Bulk head trubble

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I think the overflows are only rated for 600 gph per if I remember correctly so 1200 gph max. Is it noisy in the overflow itself or where the water enters the sump? If in the sump, let me know how you have the input in the sump setup or even a picture. I had bad bubbling/girgling sounds on my sump before and all it took was one small fitting to solve my issue. Let me know though. :)
Thanks Krish, the noise is from the drain box as it surges and makes a loud slurping sound. I also watch the water level in the drain box rise and drop at randome, sometimes it stays constant but only for a few seconds.
Still sounds like it is gasping for air.

I agree...Or even that it wasn't primed properly (although I'm not sure what is involved with priming these tanks). I know with one of my old prefilters/overflow boxes I use to use (the kind you'd use an air line tubing to help prime it) if air was trapped in the line and it wasn't primed properly, pretty much the same thing would happen until it was primed properly. Anyways, I guess someone more familiar with the reef ready tanks will be able to sort you out.

Good luck man! Probably something really simple. :)