Changing carbon and phosban

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Thanks Don. I guess that what we are... Hobbiest's so they should be close enough for anything we are doing here. I wouldn't even know where to find anything more exact or want to see the price tag that comes with it. :)
they have a cheaper version out now about 50 bucks everyon I know that uses them loves it same concept just less cost and smaller

You have a link???
Don they have a cheaper version out now about 50 bucks everyon I know that uses them loves it same concept just less cost and smaller.

Yes I have one. I just didnt want to recomend it. Everyone I know that has played with one wasnt happy. Mine sucks. The older one has always matched the lab.

No kidding Kirk. $50 compared to $200 sounds way more affordable on our Reef Tank budget... Is there really any such thing as a budget? :D
Maybe we should come out and see/talk to you Don. It sounds like there is a wealth of knowledge there that is close by and we always enjoy meeting fellow reefers.
Maybe we should come out and see/talk to you Don. It sounds like there is a wealth of knowledge there that is close by and we always enjoy meeting fellow reefers.

Don is a great guy who is LOADED with info. Few have more knowlege of reef chemistry basics...

You always have an open invitation to stop by..just give me one day's notice (that is my wife's policy) :) :)

i would say run carbon 24/7 and change it every 7 days...
and for phosphate, you should use GFO, and change it out once a month.
i usually put the GFO in a bag if im running it in the same media filter as GAC,
as the the GAC exausts after a week, and the GFO after about a month.
that way i dont have to chuck the GFO that is still good every time i change the GAC.
Sure --- everyone is right.

I use carbon and phosban --- I feed the fish and food has phosphates !

I use a salt water UGF too ! I grow algae in the sump --- need to feed it.

Okay, change carbon every 60-days or so. It has a lot of surface area and lasts a long time. Now it will get coated with bacteria and acts like a filter making nitrates --- it also has a lot of pores and the anaerobic bacteria will reduce nitrate --- So, it is just like having more live rock --- just not as pretty !

Okay, change carbon every 60-days or so. It has a lot of surface area and lasts a long time. Now it will get coated with bacteria and acts like a filter making nitrates --- it also has a lot of pores and the anaerobic bacteria will reduce nitrate --- So, it is just like having more live rock --- just not as pretty !


so how often should i change it..?
Okay, change carbon every 60-days or so. It has a lot of surface area and lasts a long time. Now it will get coated with bacteria and acts like a filter making nitrates --- it also has a lot of pores and the anaerobic bacteria will reduce nitrate --- So, it is just like having more live rock --- just not as pretty !


No it will not reduce nitrates once it goes bacterial. There is way to much o2 flowing through the carbon. Waiting to long will only cause nitrates so change it more often.

Water does not flow through the carbon --- it does not flow through live rock either !


Your correct on one point that is lr. Carbon in order to be useful and not just use the compacted top surface need to be stirred obviously to bring un used surface area up for use. If its in a bag it gets kneeded and if its in a reactor its partially fluidized. Either way plenty of well oxgenated water run through the carbon thus it will not remove nitrates like LR. I guess if you took carbon and just tossed it in compacted bags and never touched them it may perform some denitrification. Obviously this is not its purpose and defeats the purpose of using it in the first place.
