do carpet anemone move a lot like rbta's?

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Mar 2, 2009
puyallup washington
ok im getting my red carpet anemone tuesday...(im excited:D:p)
im gonna get rid of my rbta(which is attach to the wall) question is,do carpet anemones move a lot like rbta's?i have good luck in keeping rbta's,once i put them in one spot they stays there,or if not they move a little...but never experience having corals got stung....

im pretty anxious and excited on getting my red carpet planning on putting it in the sandbed since i read that they dug their foot in the sand....

any advice and info will help a lot...thanks:)
ive had one before it. If they find a good spot and water and light is all good it will stay in one spot the one I had was huge and when it did move it stung alot of my corals. It was also to big (14 inch) lol for my 29 gallon at the time
the one im gonna get is 1-2 inches so it will take time for it to grow big(i hope):)i will put it in my 55 for the meantime...and in a month will move it to my 100gal cube...

i will post pic once it arrives on tuesday:)
The Carpet anemones are the highest light demanding and since they most often reside in the substrate care needs to be taken that light will be strong enough to reach there. They also grow large quickly and can/will eat fish. This tends to not be so much of a problem if they are hosted by a clownfish. Typical size for most Carpet Anemones is 20"-30". If the anemone climbs on the rockwork it is most likely to be looking for more light or unhappy about the water conditions. They are sensitive to high salinity and high temperature.

What type are you getting a gig or halli? My halli that I use to have moved for a about a week when I first got it. After that I guess he found a spot that he liked and stayed there for over a year.
A wandering anemone is an unhappy anemone whether its a BTA, "carpet", or whatever..

There are 3 different hosting species of "carpets" and they all have different needs. Lumping them together is not the best idea.

S.gigantea (my fav) are often found in tide pools and are NOT sensitive to changes such as salinity and temp. In Fact, I believe (IME) that they appreciate the changes. (exposed at low tides baking in the sun (higher temps) and then getting flooded with rain water (lower salinity) ). They usually max out at about 20". Usually anchored to rock but often at the sand interface. They will prefer higher temps (83-85). and IME, are not fish eaters (Ive had one for 15 years, and another for 5, never lost a fish). Prefers random flow, sometimes being blasted, and then having a calm period (surges)

S.hadoni usually found in somewhat deeper waters and require much less light than gigantea and mertensi. Foot burried in the substrate, but often attached to a hard surface. Usually max out at about 28". Yes there are many reports of them being a fish eater. and yes more sensitive to salinity and temp changes.

S.mertensi. Not imported as often probably due to its large size of 36". Usually found attached to rocks higher in the water column. Good strong water movement.

Most consider S.hadoni not too difficult to care for. S.gigantea seem to be the most difficult ( difficult to get a healty one from the start) and I dont know of many people that have kept mertensi.
And I was thinking that they where walking around to find more food.....
Now I understand why I was kicked out of kindergarden....
Where the %@$$ did you find a Red Carpet Anemone? I've been looking for one for over a year. I just decided Im gonna go with a blue one and try to aquaculture them. If you get it to split or cut it, I'll buy one off you! By the way, if its a haddoni it will have short tenticles and if it is a gigantea it will have longer tenticles and purple stripes on the back side of it.
Where the %@$$ did you find a Red Carpet Anemone? I've been looking for one for over a year. I just decided Im gonna go with a blue one and try to aquaculture them. If you get it to split or cut it, I'll buy one off you! By the way, if its a haddoni it will have short tenticles and if it is a gigantea it will have longer tenticles and purple stripes on the back side of it.

i got a small red carpet at atlantis aquarium...i also got a blue carpet..both haddonis:)
When we had a blue carpet anemone, it decided to detach and float around our tank because it wasn't happy. It was getting nipped on though.
i wanna get a carpet but im so scared. i hear horror stories of them taking down tangs lol cant risk it
i have yellow tang.3 chromis,pair of clownfish and firefish..after putting a big blue carpet,in 2 weeks my firefish is gone...i have the carpets almost 3 months now and so far all my fish are present...