Confess Your Sins

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I don't tell the LFS when they have a very very very very very very underpriced and rare coral! But sometimes I let them know when it's overpriced... :)
Oh yeah, and I go to Petco sometimes and stand around commenting loudly on how sick the fish are and how you just cannot cure brooklynella.
hehe :D .
Sometimes i get stuff from petco like salt and food (little stuff like that) even though i don 't like them :p .

hehe sometimes i don't wear globes when i'm putting my hands in the tank, but lately i've been doing it just because i'm pregnant :).
hehe sometimes i don't wear globes when i'm putting my hands in the tank

Lesson for the day Gabby. Here is a globe (what you say you use(LOL)

Here is a GLOVE what you should use(LMAO!!! Gotcha again!!)
Oh jeez... I have been using a globe. Boy do I feel dumb!

LOL...Don't mind Gabby and me. We have this spelling thing going on:lol: Well, one thing I can say, she can speak English a lot better than I can Spanish! Atleast she can order food in English speaking countries. If I go to her country, I'd be ordering leche and don't even drink it!(LOL)
LMBO !!!!
darn it you got me again :lol: and with the same word :lol: ... next time i'm gonna get you krish :lol:
LMBO !!!!
darn it you got me again and with the same word ... next time i'm gonna get you krish

LOL...You wish!

Here's another confession...
There is this guy who is always on the street "bumming" for something. I give him all the time because he seems genuine and I've never seen him use the money to buy alcohol or drugs. He knows me by face for sure. Well, the other day my friend and I saw him while we were on the road and we had a spare coke soda we said we'd give him...Nice right??? We shook it for about 30 seconds first:shock: He thought it was hilarious:lol: Not a sin right?
I always harass the petco folks about their experience and care of thier fish. They're a bunch of min. wage teenagers. I always end up asking if I could feed their fish or something... then an hour later it's not uncommon for me to help myself to thier supplies and start attempting to nurse thier fish back to health
LOL...You wish!

Here's another confession...
There is this guy who is always on the street "bumming" for something. I give him all the time because he seems genuine and I've never seen him use the money to buy alcohol or drugs. He knows me by face for sure. Well, the other day my friend and I saw him while we were on the road and we had a spare coke soda we said we'd give him...Nice right??? We shook it for about 30 seconds first He thought it was hilarious Not a sin right?

miracles can happen krish :D .
and bad bad boy :lol:
spongebob lover said:
hehe sometimes i don't wear globes when i'm putting my hands in the tank, but lately i've been doing it just because i'm pregnant :).

Aren't those kind of clumsy? I tried globes one time, they sure make it hard to grab things, don't you agree Krish?:D :D :D
umm ok, i'll say a few weird things i do or don't seem to be liked
water changes... umm i think last may was my FW's last change, only one loss though...
testing, never been a big fan even on my sw, never tested my fw before, whenever i do test my sw nitrates 0 and eveyrthing else is what it should be
yes i use tap water, with conditioner though,
and yes
i do have a sand bed mixed with crushed coral
i do not abuse tangs, so far my yellow tang is my longest lived fish, odd things happened to my other ones,
ocelleris i turned off the skimmer for 3 days they seemed to have died with no marks, i'm think suffocation
firefish, umm one died cause i think i stressed it out in transfering, didn't go out with all the water, which is another bad habit, using the lfs's water in my tanks when i buy new fish,
umm gsm nipped to death by my yellow tang, for a while they got a long then one day the tang just started nipping away...
o when i treated for flatworms used all 300 gallons worth on my 80 gallon system my sargassum forests died, no one besides me really liked them and then i tried carbon and killed most of my xenia, kinda sad, o and since i hated flatworms so much i would squish them on the glass whenever i saw them after treating, now they're all gone hehe
that's all i can think of for now, and i just passed a year for my tank
krish75 said:
LOL...Don't mind Gabby and me. We have this spelling thing going on:lol: Well, one thing I can say, she can speak English a lot better than I can Spanish! Atleast she can order food in English speaking countries. If I go to her country, I'd be ordering leche and don't even drink it!(LOL)

Uhh, I don't get it ;) ;)
Plus they make my hands look like prunes! I HATE IT WHEN THAT HAPPENS

you too Charlie :D ...i'm gonna tell Willis :lol:.

Steve, now i don't get it , how are you gonna let your friends hanging on hockey sticks ?
Hey, I love sargassum... someone here used to sell a mini variety, it was so cool. Tang ate it. At the time I think that was appropriate as it was a tad stressed, wish I had more for him now because he has HLLE (A confession) and yes I too have mixed my sand sizes.
I also have two tanks with no skimmers. One is filtered exclusively by a small sponge filter. Has two RBTA's in it. Lit by PC. They divide and grow, but don't make bubble tips. (confessions 3 and 4 for this post. More surely to come. I am naughty :) )