Bryopsis cures?

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Jul 25, 2007
I have some bryopsis that grows on the combs of my overflow in my tank. I have heard that using Kent Tech magnesium at high levels, 1600+ ppm kills the bryopsis. anyone have sucess with this method? Any other methods out there to kill it off or at least keep in well under control?
It has worked perfectly for us twice. Once in the QT and once in the main DT. You will have to be a little careful of corals bleaching though but it does work. We held our levels at 1700 for 1 week and all the Bryopsis dies.
I used the Kent Tech M method, on 3 tanks, with 100% success. That was about 3 months ago. So far, no signs of Bryopsis. I will warn you that you'll notice some corals bleaching out. I saw bleaching, primarily in my Zoanthids, Turbinaria reinformis and 1 Pocillopora. The color will return though, but it will take awhile. Another advantage that I noticed; I had some stubborn turf algae that was also wiped out.

Another method, that's supposed to work quite well, IF you can remove the rock/corals from your aquarium, is to dip them in a CoralRx bath, for about 15 minutes. I did this, on a couple of frags, prior to using the Tech M. It took 3 baths, but it did kill the Bryopsis.
I'll have to give that a try in my tanks. I have some bryopsis but more gha I want to get rid of. I'm leaving the lights off for 2 days and will see it that helps too.
I have used Tech M successfully however the bigger question is to find out the root cause of the problem. If not, then there is a good chance it may return.

In my situation, my problem was not using my closed loops as much as I should (which was causing detrius to settle in the tank instead of being pushed to the overflow so the skimmer could do its job) and skimmer was not adjusted properly.

This was 3yrs ago and I have not seen any algae in my tank. Instead I have a ton of purple coralline algae.

My point is, don't think Tech M will be a panacea for you.

bryopsis can be a bear to remove. I also have done a similar treatment, not with the product youare refering to but by raising the mg levels. The main thing you want to make sure is that you raise and lower them slowly over a period of time and not do it to quickly.

Another way I've heard about to do it more localized, since it is only on your overflow box, is to get an IV drip bag and fill it with saltwater and high mg, then put the drip hose right where the briopsis is. Then let it drip high Mg right onto the bryopsis. Not sure if this would be easier or not, but thought I'd mention it.

This is how apollothesun treated his. I have his drip setup for this. If you are near the seattle central district, I'd be happy to lend it to you. PM me if interested.
It is my understanding that it is not the high level of Mg that kills the Bryopsis, but some additive that is present in Tech M. My current Mg levels are about 1450 using a two part solution from Bulk Reef Supply. I assume I can just stop dosing my two part, maybe do a water change and start dosing Tech M and raise the Mg level to 1600 until the Bryopsis is gone? After the Tech M 'treatment', then I assume I can do a few water changes and switch back to dosing two part?
Thats my understanding. I've read that it is some impurity or something in the Kent Tech M that does it, and that they haven't actually been able to figure out what it is (although kent has tried to figure it out.)

In which case, you might need to lower your mg then dose tech M? Not sure. If it is an impurity in the Tech M, it would make sense that you will have to add a certain amount of it (ie, raise your tank from 1300 to 1650 or whatever using the tech M.), maybe raising from 1450 to 1600 isn't going to be enough of the Tech M impurity to have any effect, if that makes sense.

Anyway, I've never really done this. Just read threads here and have talked to a buddy who did it in his tank
I've read that raising the mg level with just epsom salt works also.

Many have tried to use products other than Tech M and for the most part, have failed. It is specificly something in the Tech M that kills the bryopsis.
Well I guess I better get some Tech M on order, thanks for the comments! I will post some before and after pictures when all said and done...
Many have tried to use products other than Tech M and for the most part, have failed. It is specificly something in the Tech M that kills the bryopsis.

After reading over fifty pages at RC some did have luck with epsom salt alone. here is part of a post near the last pages. Quote
Bryopsis Thread Summary

Here's an attempt to summarize the findings in this thread for those who don't have time to read all 50+ pages. This is meant as a reference for those who are battling bryopsis and want a summary of what's been working for others. The main observation is that bryopsis can be effectively killed using magnesium supplementation with Kent Tech-M, Epsom salt, or certain other magnesium supplements. Many thanks to TWallace, jdieck, redfishsc, and everyone else for contributing so much to this thread. It's been a lifesaver for me and my tank.

Effective Ingredient

(1) Magnesium -- The thread started with TWallace's posting that elevated magnesium levels were effective in killing bryopsis. He noted his own success with using Kent Tech-M to elevate magnesium levels from NSW levels (~1300 ppm) to nearly 1700 ppm. However, subsequently many have questioned whether it is the magnesium that's responsible for killing the bryopsis. Several people chronicled attempts to dose magnesium through MagFlake (Magnesium Chloride/MgCl2), which did not result in the bryopsis dying, even at Mg levels in excess of 1800 ppm (however, at least a couple of people have reported success dosing magnesium with MgCl2). Rightly or wrongly, a clear majority of posters seem to believe that magnesium by itself is not getting results, but that Tech-M should be used in preference to other magnesium supplements. However, others have also noted success with Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulphate/MgSO4) and certain other commercial Mg supplements. Also note that Tech-M itself apparently is made using both MgCl2 and MgSO4.
I saw many of those threads at RC and the over all majority of the posters agreed that it was Tech M with it's impurity in it that really did the work.
I am also a Tech M user.
If I had any bryopsis Tech M would be my first choose, It has been shown to work time and time again. I would like to see a control study with Epsom salt though.
GoCousKev would like to see the before and after pictures, Good Luck
I had a severe case of bryopsis in my 375g tank and for most reefers they would have broken down the tank and started over, but I am tenancious, stubborn, competitive, and plain do not like to lose. :)

I tried two part from from BulkReefSupply, MagFlake, and epsom salt with NO success. The only thing that worked was massive amounts of Tech M to a level of 1700 for 2wks. It was after one wk when I saw die off and was able to remove it via water changes.

One other thing that was not mentioned in previous replies is be careful when you remove it from the tank as moving it around too much can cause it to respawn, causing a never ending cycle of bryopsis in the tank. :)
Some reported success with bringing up the Mg level with two part to around 1500 and then useing Tech M from there on. Just woundering how many gallons did you have to use?
I had bryopsis in my 210 along with several other types of algae. I added a blue tang, yellow tang, foxface, and a seahare. I know it has been said many times that nothing eats bryopsis, and I never saw the fish pick at it. It did however go away without any chemicals like Tech M. or manual removal. My guess is that maybe I got lucky and the seahare was eating it. I cannot say for sure, but that was my experience with it.