Ok been away from here for quite a while sorry! The tank is running and cycled and all that jazz.
Had a few issues fixed them and im trying to move on! Naso is good and tough he made it thru one of those
issues. The bulkheads thru the wall are sch 80 that I srayed black and tightened on the sheet rock and wanscott.
Issue #1: I purchased the dc pump for my return pump (It was one of the cheaper ones) had a issue with the chord
and fixed it thought I was all good and it started shutting down on its own so I opened up the power supply and found
some things that werent soldered well and since I hadnt gotten any reply from premium I fixed it and thought sweet finaly
I am done! Well it ran for a week with no issues and we went out of town to leavenworth for the christmas lighting.
When we returned I found the return pump not working and the gfi tripped! So needless to say I was really mad! So
I broke out the backup and rigged it up and started to boil water to get this thing back up to temp.
The sump,fuge, and frag tank were at 60 degrees and the display was at 65. And of course before we left I wanted to transfer
as much out of my qt tank to my display so it would be "safe"! needless to say I have lost a few things but it wasnt as bad as
I thought it would be. This now starts PROBLEM #2: I think since the freeze happened that it made the few aptaisia
that were in my fuge throw out spores and start a mini infestation!!! So once again I am 10 seconds away from pulling the plug and walking away!
But as a last ditch effort I decide to throw some berghia in the macro algae and in the display. As of a few nights ago I think they have
cleaned up the aptaisia but only time will tell. So for now it looks like Im staying in LOL
Tank looks good and I will try and post some pics soon.
Ill try a few phone pics tonight but they are not very good really blue.