cold water reef pics

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WOW Steve!!! That is to cool. Living in Maine there are a lot of urchins, starfish and, sand dollars here. The sea temp here in the summer gets in the high 50's so they could survive. this would be a good time to ship now also if you wanted. Your plumbing job is amazing but is all that just for those 2 tanks?

WOW Steve!!! That is to cool. Living in Maine there are a lot of urchins, starfish and, sand dollars here. The sea temp here in the summer gets in the high 50's so they could survive. this would be a good time to ship now also if you wanted. Your plumbing job is amazing but is all that just for those 2 tanks?


God no....that is the support equipment for my warm water 850 gal reef. The cold tanks are just sitting in some spare space that I had in the equipment closet. The cold tanks have just been an experiment to test the viability of keeping a cold reef. Aesthetics play a very minor role....someday, I'll set up a real cold water tank. Gotta learn to walk before I run.
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what are the water chemistry parameter level , alk ph ca or some etc,,,i should beaware to keep them healhty,thanks.

Water parameters are the same as a fish only warm water tank.... where you are mostly concerned with pH, alk, temp, NO3, salinity.....Ca, Mg isn't that important as long as they are above ....say....350 and 1100. You'll find the only challenge is keeping the pH up above 8.1. Kalk for top off has helped me there though.
thanks again for the info,,i got all set up,,just the matter of time to put them together and fill up with the water and hunting for amnimal when the - tide.
Hey Steve how are you doing? I've spoken to you through email about your cls plumbing from over here in Iraq. I haven't been able to see your cold reef pictures do to the the internet firewalls over here that the Military uses. So is it possible you could put some of those pictures on your oregonreef site?
Steve that was absolutely incredible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someday when I grow up I want one also. Thanks for a very interesting couple hours of reading and visualization.

Wow..I've always loved the cold stuff but, there isn't too many resources for them.
Do you have any links to sites or collectors etc?
Do you any problems with the tank "sweating" when its warm outside?
Can you campare the price of warm water animals to the cold?
Somehow I would think that it might be cheaper because there isn't any competition with other hobbists.

Wow..I've always loved the cold stuff but, there isn't too many resources for them.
Do you have any links to sites or collectors etc?
Do you any problems with the tank "sweating" when its warm outside?
Can you campare the price of warm water animals to the cold?
Somehow I would think that it might be cheaper because there isn't any competition with other hobbists.


My tanks and sump are made from 1" thick acrylic....there's no sweating even on 100+ degree days.

There are no cold water collector sites in the US. There are a couple in Australia....but, you'll need to buy several boxes of stuff to make it worth shipping.

As for price....some are high....some are low...but, Puget Sound is free.
Here are a few that I have handy.....










I have a few anemonies in my tank that look like pictures 2 and 4. I run my tank between 78 and 80 degrees.

I have a few anemonies in my tank that look like pictures 2 and 4. I run my tank between 78 and 80 degrees.


Maybe you could post a pic. The anemones in pic 2 and 4 are corynactus.... aka strawberry anemones. They came from Puget Sound where temps range fron 38 F to 60 F. They tend to melt down at around 65F.
Will try to do that at some point...hopefully in the very near future. Will need DH cooperation because they are on the underside of a rock.

i thought it was illegal to collect anything in american waters i would watch out for the fisherys esspeccally letting everyone knowif i got caught taking anything here i would all my dive equipment everything in my tankwith out a recepit and face a 10,000 dollar fine
i thought it was illegal to collect anything in american waters

The issue is different on a state by state basis. Each state has their own permitting and licensing process. Florida and Hawaii(can collect fish) seem to be the most restricted....but, most states allow collection except in preserve areas. Some states have different rules for personal use as opposed to commercial use. In some cold water states, you might find the law silent on collection issues since the practice is just not popular.
The issue is different on a state by state basis. Each state has their own permitting and licensing process. Florida and Hawaii(can collect fish) seem to be the most restricted....but, most states allow collection except in preserve areas. Some states have different rules for personal use as opposed to commercial use. In some cold water states, you might find the law silent on collection issues since the practice is just not popular.
Yeah, it is not very popular to dive into 50 degree or lower water!!! :) 70-75 degrees much more comfortable and popular. Gee, sure wish I had access to that environment now, much more appealing than cold air with about 5 inches of snow on the ground and a car stuck in that same snow. Oh, well.

that is good to know here in aus were pretty psycho about it for instants the fisheris dept. has more power the the police