A couple other things to keep in mind:
Stay away from "gray market" lenses. Glass is your most important asset with photography, try not to skimp.
Craigslist/Ebay are great ways to save money, although you are potentially setting yourself up to get ripped, if you do your homework and ask good questions you can usually sniff out those trying to rip people off.
Craigslist is better than Ebay in that most people selling decent cameras will allow the potential user to take shots with the camera and analyze them. This is extremely handy when buying lenses, as you can see just how sharp a lens really is (EVERY lens has the potential to be VERY sharp or terrible, even higher end lenses).
I am definitely a Canon guy too and bought my first two dslr's off ebay, and a couple lenses. The photographer and lens make the photo, don't worry about getting the newest dslr body, focus more on quality lenses. And even filters so many people buy a lens, than can't afford or don't want to spend much to "protect" their lens so they buy a cheapo uv filter to throw on.
Your pictures are only as good as your worst piece of glass
I could go on and on about photography ;-)