Confess Your Sins

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Told my girlfriend I didnt know what happened to her 2 year old blue damsel,when I know damn well it got sucked into a powerhead with no strainer.
lol !!! those are some good ones:lol:
here's one and i almost forgot (not reef related though)
when i was in 7th grade, there used to be this girl in my secretary class in Mexico, she was really anoying and always wanted to get the attention.
Anyways, she used to put pushpins on all the girls seats and one time she tried doing it to me, but obviously i noticed it, so i went and put it on my friend's seat to see if she would notice it, well instead she sat down :lol: and got the pushpin on her butt :lol:, then she went and blame the girl who used to do it and the teacher left the girl without lunch break for a week and outside in the hot weather with a sign that said "i put pushpins on seats" :lol: :badgrin: .
I am glad I am allergic to cats, they are kind of disgusting.

I think barracuda are an appropriate final destination for pacu.

I don't change the water as often as I tell other people to change their water.

I maced the raccoons for coming in my yard and ******* with my cultures. My Buddhist friend says I am coming back as a raccoon. They didn't respond to being pelted with liverock rubble from a crashed tank or the hose! They also ate the neoprene handles off my yardwork implements but did not eat the upstairs neighbors' wetsuits. WHY?!?

OH yeah... I told my boyfriend I wouldn't feed the snakes frozen mice because he was appalled at the idea of mice in the freezer. There are mice in the freezer. I feed them while he's at work.

By the way, you can now type certain words on this site and the computer doesn't automatically turn it into all stars... Other swear words used to be turned into stars. Is that a feature that was maybe not turned back on after the hack attack? I swear like the best of them, usually not around kids though. Thanks to she who pointed this out so I don't get in trouble :) If any moderators want to know the specific word I changed to stars up there in my post, it starts with "F" and ends in "G"... Oh yes, and that is one of my confessions. I swear. Frequently. With and without any emotional motivation, and often for fun.

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LOL!!!!:lol: Kate you are killing me :lol: .
i used to swear a lot, seriously me and my friend would call eachother names and people would usually think that we were fighting.
ohh i forgot that when i was 6, i used to throw my milk out the window ( we lived in the third floor :D ) and one time one old lady from the first floor was looking outside and she got all the milk all over her :lol: , the lady was in her pijamas knocking on each door to see who did it :lol: , she asked my grandma that if by any chance i threw some milk out of the window and my grandma got mad at her and closed the door on her face for saying that.
After that, my grandma asked me, i told her what i used to do and she never gave me milk again.

ohh yeah and i used to throw my vegetables behind the t.v and after that, i'd pick them up and throw them out the window :lol:
Let's see...

I tailgate. BAD. 70MPH and one car length. People need to get out of the way.

I let corals die. When a frag falls into the darkness or into the sandbed, I don't pick it up.

I overstock my cleaning crew to keep algae gone. I don't have an algae problem, at all. I'm kind of getting over this. I haven't restocked my crew in over 9 months.

I let corals fight. It's natural. Sort of.

I took the 8 hour Web-based traffic school in 20 minutes, because I copy/pasted the entire site into MS Word so I could find/replace keywords, rather than actually read it. I passed, too.

I covet more lighting.

I dip my refractometer into the tank, rather than use the dripper to put water onto the lens.
I thought this was aquarium confessions(LOL) Steve, I didn't know you were a pimp!(LOL) How about this one...I stand on a ladder and "P" in my tank to see how quickly and good carbon works...LOL JK.:lol: Had to make something up!
I once hot boxed a parakete and when i let him out of the box he was absolutely insane and flew into a ceiling fan that was on high and all of a sudden paulie was no more. Me and my friends just laughed and laughed. Also one time i had a possum that kept getting into my garbage so me and my brother decided to go mafia on that possums ass. So anyways my brother had a paintball gun and he loaded it with marbles i had a 2x4 and we waited for the possum to try and get into the garbage. My brother started shooting it with marbles and i beat it with the 2x4. Needless to say we haven't had a possum problem since. Oh also i try and feed as many animals at the zoo as possible no matter how many signs they post and i hope that when i go there i see at least one monkey either jerking off or eating his own shit!
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LOL!!! that's funny shallowreef, i used to do that too everytime i'd go to the zoo :D .

Krish hmmm...... well i'm sure your proteins/nutrients help the tank, i just thought you liked the toilet a lot, but i guess not:lol: :lol:
forgive me forum for I have sinned:eek:

I lurk more than I post :rolleyes:

BTW doesn't everybody pee in their tanks.

My mom was always a wild bird nut and had lots of feeders in our yard. We had one particular feeder that was about 20' away from kitchen window. My brother and would open the kitchen window and shoot birds off her feeder with our BB guns. They would never see us coming.

I do not have internet at home so my browsing of RF is always on company time.

As a kid, I use to step on curly tail lizards and push a fire-cracker in their mouth and light it and and watch them run and BOOM!!!(LOL) That was mean...I stopped doing it when my dad told me when I go to hell the devil is going to torture me with all the lizards I killed!
Dont feel to bad Krish. I did the same thing to catfish. How about this one. In highschool, my intro to chem and physics teacher made a stupid mistake and admitted to the class he was a virgin. Well my friend Derrick and I talked Cathy B. (very very hot!) into going up to the table that was right in front of his desk and bending over and talking to another girl. Her butt was pointed right at his face. It was Hillarious. Then after a minute or so me and Derrick started asking Mr. V. to come back to our table and help us cause we didnt understand. He got all red, picked up his grade book, and held it in front of him as he walked back.
That was just stupid cruel.
We finally ended up in the pricipals office later that year for the cruelty.
It was bad.