eye surgry

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Well-known member
May 15, 2006
Just wanna SAY that this morning at 10am I got lasik eye surgry and its the best thing ive ever did....

its only bin a 4 hours... and m eye sight is 1000x times better... i feel like im wareing my contacts and im not... i have my eyes closed as im typing this cause im supost to just lay around but thats kindda not gonna happen....

if you have bad eye sight of any measre you should with outta doubt do it....
i went to leighigh valley eye center... i would pay 15 grand more then i payed if i ever had to do this ageain...

it was so eazy it tool 15 min for both eyes and my sight was better when i got off the table.. it was a slight unconferbul feeling but compaired to relieing on glasses... and haveing the problem of takeing your contacs out and not being abl to find your glasses sucked....

but i just wanna say thats its the best thing ive ever done...
4300 bucks... was the best thing ive ever did....

tomarrow im gonna wake up a difrent person.....

sorry ive this is hard to read like i said im typeing this my eyes closed... Ill only take a quick glams of it after i type to make sure its not completely worng......
lol scooter... ya i do... i try i try...

its about the best thing to happen in a long time..

besides that i got some new halmton bulbs in today...

109 from aquacave..... couldnt find anything better then that.. for 2 150's
glad things worked out for you. i still would be scared to have this done since if something is screwed up, no more eye sight. i'd rather just deal with glasses or contacts, and not risk it. but maybe thats cause i just dont trust people, including doctors!
oH i trust her.... she was the best doctor ive ever had... not only did she make me feel conferred but she made it clear that she was doing this for the joy of bringing vision to people and not the money...

I gave her a fist pound as soon as i got off the table she was so happy... she said with a big big smile... "thats the fist pound ive ever got after lasik"

now that my eye sight is like better then perfect... i would gladly pay 5-10 times more... its worth everything in the world to be able to see...

i was so scared that i was gonna have problems... but just 48 hours later and my eye sights the best its ever bin... i can eazly read small print at 2 to 300 feet... where b4 i couldnt see something 4 feet from my face......

but on the other hand i dont support the greedy doctors OF America and world wide... If your a doctor you should be doing it cause you want to make people feel better....

i dont trust people as well.. but doctor obrian really loves what she does....

happy happy happy..
I have to also give an endorsement to Lasik. I had it done 7 years ago and it was a whole new world that opened up to me. During the past 6 months, I noticed my vision getting less sharp. It happened mostly when I was tired, but sometiimes it was more consistent. I went in for an eye exam a few months ago and got the news that I needed glasses again. It happens. Our eyes change shape at different rates, and my Lasik had a 7 year lifespan. No big deal, like burning2nd said, it was worth it. I'll get it again as soon as I can.
I have been looking into Lasik as well but just haven't saved up enough to have it done yet. Some of the places I was looking into had a guarantee that it would last if not they would do it again for free.
I had mine done years a go and I am just starting to see a little fuzzy. Nothing that is of real concern yet but it was well worth the 15+ years without glasses or contacts.

I only got a 5 year promise on mine but my wife got hers done 4 years ago and got a lifetime on hers. Once it is done, depending how it is done, you cannot always go back and fix your eyes again if your sight goes out of whack again. Either way you should get years of enjoyment from not worrying about where your glasses are or if a contact will fall out.
I had mine done about 5 years ago and don't regret it at all. I was 20/400 in my left eye and 20/500 in my right. I still see 20/20 in both eyes after 5 years and it is so nice not to have to worry about contacts or glasses any more.

Congrats on making the plunge.