Ca reactors vs. kalk reactors

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Well-known member
Aug 5, 2003
My darn Ca reactor just isn't keeping up with my 260g tank's needs. I'm augmenting with homemade 2-part additive, around 150ml (each) per day. Altogether, it's costing around $40/mo to keep my Ca levels up in the 440 range.

I'm wondering whether a kalk reactor wouldn't be a better solution to the tank's needs? What do you think?

Darn corals are growing like weeds!
With that sized tank, and depending upon the calcium demands of your corals(which sounds high based upon your post), neither a Ca reactor nor a kalk reactor will keep up by themselves. You may want to consider both a Ca and kalk reactor. You've already got the Ca reactor, so you'd only have the additional expense of a kalk reactor which you're already considering. An added benefit of both reactors is that the higher pH of the Kalk effluent will ballance out the lower pH of the Ca reactor. The downsize is that you'd need to have the space to keep both reactors.
sounds like you need a bigger Ca reactor - an appropriately sized calcium reactor should be able to manage 260 gal tank on its own. If you didn't want to upsize the calc reactor, then dripping kalk would be a viable alternative to dosing a 2 part additive.
Welcome to my world TG. best bet is to run both. Dose kalk and use the calcium reactor.

Thanks, ml, fish, bc & Mikey

Appreciate the good info, all.

Mikey, lol, not quite in your world, but feel like I'm getting a taste of it.

Is a kalk reactor much better /easier /more automatic than dripping kalk?

I don't know much about kalk reactors, since I've never had one - but dripping kalk is a nuisance because nozzles clog and you gotta remember to start the drip every night, & mix the kalk in advance, so human error is a problem.

I know my Ca reactor is too small for the tank's present needs, yeesh, I'm running 4 bbls/sec into it and changing (ARM) media about every 6 weeks. Luckily, tank ph is high, 8.2 even with all that CO2 running thru it. But, the tank can easily lose 20ppm of Ca & equiv. alk in one day (so I have to test every day, too).

Do you think a bigger Ca reactor would be a better bet than adding a kalk reactor? Thanks again, all.

Fisherman, I'll pm you for info and price on your Deltec.
Personally I wouldnt pay for a kalk reactor but my situation might be different. I mix my kalk in a big drum and then feed it to the tank at a rate of 10 gallons a day. you could go with a larger calcium reactor but your only going to get some much more out of it before it becomes not enough and you would hae to keep an eye on the ph more to. The kalk might help you offset the co2. If it were me I would go kalk and use a metered pump. with that you could pump the kalk from up to 15 feet away.

Thanks, Mikey!! If I go to Marine Depot and look under dosing meters will I get to the right place? Can you show me a pic of your holding drum? Is any brand dosing meter fine?