Keep in mind that Tubbs are no different than Tyree or ORA. Tyree LE corals were named by Steve Tyree, Tubbs has several corals that he named, not just the Tubbs Blue Zoanthids. "Tubbs" is a trade name, which these particular zoanthids are sold as.
So let's say, in the future, you found a "new" coral and named it Pentagona Polyps. You spend your own time and money to aqua-culture and market this coral. Over a period of years, this coral develops into one that's known for holding up to different captive tank environments, ships well and holds true to it's color. This coral became famous throughout the world, like Tyree LE, ORA and Tubbs. Along comes a guy who, while diving, finds a coral that looks like Pentagona Polyps. He harvests it from the wild, chops it up and sells it as Pentagona Polyps, on Ebay. This wild colony hasn't proven itself to hold it's color, ship well or hold up to different captive tank lighting or parameters. Yet, this guy is selling them AS Pentagona Polyps and making bank. Do you see a problem with this scenario?