomous creature in the ocean and possibly in the world. They can grow up to the size of a basketball and have tenticles as long as 3 meters with 5,000 stinging cells. They are found around Australia's Great Barrier Reef and are said to be number 1 cause of death to any other creature in Australia including Great White sharks. They say that if you do not get medical treatment within 2 minutes of being stung you will 99% of the time die...Point blank! The venom goes straight to the heart and also the pain is so excruciating that you will usually drown from shock before reaching the shore! They have to put up special nets to protect swimmers in certain areas otherwise swimming is prohibited at certain times of the year when they are in abundance when the water warms up. You also can't out swim them for they swim by jet like propulsion at 4 knotts. I've personnally been stung for the first time this summer by a few baby portuguese man-o-war's ( probably about 4-5 inches in diameter) and had to go to the doctor for an injection. It felt like I had been electrocuted when stung and had muscle spasms and cramping for about 10hrs afterward and the Box jelly fish is said to be 500 times more venomous and painful! Here are a few pictures of what one looks like and what they can do. I wanted to go one day and see the Great Barrier Reef in person, but I think I will settle seeing it on tv now and I'm quite fine swimming around our own reefs here!

So Australia has the deadliest Jellyfish, 9 of the 10 most poisonous snakes, deadliest spider (funnel web), don't blue ring octopi come from around there too? Not to mention the crocodiles and the great whites? If I lived there I would never leave the house!
And the only venomous mammal in the world, anybody know that is?
komodo? dont know if it is considered venomous or not, but darn deadly.....
know that i think about it don't they come from another island :?
I was watching that a couple days ago Just after they had Posionious Ants on there...

they actually had a Jellyfish If you kept watching that was very very tiny that packed more of a punch that the box Jelly... I cant remember what It was but its closely related... They put up Nets in the Swimming Area and people were still getting stung... They actually caught one and have been doing testing on it...

I had the same thoughts... "well I think I will just visit another Area... instead of there"

Yeah, I saw the little fellow James. It is the cousin of the Box Fish, but they only gave the scientific name. The said it was responsible for a lot of deaths and patients in the hospitals and they couldn't figure out what was causing it.
Actually, Komodo's aren't poisonous per say. There Saliva is deadly because. It eats rotting flesh, dead animals that have been decaying a long time. Killed by other preditors. The Saliva contains a huge amount of deadly bacteria, not poisons.
Make sure you watch the Killer Ant show... 1 ant bite from an Ant (dont remember which) but you have about 4mins to get the Adreneline shot otherwise your dead in 7mins... they also had another Species that Is known to eat the flesh right off a human in 1 night... Ouch... that was some Creepy $@#$ as well...

Things than make ya go Hmmmmmmm.. LOL

LOL...To many things out there to kill you! You got enough problems worrying about these crazy terrorists and now you got to worry about bugs!(LOL).
lol !!
those are some nice pictures dood.
one time my uncle got stung by a jellyfish, we were in Acapulco in some sort of nice quiet beach and so he came up quick and told us to get out of the water because there were jellyfishes in there.
they were kind of blueshish color and kind of small.
The jellyfish was stuck into my uncle's leg, so he pretty much had to kind of cut because it was burning the #$%^^% out of him, his whole leg was numbed and very red after that, so we had to go to the doctor right away.
I was diving on a few wrecks in Newfoundland 13 years ago. We were decending in I think. 30 feet of water to the highest point of the wreck. The jellyfish were as thick, if not thicker that that scene in Finding Nemo. Was an awsome sight. Cool wrecks too! They were beached Whalers. and the first one you can see and look at from the shore.
This one time, at band camp, I stu....LOL!!! We've got a few jellyfish around here that you can swim through and they don't sting or anything. I usually call them jelly beans because they don't sting(LOL). Sea lice is a mukker though!
Well in Canadian waters you need a dry suit to dive.....Oh yea...Thats a device that keeps you warm while scuba diving in water thats less than 50 degrees. LOL

(well you don't need a dry suit. but it beats warming up te water in a wet suit. hehe)
I need one of them here around November. I don't go in the water here from November until about April. 70 degree water is too cold for me!