Devastating Tank Tragedy

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Oh my lord thats terrible.
Mike I need you to PM me your ##
My pone died and I can't get any ##'s off of it.'Let me know if you need anything form this side of the mountains.. I'll be heading over there next Saturday...
that sucks i don't personally know you but i could offer up some frags to restart next time you come over the mountains people here have been so helpful here its the least i can offer i also have a pare of clowns i will give you if wanted the suckers keep biting me lol good luck
Sorry for your tragedy Mike, that is a huge blow, hope your able to recover as much as possible.
Myteemouse said:
My pone died and I can't get any ##'s off of it.

LOL This is exactly what happened to me the time we came over there and stopped at your place with all my daughters!! PM will be send soon, with number.

Moto, thank you so much for your offer. RF members are such a great help!!!

I actually just woke up a few minutes ago, and haven't had time to assess the tanks. I'll be updating everything in the next hour or less. However, in a quick glance at all the tanks, I'm not seeing anymore dead skeletons!! I also see BOTH of the B&W Occellaris SWIMMING!!! Will update further very soon.

Thank you all so very much!!
Glad to hear things have at least stabilized....hoping for the best for you! Let me know if you need anything!
Just saw this on Monday morning. Sorry to hear about the stuck valve. When you get everything up and running shoot me a PM and you can come over and frag whatever you want to get started with recovery. We traded those sea swirls and everything i have is from you. Keep us posted.

Man, That totaly sucks, let me know if you need any free replacement corals, ive got a few laying around for ya. Hope everything recovers man, call me if you need anything.
I've had a really hectic morning, so haven't had a chance to test anything. However, all corals are looking great!! Corals that were moved into the 40 look find. Corals that were left in the 200 look fine. Even the Lavender Tang, which didn't get moved from the 200 to the 40, is swimming around, in the sump. It was caught and moved to the sump a couple days before this happened. Thought it was dead and was more worried about moving corals, so left it in there. Today it's swimming around and looks healthy!! The pair of B&W Occellaris and the Starry Blenny are swimming around in the 40, and appear to be just fine. The male Blue Jaw Trigger is still breathing, but also still laying on the sand bed, on it's side. I'd thought it was gone, but left it in the 40 overnight. Angie just noticed that it's breathing.

So, up to date death toll of fish:
Female Blue Jaw Trigger
Pair of Benghai
Purple Tang
Scribbled Rabbit

We lost a couple of SPS, but nothing really critical. SO FAR, all remaining SPS, appear just fine and are showing healthy polyp extension. All LPS and Zoanthids also appear to be just fine. RBTA and all clams appear happy. Unfortunately, looks like all the Aiptasia survived.

Soooo, it would appear that disaster was indeed averted, by doing the massive water changes and moving corals and fish to 40. As bad as the fish loss is, it could have been worse. Coral loss could have been devastating!! I guess I was premature in the title of this thread!!!!

Thank you all so much for your kind words, offers of help and encouragement!!!

I'm going to use this time, of no fish and much less corals, in the 200, to do some re-aquascaping and to add a few more pieces of live rock.

It'll be awhile, but we'll recover and slowly build our fish population back up. The Lavender Tang will be rehomed, once I know it's healthy AND with a warning that it's developed an appetite for Acans. I'm going to do some serious thinking and even more serious soul searching, before deciding the future home for the RBTA and pair of B&W Occellaris. The RBTA just isn't a good fit in the tank. However, the fish are my all time favorite fish and very dear to me. I won't split them up from their anemone, so have some decisions to make.
Sid, you know this may have been a blessing in disguise. I know that is a tough thing to swallow right now, but when you put this together, it was just kind of thrown in there to clean out a few tanks. Fortunately, or unfortunately, this may give you a chance to sit back and search the brain a bit and come back with something that will even be better than what you had ever thought. Take your time and make the right decisions man, I know you 2 have it in you!!!!!! JMHO
I am glad that the situation has improved dramatically. It sounds like your quick and decisive response averted a potentially much larger loss of life.

Sorry to hear about your misfortune. Good thing your wife and kids were there in looking after the tank . at least they knew what to do like changing water. with your knowledge and expertise, sounds like you'll have this tank turned around in no time.

i too had a valve stuck on my co2 solenoid. i had to adjust it like everyday. it was a milwuakee brand. one time i caught it going full blast but luckily i had a ph controller attached to it so it shut off automatically. i shopped around and found a reeffantic co2 regulator. has been working great for me so far. good luck on the recovery
Mike , I split me clowns from there nem and they are happy, they actually (after 7 months), they are hosting the green frogspawn..LOL
And they are doin the "booty shake" dance
New Update:

Male Trigger is dead. Since it was moved, it never left the bottom of the tank, but was still breathing, so I left it in the tank, knowing it probably wouldn't make it.

So, the only fish that survived were the pair of B&W Occellaris and the Starry Blenny.

So far, remaining corals in the 200 and corals that were moved to other tanks, all appear to be just fine. We'll do another large(ish) water change today, to continue bringing Alk down.

I'm getting ready to go have some spinal injections done, so will be out of it until evening. So water change will have to wait until then.
This really is a tragedy. I'm glad your Occ. clowns survived and a lot of the coral as well. I guess this could be the time to really re do your aquascape and get it how you like.

This is exactly why Calcium reactors scare me. If I were to ever try it I think i would have to front the money for Aquarium Plants digital regulator ( You can read the description, but it sounds pretty fail safe in combination with a pH controller.
3 fish are alive and healthy. However, we're slowly losing some of the effected SPS. These are ones that were initially showing a lot of stress, before we moved them. I'm keeping a close eye on all water parameters, in hopes of babying them back. I think there's quite a few that aren't going to recover though. :(