Dislodging a BIG rbta

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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2011
Port Orchard Washington
Anybody know how to get a rbta to release itself from a rock? The rock its attached to is about 15, 20 pounds and the anemone is right around 18". So heavy rock and a big nem are the issue. Any tricks? Ive changed the flow to minimal going to it, changed how much light its been gettin, and just all around annoying it and it wont move so i can start massaging it off the rock.
Some have talked about putting a small diameter hose under its foot and hooking up a small pump to pump water under its foot.
Is there any way of moving the rock?
I would turn it up so the foot is exposed. It may go on the move then and you would be able to get it easier.
Thats a big nem.
Yea. Pretty much destroyed my scape, but got the rock out from the rest. Its the biggest piece, right in the middle on the bottom. I turned off my lights and my circ pumps so its just the minimul flow from the return. Nem is ontop of the rock, all alone with no flow lookin mad as all @#$%...lol. See what happens.
I have read an ice cube rubbed around the foot may aid in releasing its hold on the rock

Wont hurt it? I aint tryin to injure it, its a gorgeous nem, just wanna rehome it. Nobody showed any interest when i had it in the classifieds, so if i can get it off the rock its on, was thinking about asking the seattle aquarium.
I actually dealed with the same problem yesterday..ended up taking apart half of my tank to get it out..I think there is not other solution..remove the whole rock and deal with it in a bucket..and go from there
This rock fills a 5g bucket no problem. Would squish the nem. I dont have a container large enough to hold the rock and the nem and deal with it. Ill wait and see what happens for a lil longer.
I have had really good luck aiming a power head at the foot of the nem and in about 20-30 min. of flow against it, it will realese itself now don't worry how it looks with the flow on it since it will look almost flat and will shrink but I have done 3 different types of nems with success using this method. It does not take alot of flow last time I used the smallest power head I had think it was for a nano tank probably around 180pgh
Ok. Nem was walking this morning. Ended up pointing a powerhead at it lastnight and went to bed. This morning i swished my jand nack and forth and it floated off the rock. Thanks guys!/gals!