Diseases ID Help - White Spot

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Jan 18, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
I have a Cowfish over 7 years old, been through a lot lately. I know he has some ICK spots on his fin, but a new type of problem showed up 2 days ago at the base of his fin. It dose not look like ICK, and its growning fast. Sort of a white patch.

Any Guesses? See Attached pic

Thanks in advance.


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Hard to tell from the photo, but does it look like cauliflower?? if so, then it most likely is Lymphocystis (aka, cauliflower disease).


It is a viral disease that has NO known cure. Supposedly, it is not contagious. The link I provided was for picture only; I would search on reef frontier for lymphocystis in Lee's forum to get additional reading material.
It dosent look like cauliflower, it dose not look raised like any pics I have seen, more like skin is being flaked off. But it's definatly viral, I see 2 pinhead size spots appear in the same area not touching the already white part, then they seem to grow wider, flaking off skin. Is that how cauliflower works, is it skin erosion, Vibro?
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Without running tests to be more sure, the highest probability is that the condition of the fish has allowed an attack by an opportunistic organism. It could be viral or bacterial.

If viral, not much can be done other than to help the fish fight it off. Reduce stress on fish and be sure it is being http://www.reeffrontiers.com/forums/f15/fed-properly-proper-nutrition-57474/ and include immune boosters in its diet: Immune Boosters

If bacterial, do the above AND move to a treatment tank where you will give it antibiotics. You want a broad spectrum antibiotic. I'd recommend using: FURAN-2 (by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.) OR BOTH of these two, together: Nifurpirinol [a.k.a. Furanace] (which will affect nitrification) and which can be combined with Neomycin (a gram negative antibiotic).
