Class Clown Anenome Care

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Nov 25, 2005
Monroe Wa.
Am I supposed to feed these guy's or just let them fend for themselves ?? I have 2 really nice Rose Bulb's and 1 Pacific ?? (kinda pinkish with purple tips) Before I got this great deal from Ben (Class Clown) I managed to kill 2 small gbta, I would feed them Mysis 1 or 2 times a week with a Turkey baster and both gbta's seemed to like the feedings but eventually they both died. I have have not intentionally fed the 2 Rose bulbs or the Pacific since I bought them nearly 6 months ago. They have gone through hell with hot summer tank temp's and then a move from a 55gl to a 100gl tank about 2 months ago. Should I be actively feeding these guy's or just leave them alone?? The reason I ask is because last night my daughter fed the fish Mysis, there was a big chunk that wasn't thawed and one of the clowns snatched it and took it to the rba to eat but the rba stole it from her, we watched a big lump of shrimp go all the way down the stem of the anenome which was way cool but now I'm wondering if I should be feeding these guy's regularly
Sounds like you answerwed your question with what your daughter did. They will be feed by the clowns bringing food back to eat.
When my RBTA's are small I'll feed them a few times a week. When you feed them in a regular basis they grow and grow. Now I just let my female clown feed the anemone.
You should be fine with feeding them occasionally. I would avoid directly feeding them more than once every two weeks, but if you feed the fish, and the anemone takes the food from the clowns, thats okay too. If this is happening on a regular basis, I would avoid feeding the anemone directly, as there is no need.

Feeding will stimulate growth, and you can a very large anemone in short order by feeding it directly.


I have a CCRBTA (Class Clown Rose Bubble Tip Anemone). I got the RBTA from Ben about 2-3 years ago. I don't do much feeding at all. I do feed my fish, formula I and formula II, and some food does get taken in by the anemone. Under my care, the major problem has been growth without splitting. My first one took up half of my 80 gallon tank.


It got much bigger than this!

It was either get rid of it or force a split. I ended up cutting it in half (while still attached to the rock). This stimulated a split. It did not only split in half, it split in 4 pieces. The pieces all survived. After healing, I sold/traded the three lager ones and kept the smallest one for myself.


Here is one of three that I sold.

A year later that smallest one is getting huge again. I have heard that feeding stimulates splitting? I might have to force a split again or set up a dedicated tank. The tentacles keep reaching further and further out. I keep moving corals further and further away.

I currently keep mine under 250 watt 12k reeflux halides, no direct feeding, no supplements other than weekly water changes. The fun part, I have got some nasty stings from these guys, itchy bumps that take 2 weeks to heal. My clown fish where really friendly until they started hosting an anemone. Now they bite me. Isn't this a fun hobby :)
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I feed mine silversides regularly but that is because I have plenty of room for them to grow and clone.

Just a couple of thoughts on not feeding them.

They do need nutrition so if no one is hosting in them then you would be more responsible for supplying them with food.

If they are hosting a clown then the clown should bring food and spit it into their mouths and also that is where most of the clown "waste" goes.

I quit feeding mine for quite some time and the end result was the clowns volenteered all (and I do mean all) of my cleaner crew (snails and hermits) as lunch. Once they started feeding my hermits and snails to the anemones I was not ever able to stop them. It took them about 4 months to clean out a 110 gal tank of all of my cleaner crew. Feeding them, shells and all, to the anemones. Really made me upset.

.....Most importantly, if they start to loose that deep rich color then by all means feed them. Tan flesh and light orange tentacles and no growth would scare me enough to start regular feedings. They should have a rich color tone.

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Did I hear my name?

CCRBTA - I love it! I feel like I'm almost becoming famous, with my own brand or something. I have to tell my wife about it, she's gonna be so impressed I actually did something with this hobby besides stick my hand in the tank and clean all day long. :D

Mike -my man -- glad the anemone's are still going. I'd love to see some pics. I've had that whole mysis cube thing happen a handful of times before w/ the clown and no i'll effects. There's probably little to worry about, but yeah, probably not something that you want to happens alot. I don't feed my guys at all. like Jason, I'm now at a stage where I want to control size because real estate is limited in my tiny 55 display, so I'm not feeding and really never had too much luck with feeding either. When I first got it, I tried to feed them sally silversides, but it woudl spit it out in like a gross flemmy pouch, kinda like a cat's hairball or something. I think it was purging the silverside's skeletal remains or something, but still, it was gross, so I stopped.

Jason - dude - nice pics and awesome to learn your anemones are still going..........and going, and going, and going. these guys are like my little babies and It's fun to learn that that they are doing well and reproducing. I think I see a Class Clown Bali Green Slimer (CCBGS) and Class Clown Red Monti Cap (CCRMC) in your tank too (ha ha)

Ok, I need to stop, before this whole fame thing is going to me head :D :D :D
Jason - dude - nice pics and awesome to learn your anemones are still going..........and going, and going, and going. these guys are like my little babies and It's fun to learn that that they are doing well and reproducing. I think I see a Class Clown Bali Green Slimer (CCBGS) and Class Clown Red Monti Cap (CCRMC) in your tank too (ha ha)

Nope, got the red Monti Cap from Below the Sea a few years back. It is a 8" plate now. The green slimer came from Below the Sea as well. I lost that green slimer during my multiple tank swap/upgrade/move to Lake Stevens. The CCBGS is a replacement :). I think I count seven colonies of blue zoas in that pic. Wish I still had those.
Thanks for the tips guy's :cool:

Ben, Once I get a better camera I'll put some pics up, your CCRBA's are really hardy and have gone through more than they should have in my tank