Emily Gracin Taylor

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:p She's doing well...She's having her "bubbas" :confused: Why isnt it a bottle??? Why bubbus?? (LOL) I need to put some garlic in it. BRB J/K:p
make sure you soak some of her foods in Zoe and Zoecon!!! you don't want her to have a weak immune system

LMBO!!! :lol: :lol: .

Emily is really really cute and i can see in the future a lot of boys knocking on your door dood :D .
I'm trying to figure out how to take pictures with my husband's work camera because it keeps taking tons of blurry pictures.
Hows sleeping been for you lately Krish?

It's been good Nick. Emily gets up about every 3 hours for her bottle and then goes right back down for the past 2 nights so I'm hoping it will continue that way. I haven't been any more tired than I usually am, but we'll see what happens when I go back to work and get really exhausted:p

Emily is really really cute and i can see in the future a lot of boys knocking on your door dood .
I'm trying to figure out how to take pictures with my husband's work camera because it keeps taking tons of blurry pictures.

Knocking! They better be knocking to do some tank maintenance:p About the camera...Are they really blurry or are your eyes playing tricks on you again(LOL)
Knocking! They better be knocking to do some tank maintenance About the camera...Are they really blurry or are your eyes playing tricks on you again(LOL)

LOL i think its both because when i take them they look good but when i put them in the computer bthey look blurry :p
Tom Hanks would lose them. Don't do that.

Maybe I'm lucky, I dunno. I'm now 8 weeks into this kid thing, and sleep hasn't been an issue, nor has any diaper. My daughter's been sleeping through the night for about 2-3 weeks already. 11pm - 6am is pretty normal.

Krish, you ever heard of "On Becoming Baby Wise?" It's a great book about scheduling and regiment. It's worked absolute wonders for us. Paige eats every three hours, period. Hungry at 2 hours because you last feeding wasn't so good? Too bad. It sounds harsh, but has been awesome. She gets a 30 minute play time after eating, which sets her up for a nice nap. She's also never had anything in her except genuine mommy milk, and that's been an absolute blessing, especially on the wallet.

Anyway, just a recommendation. Structure early has worked surprisingly well for us. And everyone tells us how lucky we are, so that might be part of it, too. We have friends who's babies don't sleep through the night, at 9 months old! That would kill me. However, she also feeds at the first sign of a wimper.

Here's the link:

Thanks Sherman...I'll have to look into that book and see if they have it here. Emily went 4 hours tonight between feedings which was the longest so far. I wish I could play with her some, but being only a week old tomorrow, not much entertains her yet. I talk to her all the time and she looks around, but can't really see all that well yet. In any event, my wife nor myself are ever tired. The first 2 nights...Definately as well as when I was getting use to my pills again, but since then, it has been great. 3 times a night for about 30 mins each time isn't too bad. I'm sure with time she will sleep longer. She is a great child and we will be sure to get her on the right track. I will spoil her to death I'm sure, but at the same time, be firm with certain things and stick to what I say. I'm really happy and blessed with having Emily...I couldn't ask for a better child:)
Congrats Krish! I want to be a proud papa someday in the near future...better hurry, I'm not getting any younger

Thanks Todd!! Yeah, you better start man(LOL) It's a great experience so far. Tough the first 2 days, but gets better each day:) Thanks again and good luck!:)