Thank you everyone for your support. This was our best sale to date! BY FAR!!
We really appreciate all of you and wouldn't be here without your continued patronage. Thank you so much. We'll get started this week on the rainchecks. Should get a bunch of the snails, crabs, shrimp, clams in later this coming week. The bulk of the rest should arrive the following week. We will call or PM you as things arrive.
To our guys rocked. I know the week leading up to the event and the sale itself is crazy busy and stressful...thanks for perservering and helping Tim and I pull this off. You are the best!
Now...what you've all been waiting for...RAFFLE RESULTS
First let me say, some of you were confused (or just tried to cheat the system
) I moved any "free tickets" that were "accidentally" put into the $2 raffle into the $25 gift cert drawing. Better than me throwing them out
Also, the stubs need to be removed. Take em off. This time I pulled them off before the drawing. Next time...we will probably just make sure no tickets with the stub left on get pulled. It makes a bigger ticket and its not fair for the folks who played by the rules. With that out of the way...
-Free Raffle-
Strawberry Shortcake Acro
1. Shelly W. (Already picked up)
2. Derek Macintosh
$25 Gift Cert
1. Dennis Graves
2. Tisha Davis
3. Gary Mullins
4. Nathan Guilford (sp?)
Brightwell 8 Pack
1. Brian Lee
2. Shane McFarland
-$2 Raffle-
$100 Gift Card
1. Thang Doan
Fluval Edge
1. Jerry Dunbar
Ecoxotic 2 Stunner Strips
1. Carol Wardlow
True Lemonade Acropora
1. Matt Reed
UVL T5 4 Pack
1. Johnny L.
Congrats to everyone who won!!