Devastating Tank Tragedy

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Just saw this today. Really sorry man. This hobby is so rough some times. I'm happy to see some animals survived for you. SPS are pretty tough so some good stable setting can bring them back. The alk being that high though is rough. I'm really glad this isn't another fire thread though. If i lived closer I'd be happy to help you restock for free.

Can one prevent a solenoid from being stuck??

I'm asking as I've never had a CO2 tank.
Update and in need of advice.

I'm slowly still losing some SPS. Unfortunately, 2 of them are very valuable and I'm hoping there's something I can do to save them. I've heard that with such an extremely high Alk, chances of reversing the damage are pretty slim.

Alk is now back down where it should be. When this initially happened, most SPS, that were still alive, were immediately moved into 2 other systems, with perfect parameters. Unfortunately, SPS continued to decline in both systems. Any advice?

3 fish survived and are doing wonderfully!! In total, I lost 8 fish :(
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Update and in need of advice.

I'm slowly still losing some SPS. Unfortunately, 2 of them are very valuable and I'm hoping there's something I can do to save them. I've heard that with such an extremely high Alk, chances of reversing the damage are pretty slim.

Alk is now back down where it should be. When this initially happened, most SPS, that were still alive, were immediately moved into 2 other systems, with perfect parameters. Unfortunately, SPS continued to decline in both systems. Any advice?

I think what you are seeing is the dreaded long term effect sid, and to be honest, it will probably continue.:cry::cry::cry::cry:

All you can do is provide the best you have, and see what happens. Sorry man, but I think what has happened.............................. oh well, you know the rest.:cry:
Yep, I'm afraid that the SPS that were initially effected, have continued to be effected. Unfortunately, the incredibly high Alk is going to be hard for them to overcome.

On another topic, I'll be either replacing, or dis-assembling and cleaning, the needle valve AND probably getting some type of controller, before putting the Calcium Reactor back online. I need to do some research into different options.

The 200 has stabilized. It did go through a short diatom bloom that lasted about 3 days. I'm still watching closely, to see if it experiences a small cycle. Meanwhile, everything that was removed will stay out of the tank.

I got a few large pieces of live rock the other day, that are sitting in circulating SW, in a trash can. I'm going to take this opportunity, of few corals and no fish in the 200, to do some re-aquascaping. Might even attack that today. If I do, I'll take some before/after pics.
I gotta say, I've experienced a leaky tank, that was quite a disaster, an accidental Alk overdose that wiped out a bunch of expensive SPS and a couple other mini crashes. This is the first time I've really been hit hard. It even made me consider getting out! That first night, watching all those fish, slowly die, and seeing several SPS lose all their tissue in a matter of an hour, the mad dash to relocate the remaining was sure depressing. Almost made me wanna just give it all up. :( Sorry, needed to vent!! lol

If it weren't for the PMs, phone calls and other words of encouragement, and offers of help, from people here on RF, you mighta seen a for sale thread instead.
Yep, I'm afraid that the SPS that were initially effected, have continued to be effected. Unfortunately, the incredibly high Alk is going to be hard for them to overcome.

On another topic, I'll be either replacing, or dis-assembling and cleaning, the needle valve AND probably getting some type of controller, before putting the Calcium Reactor back online. I need to do some research into different options.

The 200 has stabilized. It did go through a short diatom bloom that lasted about 3 days. I'm still watching closely, to see if it experiences a small cycle. Meanwhile, everything that was removed will stay out of the tank.

I got a few large pieces of live rock the other day, that are sitting in circulating SW, in a trash can. I'm going to take this opportunity, of few corals and no fish in the 200, to do some re-aquascaping. Might even attack that today. If I do, I'll take some before/after pics.

I am sure you saw post #32 sid, I think this would be a great time for what you are suggesting. You can sit back and really think about it then. Did you head over to Barbies and grab some of the Totoka?
The only problem that I see with the rock Barbie has is that it will shed forever. I have never seen rock that takes this long to get rid of all the crap. I would almost take a garden hose and a pump and throw it in a tub of Saltwater and spray this off REAL good!!!!! Other than that, I love this stuff.
I gotta say, I've experienced a leaky tank, that was quite a disaster, an accidental Alk overdose that wiped out a bunch of expensive SPS and a couple other mini crashes. This is the first time I've really been hit hard. It even made me consider getting out! That first night, watching all those fish, slowly die, and seeing several SPS lose all their tissue in a matter of an hour, the mad dash to relocate the remaining was sure depressing. Almost made me wanna just give it all up. :( Sorry, needed to vent!! lol

Hang in there, Mike.
I felt the same way watching my 75g tank die after 6 years of being real pleasure to watch and enjoy. I'm sure you'll rebuild your tank to be a beauty alover again, and this time you'll take the time to ensure some redandancy into a calcium reactor. Neither this nor kalk reactors are safe to use unless you make sure that it is. ;)
Hang in there, Mike.
I felt the same way watching my 75g tank die after 6 years of being real pleasure to watch and enjoy. I'm sure you'll rebuild your tank to be a beauty alover again, and this time you'll take the time to ensure some redandancy into a calcium reactor. Neither this nor kalk reactors are safe to use unless you make sure that it is. ;)

Boy, can you ever make sure about those things?????
I've heard the Milwaukee pH controller is actually quite good, and for only $100 its a steal! Or you could just use the pH probe and one of the power slots on your RK2 if you don't mind not seeing what your in tank pH is.

I would think that this coupled with the digital regulator we talked about a page or so back would almost make the reactor fool proof.
Alex, I have the RK1, without the option of a probe. Seriously considering the Milwaukee pH controller and would have to buy the ph probe holder top for my calcium reactor. Once the needle valve operates properly, by either cleaning or replacing, AND I don't open it up all the way again, I think I'll be safe then.
you could just drip the Effluent from the CR into a small cup above the water line sump and put the PH probe in that. It's kinda ghetto but it works.
This with the controller shutting off the regulator would be good..
I wonder if you could put the PH controller and regulator on a little power bar with the RK with it's ph probe in the sump that would shut off the entire deal if PH gets to low would certainly be very dual safety backup..
Well, it's been a year ago, today, that this tragic event. I figured I'd take a lil' time to update.

The tank has fully recovered, and is doing well. Honestly, I don't know if I've recovered, fully, lol. I still very much miss all the fish that died. I still haven't replaced some of the SPS that I lost.

The Calcium Reactor is still off line, but only because I've not refilled the Co2 bottle. I do plan on getting it back online soon. I'll be adding a couple inline valves, on the Co2 line. These valves will only allow "so much" Co2 through them. So, if anything were to fail, the valves will prevent a catastrophe.

For the past year, I've been manually dosing and actually fine tuned my dosing schedule. It took me a couple of weeks, but I figured out a "daily dose" that my tank consumes. Sure beats testing and dosing once a week. In this way, I dose, daily, and test once a week, adjusting my daily dose, if needed.

RIP Fellas


Here's an updated FTS, that I took, 3 days ago.
