cleaning routines

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I was exaggerating a little. =) My only tank right now is a nano (20G + sump) and sits near my computer, so it gets cleaned often, since I like to fidget while waiting for software to compile and cleaning the glass front is as good a way to pass time as any.

liveforphysics said:

I add top off water to a tank when the sump/fuge gets low, generally about every month to 2 months.

How much change in your salinity do you observe from this practice ?

> Barry :)
I find Luke's methods very interesting. It is working well for him right now, and his practices will probably evolve over time. I think his are quite credible, but there is no "magic bullet" here, yet ! :D

I'm working on it, I'll let you know when I have it all figured out. :p There has to be at least 5 or 6 very different yet successful methods for operating a reef tank, and none of them is specificly the best.

Differences in animal types, bio-load, feeding practices, maintanence frequency, etc. are going to make a large difference in what kind of system works best for a particular aquarist, most especially including the aquarist himself. He is a large part of the system !

All systems that work even fairly well, along with detailed, honest and accurate information regarding their operation and results
( that's for you Krish :p ), give us an improvement in our overall education, and ability to respond to problems when they arise and then help us do a good job of setting up "the next tank". :D

For my tank, I do almost nothing. I have some crabs and snails, 2 starfish, a cucumber and a couple of starfish. I have a 6" layered DSB, 27 gal. hex. + 16 gal. fuge. I feed rather sparingly once a day. One day flakes, alternate days, frozen stuff. I top off the water everyday, about 3/4 gallon.

I never do anything with the sand, no algae, no cyano, no detritus, no maintanence. I clean the glass every two weeks.

The result is lps, softies, and whatever else are quite happy in the tank. I cannot keep SPS due to poor light and .3ppm Phosphate. I don't change water. My P is 1.0mm and Alk. 4.5 meq/L from the tap. I will install RO/DI soon, and go to a 20% per month water change at that point.

I like the idea of Luke's close fitting glass, but I'm curious about the oxygen content. I think PualB's RUGF system is going to make a comeback in reef keeping, I'm working on it. It should reduce maintanence a lot.

Float your boat ! > Barry :)
All systems that work even fairly well, along with detailed, honest and accurate information regarding their operation and results
( that's for you Krish ), give us an improvement in our overall education, and ability to respond to problems when they arise and then help us do a good job of setting up "the next tank".

:) Thanks man...:)
Don how long does it take to do a 40g water change? I'm willing to bet you do it so quick that it isn't much of a choir right?

Ok here's mine.

Sunday: 40g water change, shop vac sump, clean skimmer, test parameters
Monday: Change 1/2c carbon and add 2tbls rowa
Tuesday: 40g waterchange
Wednesday: Rock blast with tunze 6000 and filter sock
Thursday: Change 1/2c carbon and clean skimmer
Friday: 40 g waterchange and rock blast tunze 6000 and filter sock
Saturday: Overfeed

Don how long does it take to do a 40g water change? I'm willing to bet you do it so quick that it isn't much of a choir right?

No chore at all. I dont do so many any more but I just push a button on my remote and it happens. I do have to dump in the premeasured salt a day before hand I took apart my 4 barrel salt hoper.:)

Puff, must be nice, Remote for your tank, before you know it, you'll have it set up like your watching TV:lol:
Yeah...He goes to change the channel on the television, accidentally pics up the wrong remote, and does a 100% freshwater change! :shock: :lol:
Yeah...He goes to change the channel on the television, accidentally pics up the wrong remote, and does a 100% freshwater change! :shock: :lol:

Cant happen bud. If the conductivity, temp and ph isnt within range its not going to let it happen.
