DIVE! DIVE! DIVE! New Nano tank started

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That is pretty close to what I had envisioned in my head. That is too cool. I am sure it will be a while before you stock it. What are your thoughts on that?
I am also liking the way you elevated the tank off the stand, very nice touch.
Fish only would be cool with a small predator type fish or eel.

Thanks for sharing. Keep us posted when it comes alive
thanks all for the positive remarks! I though, why not have fun with the tank and see what I can make of it. So as of now, i picked up an (i believe ) anemone shrimp and blue legged hermit. Currently in my main tank. I think I'll be adding a small interesting sea urchin and then try to follow a theme of "Creatures/Monsters from the deep". So bright colors and interesting patterns. Gonna try to start some encrusting corals once the tank has cycled and see what the tonga will look like afterwards. As for now, I have just some mollies to get the system going which will ultimately end up in my main tanks refusium.

So in hopefully a month or 2, I'll get to start putting up wtb posts and checking out some locals that i've gotten things from in the past.
Thanks Lorie! Appreciate it! And it does the same to me. Even though there are only some baby mollies in it atm, I still like to look around in it, pre plotting some ideas I want to bring to life!
Ok, so UPDATE~!
The 8 baby mollies are thriving. They look pretty cool with all the tonga/legos. So far tests show that the tank is working on it's cycle. There's some green hair algae starting so I lowered the amount of time the lights are on. Also found a small snail and I believe the others i see are Spirorbid Polychaete. So lastnight i put in 2 asteras(sp?) and the smaller species of Nassarius snails from my main, , a small hermit crab and a couple of the little brittle stars. So far everyone is foraging around and doing their thing!!!
Only with a bit of some rock from my main tank, but also the 8 or so baby mollies and a few drops of that bacteria stuff you put in qt water to help the inhabitants out . Must be a good combo! The little spiral guys are now popping up on the front of the glass.
Like a champ so far. There's a lil buildup from cycling, but mostly just either blows off or i'm sure can be wiped off. I've added a few more snails to get to work.
I thought I seen a whole shelf full of those little guys, You could use them in cycles. One set for cleanning and one set for use.
Do you need to back to Toys-R-Us. for some back ups??
Heh I've though about getting some additonals for backups / later additonas as the scene changes a bit etc.
I had a good size mushroom in the bottom of my refuge - so i scraped it off the acrylic and tossed it into the tank. Seems to be doing well as it is all extended out, probably a good 2" radious. The mollies are doing great - doing what mollies do best - eat and poop. Snails are going to town. I had a small green hair algae breakout a few weeks back but they annihilated it no time flat. Same as the dyno/brown algae that popped up. Im thinking if all continues as is, couple more weeks and we can get some color in there.
Hey Jason, I'll have some frags for you whenever your ready bud. Going to be such a fun lil Reeftank to see come together.

Cheers, Todd
killer, thanks Todd! Everytime i walk by it, i end up stopping and staring. The divers are the cake toppers!