converting from fresh to salt

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Mar 30, 2013
Sequim, Wa
Hello all, My wife and I are starting a 30 gallon SWT. Were getting different opinions from every one we talk far I've got live sand, about 20-30lbs live rock, an hang on back Remora protein skimmer from AquaC, And A hang on back Marineland Emporor 400 w/ 2 Bio Wheels, took out filter cartreges and filled boxes w media (bio-balls & ceramic media). Added, nite-out 11, The tank is 7 weeks old w 4 turbo snails, 4 hermit crabs and my light is a Coralife 30" w two T5 10,000k and two actinic bulbs running 12/12 on/off. I've done 3 5g H2O changes, my "levels" are sparatic at that, thought's anyone?? Thanks, AJ
Need all parameters please. Sg, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, calcium, ph, alkalinity and temp.
Remove the bio-wheels, they will only harbor nitrates. The bio balls and ceramic will do the same, unless you rinse them often. Which can be a pain! I would run carbon only. Your live rock will become your main source of filtration along with your skimmer. These two along with regular water changes is all you'll need!
You may want to consider a sump/refugium sometime in the future. Check out the HOB fuge! I've been running one on my 26g for 2+yrs now and they're great!
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Agreed, trash the bioballs and the biowheels.
put carbon filters back in.
I'd go with 40-50lbs of rock.
And the HOB fuge is another good idea.
Your light will do great for soft corals and some LPS. I would cut the time down a little though. 12 hours on is a little long. I only run my daylights from 1pm-8pm and actinics from 11am-10pm.
Do you have any other equipment, such as powerheads creating more flow in the tank. A lot of good flow is a very improtant to have. It keeps detritus and left over food in suspension and into the filter. If it settles, it makes great food for algae! Not the kind of algea you want.
Oh, I just noticed, your over on the same side of the sound as I am.
Still an hour drive, but your welcome to come by if your ever on this side of the Hood Canal.

There is going to be a BBQ at Shark Reef in June. You should make that!
personaly I would get rid of the hob filter. what do you have for flow inside the tank? and yes agree more live rock
personaly I would get rid of the hob filter. what do you have for flow inside the tank? and yes agree more live rock

I have a protien skimmer thats pumping 240gph and a Marine land emporer 400 w 2 bio wheels filled w media thats probly close to 200gph ish? So total of over 400gph total flowing in tank.
My marine biologest buddy suggested the reservore be filled w media and water flowing trough media bacwards will have the same effect as a classic cacading wet/dry filter flowing down through??!! I am getting so many diff opinions its mind boggling. I plan on adding more live rock as well.
Sg, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, calcium, ph, alkalinity and temp
Sg= 1.021
Ammonia= 0-.25
nitrates= 10-20
nitrites= no test kit yet
calcium=not done
ph=8.0 ish
Alk= 5
temp= 78
I've been told no carbon, no mesh just media?????
I have a protien skimmer thats pumping 240gph and a Marine land emporer 400 w 2 bio wheels filled w media thats probly close to 200gph ish? So total of over 400gph total flowing in tank.
My marine biologest buddy suggested the reservore be filled w media and water flowing trough media bacwards will have the same effect as a classic cacading wet/dry filter flowing down through??!! I am getting so many diff opinions its mind boggling. I plan on adding more live rock as well.

These two pieces of equipment, Skimmer, and Power Filter. are not providing the flow you need in your tank. You will need to get a couple of powerheads rated for approx 400-500 gph.
Who suggested to you not to run carbon?
To give you an idea on flow amount, besides the return/filter pump I had 2 power heads both running 550 gph in my 34 gal tank.

I would guess that if you removed the biowheels, bioballs and media, replaced the carbon filters in the HOB filter, your ammonia level will drop to 0 and your nitrates will drop too.
You want to get a test kit for the nitrites also. Ammonia and nitrites and nitrates right now are more important to control than calcium and alkalinity.
Oh, check out the Nano Tanks forum and the members showcase forum. It will give you more ideas on how others are running their tanks.
The conversion from fresh to salt water is not a difficult process. As it can be easily done by adding some salt to tank. But 30 gallon there is need of higher amount of salt to keep the balance of water and salt.
The conversion from fresh to salt water is not a difficult process. As it can be easily done by adding some salt to tank. But 30 gallon there is need of higher amount of salt to keep the balance of water and salt.


Where are you getting these answers?
Are you just doing the copy and paste thing?
The conversion from fresh to salt water is not a difficult process. As it can be easily done by adding some salt to tank. But 30 gallon there is need of higher amount of salt to keep the balance of water and salt.

Really come on man we want to help each other and encourage each other to build successful tanks not sea life killing tanks.. Theres a lot of good reading on this forum may I kindly suggest you do some reading on skimmers,sumps,reactors and salinity just to start off and don't forget to read up on water quality testing cause that pretty important as well.
good luck..
Hello all, My wife and I are starting a 30 gallon SWT. Were getting different opinions from every one we talk far I've got live sand, about 20-30lbs live rock, an hang on back Remora protein skimmer from AquaC, And A hang on back Marineland Emporor 400 w/ 2 Bio Wheels, took out filter cartreges and filled boxes w media (bio-balls & ceramic media). Added, nite-out 11, The tank is 7 weeks old w 4 turbo snails, 4 hermit crabs and my light is a Coralife 30" w two T5 10,000k and two actinic bulbs running 12/12 on/off. I've done 3 5g H2O changes, my "levels" are sparatic at that, thought's anyone?? Thanks, AJ

I agree with the others on removing the bio-wheels. You will be glad you did as they can cause nitrate issues down the road that leads to nuisance algae.

The conversion from fresh to salt water is not a difficult process. As it can be easily done by adding some salt to tank. But 30 gallon there is need of higher amount of salt to keep the balance of water and salt.

What's 10 + 10?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Well my flow in the tank is 640 GPH with HOB & protein skimmer, I was told by various people that carbon is good, others say don't bother, the media that I read says carbon is good? Maybe I'll put media in one compartment for biological filtration and in the other I'll put in the carbon/floss for mechanical filters?
Can you recommend a HOB fuge? I know the technology is new & I don't know that much about them. Do they provide all three stages of filtration? chem,bio,mech???
You know in actuallity, carbon is not really needed. It will help polish the water. I would suggest using them just for the filter alone to collect detritus for easy removal. I also put the sponge filter in to grow benificial bacteria.
Everyone is against the bioballs and media because they collect detritus and left over food and are hard to clean out and cause an increase in nitrates in turn an increase in nusiance algae growth.
You know, what I used to hear a lot and what I have told people too, is "What works for me, may or may not work for you. Take all the information you get, put it together to fit your needs and work with it." Everything stated is more than likely peoples opinion and some of it has been proven but there is "no right way" and if what you try works for you, thats great!
So with that, read old threads. All the questions have been asked and argued before. Ask question if you cant find the answers and take what you get and work with it to fit your needs. I did. I dont do things the way most everyone else does. And I think I have been pretty succesful for the past 4 years. I dont run carbon in any of my tanks. I dont use any mechanical filtration except for a skimmer and a little filter floss or filter sock.
I dont know anyone running a system with the equipment you are using. It could work for you.
Lets see some pictures anyway. We all love and require pictures! :)