guess we must be rare or something.....i use a large rubbermaid food container for my sump. i think it cost me 8.00 and holds 20 gallons of water. fits my skimmer, my heater, my pH probe and my return pump with room to spare. it doesn't have the fancy dividers and all least not yet.
This isn't any trashcan. It is a food-safe grade plastic container/bin for storing water and food. Remember, plastic does breathe, and is not a nonpermiable membrane.
I would see the specs on plastic trashbins first to make sure the plastic will not leech material into the water and contaminate it.
My sump isn't the best looking sump, but i usually can't see it from the outside
So is this the politically correct term for a clean trashcan? :badgrin:
Hey I have a storage bin for my refugium. I cut and heated one handle and bent it over to create the overflow into the sump. I had to add little plexiglass walls to keep the water from going out the sides but it works like a champ.