Brie's 34gal Solana

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Apr 27, 2007
Renton, Wa
So I finally got this puppy all set up... I've been super excited about getting this tank, and plan on having mostly SPS in it.

Light - Current 250w Sundial pendant w/ 2 - 32w Dual Actinic PCs, hung with the Current hanging arm kit.

Going to add a chiller ASAP as well.

38lbs of Fiji/Tokani liverock with a few Tonga branch pieces, Carib-sea Hawaiian Black livesand.

Using all Brightwell products right now. Gotta say, its pretty potent stuff. With using 1/2cup of Neomarine salt per gallon of RO water, I got a salinty of 1.025, Ca of 460 and Mg of 1350. I'm using Microbacter and Biofuel as well.

Aannndddd so far, thats it. LOL. I just got an ORA Yellow Assessor today from the shop as the first fish, which is currently sitting in my older 10gal nano to quarentine/wait for the cycle to finish in the Solana. I plan on adding a Chalk bass and a Cryptic Wrasse in the future as well...

I'll be updating this thread as stuff progesses. :)

Here's a quick shot of it tonight before the lights went out. Rock looks kinda ugly from this angle, I arranged it so that there's a deep cave to house my sun coral and other non photosynthetics, as well as give the fish a place to hide from the light.

I think the rock work actually looks pretty cool. Good start so far and looks nice. Are you using the single K for flow in the tank?
I think the rock work actually looks pretty cool. Good start so far and looks nice. Are you using the single K for flow in the tank?

Thanks. :)

Yeah, its all I have ATM, snagged the K nano from my 10gal. It has dual locline output, but not sure what the turnover rate is from that pump, haven't looked it up yet. Going to buy a couple of the new Korelia Evos when we get em in at the shop, so holding out on buying anything til then. That korelia nano isn't going to be all, don't worry. ;)
Brie, I really like the contrast of the gravel and rocks... What type of gravel is it? How do you like the PC actinics? I have a 250 watt Sunpod on my Solana and still trying to figure out best to get more purple/blue pop.
Nice looking set up Brie. Can't wait to see the corals you put into it.

Ok all, here's pics taken today with the coral just added to the tank. Been waiting to fix an overheating problem. That 250w is HOT. Wish I could raise it a little higher from the tank, but its as high as those hanging arms can make it.

Anyhow, from the frag swap... From Cherry Corals I picked up a nice orange/pink/white Acan frag, a double headed aussie red/purple dendro, a frag of Red Poppy zoos, and a frag of Blue Thunder deepwater zoos(not doing so hot though, so no pics)... From the free raffle I grabbed one of Mightymouse's Superman monti frags, A Heliopora frag, and some awesome gold zoos.

Onward to the new pics...

Full tank shot. Tank is still a tad hazy at this point... Causing a bit of light halo in the pics.

Closer views


Tank bottom.. My zoos look so much better and happier in this tank. lol.

The acan I picked up from Cherry Corals, my Green duncan, and some Lunar Eclipse Palys.

Pardon the aptasia, didn't notice it til I started taking pics. :p Time to go a-killin'. Anyway, Ked's Redd(ish) zoos, some green whatever zoos, And the gold zoos I got in the raffle at the frag swap. :) Oh and my red blastos and green striped blastos.

Some more Lunar Eclipse, along with some weird red skirt, blue zoos.


Red Poppies from CC.

The gold zoos from the raffle.
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The nice red and purple aussie blasto from CC



The Superman Monti from the raffle

Tyree Undata

Green duncan, still looking a bit limp from moving to this tank(only been bout 30mins at the time of the pic). It looks badass when fully happy.

Purple rhodactis that Bricky was so kind to give me from his colony. These guys get almost the size of my hand(given I have little girly hands).

Acan again


Kedd's Reddish zoos again
Green leather-ish thing. Totally spacing the name right now. Can sort of see my sun coral colony in the back.



RPEs and some Ponape Birdsnest

RPE macro

And a couple more red blasto pics...


Lunar Eclipse macro

AAAnnnnddd I think thats it for now. :D
what were the settinngs on the macro of the Acan..
that is SUPER clear..

Define "settings". I was using custom whitebalance plus further tweaking with the custom color adjustment, contrast bumped up a notch and saturation bumped up two notches. Was also using a tripod this time... Plus I finish up photos in photoshop to give it the final spit polish. Resize, sharpen, remove noise, adjust contrast and/or exposure, fix color if it needs it, etc.
What kind of filtration are you using on the tank? Is there a refugium in the back and how big is it? Getting a 37 gallon tank and not sure whether or not to add a refugium to the back or under the tank in the stand. I haven't ever had a small tank and not sure what is the best way to filter a smaller tank. Thanks for any help?
What kind of filtration are you using on the tank? Is there a refugium in the back and how big is it? Getting a 37 gallon tank and not sure whether or not to add a refugium to the back or under the tank in the stand. I haven't ever had a small tank and not sure what is the best way to filter a smaller tank. Thanks for any help?

It's an AIO(all in one). Has a built in protien skimmer chamber, media chamber, and top off chamber. No refugium although i'm thinking of turning the middle media chamber into one with some added LED lighting from the outside.

This is what this tank has in back.