Caught my first fish for my tank today!!!

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LOL...Thanks guys. I wish I could keep the 2 Frenchies together, but I've read that you should usually only keep one. I just love them because they tame so easily and are very hardy. The one I added yesterday already follows me when I come up to the tank! I haven't tried to feed him really yet, so I'll see what happens tonight. My friend I caught him for just told me he had sponges that he is afraid the little fellow will eat so either i'll try the 2 out together for a few days or if they seem to fight, I'll just take him back to the beach. Atleast I didn't have to pay for him (LOL)
I bet they will get along since they are juvie and will grow up together. My friend has two huge regal angels in the same tank. They act like buddies.
Ken...There are plenty of fish left whenever you are ready!

Steve, I already took the smallest one back to the water a little while ago. He almost got picked to death by the one I got yesterday. I need to take a video clip of the Frenchie I have now. It is so funny how he follows me around. I'll stand at one end of the tank and he'll run across to me. I'll run to the other side and he'll run back over (LOL) He had my wife laughing! That's a good sign...Maybe I can get a bigger tank soon!
Why not a few more pics. These are of my cousins nano
which the majority of the fish went into this weekend.
He's one of those people who thinks you can add every-
thing in one day(LOL) Big surprise! There are also a few shot's
of where I got my first French angel yesterday. I figured I'd put back
the last one I caught where I took the first one so I took my camera
and snapped a few shots. You see guys, the Bahamas isn't that great!
Look at the water!(LOL)

Last shot of the day I forgot to add. Nothing much,
just a crab hanging out on a rock. Not sure if he was
dead...Didn't need to find out the hard way (LOL)

Just another itshay day in paradise huh Krish? LOL! Great pics of the tank and beach. Post some more.:)
Yeah, I'm going all out next weekend for sure. Probably go to one of the Cays in the boat and get some stuff. It will all depend on if my percs and blue hippo come this week. I wanted to take a few pictures of Atlantis and their amazing fish exhibits, but I was only out for about 1 1/2hrs each day this weekend because I was suffering from one of my stomach episodes :cry: Nothing a little snorkling won't cure though. I hope to take some really cool pictures of the Bahamas. When I do, I may start up another thread in the water fountain like Charlie did and just leave this one for fish in my tank. Thank's for the replies again guys.
Wow just how miserable it must be to live in such a beautiful place, just terrible horrible, when can I move :LOL
Naw really nice I love angels, cool think you can swap out when they get too big and bam you have a new one, that is cool!
Wow just how miserable it must be to live in such a beautiful place, just terrible horrible, when can I move :LOL
Naw really nice I love angels, cool think you can swap out when they get too big and bam you have a new one, that is cool!

No doubt Scooter. I like the fact that if a fish isn't doing so well I can just take him back to where he came from. Another good advantage is you can look around the places they were caught to see what they are use to eating which helps a lot in some cases. Some wild fish of the same species here will only eat certain things. Like I've mentioned before you can only keep butterfly fish from certain parts of Nassau. If you get them from the wrong part (and we are talking about a 21 by 7 island) they will waste away. So it does have it's advantages living here...Not to mention they don't cost you anything(LOL). I think all of you guys should move here. A lot of American's move here to duck US taxes(shhhh...LOL) The gov't here doesn't take a dime out of your pay, but the cost of living is a little more with customs duty etc.

I'm Praying alright

Amen my brother! You can move too if you want Chris (LOL)
Anyone ever seen this fellow before? They are everywhere here.
I threw him back though...And boy can they fly far!!!

Just a little update on my cousins nano which I posted some pictures of. His butterfly fish picked his tube worm to pieces(LOL). Boy does he have a lot to learn. He is one of those people who has to learn the hard way. I guess it is nothing to him because he didn't pay for it and can go out and get more, but if he keeps that up we won't have anything left in the water!
Wow nice Pics Krish!!! I would have been posting sooner. But, its Thanks Giving weekend here in Canada. We were very busy. Well I know what tour guide I am going to call when I go there for Vacation :)