Rebirth of the 29 Gallon Bio-Cube

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Sorry guys! I'm in NC through Friday and haven't had internet access in a week. Arg! My mom says everything is fine, but she hasn't seen the jawfish... I REALLY hope he's just hiding. I know he didn't jump somewhere unfortunate since I have a fish guard from inTank and the tank is covered, but he wasn't happy I filled in the back door of his poorly placed hide-out. I'll definitely be taking pics when I get back since I need to show the effects of the Stunner Strip I got for my b-day. I LOVE it! (If anyone is looking to get one, don't get the reflector though. Totally unnecessary and points all the light straight down instead of dispersing it). On a side note, I have a free reflector strip for a 12" stunner strip if anyone wants it! :lol:
i am making a stunner of my own!! building a 12 3watt royal blue actinic light on a 36 inch thin heat sink. when you get back in town lets see a picture update!!!

So, it looks like the Jawfish is definitely MIA and is presumed dead. :rip: :(

A small green bay packers frag I had is MIA (I still have some on the frag rack, and I wasn't that excited about them so I'm not that upset. The hubby liked them though, so I'll probably take some off the rack to glue on the rock)

The birdsnest is HUGE!!!!!!!!! The setosa has also taken off like crazy and the blue tip acro looks VERY happy. All the montis have grown a ton too. Most zoas have at least 1 more head on them and the frag rack is getting pretty crowded (if anyone wants a frag of the mohawks, pm me and I'll hook you up).

There is a little cyano in the tank (nothing like what I've dealt with in past tanks) and it should be a very easy fix. I'm going to remove most of it by hand, and the VERY needed water change should get rid of the rest of it.

There are nerite snail eggs EVERYWHERE and it looks like some have hatched. I don't see any baby snails though.

The sand looks a little dingy and needs a good syphon, but the starfish has been doing a wonderful job!

There are a couple spots of coraline on the back wall and some in the front of the glass at the sand line.

Overall, not too bad considering my mom has trouble keeping houseplants alive. :lol:

I'll post pics after the water change. PROMISE! :)
Pics as promised!!! (Sorry it took so long!!!)

Also, both mandarins are looking a little skinny. :( They eat frozen food, but idk if they aren't getting enough or the right kind, or what. I'm going to the Barrier Reef anniversary sale this weekend and will be picking up some pods (if they still have some). I might end up putting some chaeto in the display (in a container they can't get into) to help with the pod population.


One of the cleaner shrimp has eggs!




Who's got 2 thumbs and is the PSAS Oct Tank of the Month winner? This girl!!! :D

So, I've been battling a little bit of cyano for a couple weeks and decided to just go ahead and chemiclean it before it got out of hand. I did the 20% WC this afternoon and the tank looks FANTASTIC! The mandarins are fattening up a little more since I got better, smaller mysis from Barrier as well as some cyclopeeze that everyone in the tank goes nuts for. I did loose a couple zoa frags on the rack to the cyano (they were multiples and freebies I got so no worries) and the ziggy stardust frag is MIA. It had fallen into a hole in the rock a day ago and when I went to get it today, it was gone. Wth? Maybe it will show up at some point. It wasn't my favorite anyway. Oh, almost forgot to mention that both cleaner shrimp have eggs! I'll try to get some pics up soon of everything. I'm very pleased how everything it turning out!!!
so its been over a month!!@#!@#@#!@ whats happening over there!! i need to see!!! haha hope everything is good!
For some reason I wasn't getting email notifications... :confused:

I had actually planned on taking some before and after pics today. I'm doing a water change later. I've been battling cyano for about a month and a half. I finally just let it do it's thing and it all turned green and is dissolving. The male mandarin wasn't doing well in my tank (the 6 line was always pestering him) so he's gone to a better place. One he was out of the tank, all the corals perked up and started growing like crazy and the female mandarin is getting PLUMP! I've kinda just been letting everything do its own thing and it seems to be working well. The birdsnest is HUGE! Luckily, I didn't loose power with the ice storm for more than 20 minutes. I'm waiting for Indoor Reef to move to its new location so I can FINALLY get another yellow-headed pearly jawfish and a couple more snails. I haven't run the skimmer in about a month because it makes micro bubbles like crazy (which makes the firefish hide) and wasn't skimming as well as I'd like. I need to adjust it... If I don't get pics up today, it's because I'm 8 months pregnant and SPACEY. :)
These have been sitting on my desktop for a couple days waiting to be uploaded. These were taken before the water change and it looks WAY better now!






wow lots of growth in this tank of the month :D i noticed your zoos do it too, do you have any idea why they get so long and extended? Your clown sure loves its anemone
- Davin
wow lots of growth in this tank of the month :D i noticed your zoos do it too, do you have any idea why they get so long and extended? Your clown sure loves its anemone
- Davin

Devil's Armor zoas have always gotten long for me. The ones I had in my old set up did it too. I changed the bulbs so I know it's not a light issue. I think my salinity has been running too high. Maybe that's it? My clown is OBSESSED with his nem!
My gobstoppers do the same thing, but i have 5 on one frag that do it and 5 on another frag that dont, so idk that its the species... And my clown is the same, but instead of an anem. its everthing in my tank :lol: