Well I'm gonna have to buy your first one..As you all know, im a total nano freak...
and the avalibility of skimmers for nanos always leaves me buying a skimmer designed for a larger system...
The only in sump skimmers worth a damn that comes close in smaller size would be the tunze 9010, and the SWC extreme 160, and they are still too big size-wise for many smaller systems...and then theres all these all in one nanos that have virtually no room for skimmers, but need skimmers badly...and im not too impressed with the available options... except mabye the euroreef nano skimmers i've seen, but even those are underpowered for the tank sizes they are rated for, imo...
so definately something im working on....
also, everybody and their dog and mother have a maxi-jet mod kit out for high flow, wtf about a maxi-jet mod kit for making it the best protein skimmer pump it can be? god knows theres enough crappy skimmers out there that have that pump on it. it needs a total front end over-haul to be a good skimmer pump
I was gonna buy a small berlin skimmer the other day but, I want you to make me one...
It will be better I know..
So just give a shout when it's ready...