Calcium Reactor not recommended for under 100gallons?

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Feb 5, 2008
I've had some coral problems, posted here about them and people have given me ideas on maybe whats going on. I tested my water, but decided to take a jar of it down to my LFS to have them confirm my results.

Make a long story short, the LFS (a reputable one at that) guy recommended that I do NOT start up my Calcium Reactor on my tank and that it will only cause roller coaster fluctuations and my future corals won't like it. His reasoning - my 50gallon corner and 25 gal refugium don't provide enough gallonage to stabilize a Calcium Reactor. They have them on their systems, but the smallest one is 200+ gallons. He instead, recommended A+B 2 part Alk/Ca additives. His opinion matches my fear of fluctuating pH once I hook up the Ca Reactor.

Anybody got conflicting opinions? If so, do you have a Ca Rx on a small tank and further - have you had signif pH fluctuations?

Would value any of your input.

I've seen lots of people running one on their 55g's and whatnot, all smaller than 100G. As long as you have a decent type Ca reactor and dial it in correctly, you'll be fine.
Agreed there is no reason to not to run a reactor unless you have very little calcium and alk demand. If your demand is very small then it may be difficult to adjust the reactor down low enough.

Sorry TKMAK for hijacking your post but I was also wondering if I need a calcium reactor. I have a 75 gal with mostly softies and 1 clam and a small frag of acro. Is it necessary or even needed in my current setup. Once again Sorry for the butting in on this post.
Sorry TKMAK for hijacking your post but I was also wondering if I need a calcium reactor. I have a 75 gal with mostly softies and 1 clam and a small frag of acro. Is it necessary or even needed in my current setup. Once again Sorry for the butting in on this post.

Most likely no but to be for sure you can measure your daily ca and alk consumption. They are not necessary / mandatory for any tank but do make life easier.

sounds like your lfs wants to sell you 2-part :) good thing about the reactor is that you buy it once... refill the media and co2 every so often and you're done... not much there for an lfs to make money on ;)
Here to being the other voice. I agree with the local fish store.

I had a 75 gallon, and added the Ca reactor to it three times and took it off three times for the fluctuating pH. After a slight upgrading to 90 gallon I placed the Ca Reactor back on. Wala it works now.

What did I change; which was substantial. Change in volume (15 Gal), Added a dosing pump instead of a steady drip, and a pH probe to the reactor (pH 6.3 to 6.5). My Calcium reactor is a modified Fluval 404, with a Nalgene bottle for a secondary reactor. The CO2 and dosing pump is controlled by a Neptune Jr.

If you are going to be placing the Ca reactor on a smaller tank then I think the minimum is a dosing pump, and a secondary reactor.

Another observation an open top secondary reactor works much different than a closed top. My guess is that it keeps the CO2 from out diffusing. With the open top (a cup with media) I got more stalactites than Calcium.
Well mcneilwh lots of people run <100 gal tanks with no issue and some down to 30 gal. So, you or the LFS are doing something wrong or the damand is to low, is all I can say. Jim from thefilterguys runs 2 - 40 's with Ca reactors.
I currently run a calcium reactor on a 60 gallon. Works great for me. I tried the 2 part stuff but it was just too much work for me. :)
Has anyone used the liquid reactor from Kent. I seen it and read the back. It has all of the essentials including magnesium. I am just reluctant to use it. I would love to have a calcium reactor, however can't afford at this time.