Deploying & moving

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Later is better for me. I think I will be leaving Portland after 10PM on Friday night.
I'm much nicer if I get enough sleep ;-)
Will 12 work for others?
I’m only available until 12:30
Maybe two teams the teardown crew can be on site earlier and the setup crew for the later arrivals.
I can meet whoever to get stuff out of the tank and into the transport containers and get moved to the new location and get them in to the house and air lines and heat on them while they are getting the tank set up and ready.
Who is going to be the coordinator for the move?
I have some local Sailors that are going to be there for the day. I figured they would help Erik with the tear down and transportation come back and assist with breakdown/transport/set up equipment.
Dude what is this, a military operation. We will call it OPERATION TANK MOVE. But remember the heart of government work. 8 people stand around while one works.
Operation tank relocation 5dec2010 *unclassified*

4DEC is a nogo :( There is a children's christmas party and the two with the keys to my houses will be running that. So date is slid to the 5th.

Okay, now that OPERATION TANK RELOCATION is in full swing here are the details...

Dec 5th ~ 0900 start for Locals. (Phase I - The capture and Relocation)
- Drain tank, capture inhabitants, bucket them, rock and coral.
- Blind fold inhaitants, spin around in 3 circles, place in heated van and transport to new location. (Don't want anyone trying to go back :cool:)
- Place buckets in new house.

No need to really spin buckets to make fish dizzy :D lids on the buckets would be optimal to prevent spilling in the tansporters vehicle.

Phase II ~ 1200 start for those very kind souls coming from off the little Island of Whidbey. (Phase II - Clean up, transfer hard ware, and the Rebuilding of the Empire)
- Dismantle tank, hood, stand, sump, etc.
- Load in vehicles
- Set up at new house
- Introduce water & rocks
- Acclimate fish to new tank water and release.

I'm not sure we have enough people that are showing up to have 8 stand around and watch and still have work get done :D It might be close, we'll have to see.

I plan on having at least Pizza delivered to you guys. Hopefully I can get some brewski's available, as we all know, where there's labor, a brewskie should be nearby.

Current Aquarium Location:

1153 Rainier Circle
Oak Harbor, WA 98277

Future Aquarium Location: (New Home)

2215 Conniston Way
Oak Harbor, WA 98277

A guy named Kerry and a gal named Trish will be on scene all day to let everyone in the houses and help out. "Heading up" the evolution if you will.

I have asked if Todd (TJL) if he is able/willing to swing by ARSA to grab the sump/water xfr pumps, buckets, heaters, airpumps and towels. He's really busy with work so I have not heard back from him. I may need to get a back up plan for this.

I only have 4-5 buckets at my house, so if anyone has extras, that would be wonderful if the can be borrowed for acclimation. Maybe some air hose too.

Thank you very much to everyone that has helped me out on my move. It's a bigger challenge than one might think trying to orcastrate this a day in the future and thousands of miles away.

Thank you all very much.

corrections on my calendar the new date.
December 5th 0900 start time
I have two re-purposed salt buckets I can bring.
I forgot to add that I have 3 fish that live in the sump (that I know of).

2 green Clown Gobies
1 Hector's Gobie

After I pulled them out of the sump for the 6th time and they ended back up in the sump I decided that's where they wanted to live and have stayed down there since. :D

Just so the early guys have a heads up to keep and eye out for the little fella's :)
Sorry Ryan, I'm out. The conversation didn't go very well.
If the date moves again give me a shout.
I guess I will have to wait for the Jan meeting to meet you islanders.
