Deep sand bed bubbles

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Well-known member
Aug 13, 2006
Auburn WA
I just recently upgraded my lighting 55w pc I added 150 w mh 14k. Well since I upgraded the sand bed has gone nuts with gassing bubbles. I understand that is the function of the sand bed to gas off n2 and n20. how ever this is out of control. Will this calm down ?
You may also be seeing a thin layer of dinoflagelates on your sand that is holding bubbles. Look closely - does there seem to be a thin layer of slime that the bubbles are stuck in on top of the sand?

If so, first thing to do is a large water change to reduce the nutrients in your tank.
YOu should have some bubbles as this is just part of the nitrification process. I'm sure MH lighting increased your photsynthisis A LOT and dnjan is right as well. If you see little bubbles trapped in like a brownish red algae then you need to do some waterchanges and maybe increase your flow if you can.

I wouldn't worry about it too much if I were you. It should pass. Try adding phosban and run carbon (both I suggest passively in the sump like in a filter sock with your return dumping in there too)

Good luck and let us know how it goes
Yes That is what I was thinking too. The higher lighting raging photosynthisis. I noticed last night that the bubbles do not start really going tell later on in the evening when the light has been on for a while.

Its not cyno I know what that looks like. I do a weekly water change 10 % amonia, nitrite and nitrate are undectectable in the tank