Finally! Gina's (NanoReefer411's) 180+tank upgrade! =)

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Thank you all. I ordered some calibration solution for the refractometer. Kevin was all out when he tested my water. I was using the ultra pure water that it came with to calibrate. Some people have said that works, but of course it didn't! :frusty: My fault!

Michael, Scooterman, Chris, Somethingsfishy, thank you for the support. It was my own dumb fault. Things have started to look better. I have a few polyps left on the Pocillopora colony. I would say 90% is gone. Should I leave it, or frag it? I also lost Pumpy. :Cry: I thought he might pull through, but he did not. My other urchin made it.

You know what is so weird??? I have a lot of other SPS and LPS that were completely fine! I have a Setosa that didn't show any signs of stress. Can you believe that? Isn't that strange? I would think the Pocillopora would have made it and the Setosa would have been toast. So, I lost Pumpy, most of the Pocillopora, and the green Mille I had just got from Kevin, was reduced down to a very small frag. UGH!

I wonder if the salt was really okay? I am going back to RC nonetheless.

Everyone, how long do you think my Naso will be happy in my tank? Or, is it possible she is already unhappy? I think, honestly, they should ban the collection of Tangs. It is not fair to them. I feel very ignorant for getting them. The Naso and Yellow Tang was purchased with the tank though. She was smaller, but to me, she is huge now. I just want my kids to be happy and healthy. I think I am going to change the aquascape a bit to give her more swimming room. I bet she would be really happy in Kevin's Tank! :biggrin1: Maybe I need to save for a bigger one in the future? :twitch:
Gina, Pocillopora is a strange coral, in that it will exhibit "Polyp Bail Out," at the least bit of stress. Since the polyps are larger than those of some other SPS, the polyps will generally float around the tank, settling somewhere, and starting over. Pretty soon, you'll have it growing, in all kinds of odd places around your tank! If there's any left, on your piece that suffered, I'd frag it and remount it somewhere.

As for your Naso Tang, that's a tough one. You have a 6' tank, which is good. Are you seeing any behavior that you would attribute to stress? Does the Naso appear healthy? Over time, you'll probably need to upgrade to a larger tank, bummer huh? lol. However, the last time I saw your Naso, I thought it appeared happy and healthy. So you might have some time, before that upgrade is needed. Plan for a Marineland 300 Deep Dimension!! Same as my 200, but 2' longer!
Hi Michael, you think that DD is long enough? It is the same length as my 180. I was planning on that tank, but Kevin told me the Naso cares more about the length than the width. What do you think? She is very healthy! LOL. All my fish are really fat. I mean mentally healthy. I should have said mentally health and happy! LOL! No, she does not appear stressed. At times she does like to dart around the tank though and go as fast as she can. I am completely amazed at how much speed she can attain at such a short distance. Could that be stress? Other times she is just cruising. I was seriously considering making an offer on Brandyrb's 300. It is the length I need. It is a bit too tall, however, since I am so short! I have not had an acrylic tank before also, so I am not sure about that. Decisions, Decisions.
Brandy's tank would be an awesome size, for that Naso. You'll just need to invest in a step ladder! lol

Length is the most important, when it comes to Tangs, as you've seen, they love to attain high speeds. However, the 300DD has the benefit of being 6' long AND 3' front to back. Although, it's also a very tall tank, at 27", so might be a problem, with your vertically challenged self! lol

All in all, a Naso is going to get HUGE, eventually. So, an 8' tank might be your best bet!
Thanks for the input. It is time to start saving my penny's. =) I think the 30 is going to be way too tall. =( I got a nice step ladder for Christmas just for my 25 inch tall tank and I still cannot reach the bottom! lol. I can remember what a PITA my old 30 inch tall tank was. I told myself I would never get another tank that tall.

If I leave the Pocillopora, will the polyps grow downward towards the dead skeleton? Probably not, but just checking. The tips have the polyps. It would make for a very sorry frag. =/
Gina, I have some good sized pocilloporas, and you are welcome to have one for free! I would cut off the tip that is alive and mount it somewhere. From my experience, corals seem to grow over dead skeleton much slower if at all. Put good tissue on a new rock, and it will take off again.

Sounds like you need a shallow tank like mine! I don't think you've been over since I got the 180 have you? It's only 19" tall on one side, and 15" on the other.
Sometimes I feel bad for my tangs too, but they seem verry happy at their current size. I will definately need another upgrade in the future if I plan on keeping them. My blue hippo is over 5", and contained in a 3'x3'x19" tank. If only I could make a little doggy door between the 2 sides of my tank so she could use the whole 6' length.
Sorry for not responding to you guys, but I have been really down lately. My kitty, who is like my child (yes, I know most people will most likely not understand) has lung cancer. I have not really felt much like posting lately. She had her life saving surgery, so we thought, but the mass ended up being cancer.

Ben, I will definitely take you up on your offer of the poccillopora frag. My car actually broke down, so I am not sure when I could get it. =*( Maybe after it is fixed.

I am feeling a bit better as of yesterday. I went to feed my tank last night and what did I notice??? My 2 clownfish laid eggs right in the front of the tank. How is this possible? Nemo (I got from a friend) was the only clownfish in her aquarium. So it was a female correct? My black clownfish also was the only clownfish in my aquarium for about 3 1/2 years. She is big! So.....I have read articles that in the wild they will revert back into a male if there are two females...I know the odds are against this, but this is the only way I can explain this. Michael saw them both and believed they were both females. I did notice a couple of months ago the black clown treating the smaller of the two like a male. She would shove it around and basically put it in its place. So what does everyone think? I would love to raise the clownfish. If only it was not so expensive!
In a lot of fish species, 2 females, together, will lay eggs. These eggs will not be fertilized, since there isn't a male, obviously. I've seen it a lot, among freshwater species, such as Discus and Angelfish. Not sure if this is common, among Clown fish, or not. If the eggs, turn white, it's an indication that they weren't fertilized.

A Clown, being the only clown, in a tank, doesn't guarantee that it's a female. Eventually, it may become a female, but it could take years.

From what I know, once a Clown has "become" a sex, it does not revert back to a different sex.
In a lot of fish species, 2 females, together, will lay eggs. These eggs will not be fertilized, since there isn't a male, obviously. I've seen it a lot, among freshwater species, such as Discus and Angelfish. Not sure if this is common, among Clown fish, or not. If the eggs, turn white, it's an indication that they weren't fertilized.

A Clown, being the only clown, in a tank, doesn't guarantee that it's a female. Eventually, it may become a female, but it could take years.

From what I know, once a Clown has "become" a sex, it does not revert back to a different sex.
Thank you for the info. I thought that too. That possibly they could still both be female. Although, the orange one is acting like the male. It is fanning the eggs. I guess we will see in a couple of days. Have you heard of a clownfish in the wild reverting back into a male once it has become female? I believe I read that online somewhere. It would be cool if that happened. I guess we will see. There are stranger things in life! LOL. It made me a little happy, which is a lot these days. I thought I could try and raise them in the future if it did turn out they were fertilized. It gave me something to look forward to.
Hi Gina,

I'm sorry to hear about your cat. We are dog people ourselves but the emotion and attachment is the same. That's pretty cool about your clowns, I can't wait to find out if you will be a grandma or not. :) I can empathies with the male and how we are treated. :D LOL
Thank you Chris. My animals are my kids, but this cat is my favorite and is my baby. I would do anything for her.

It is official! My clowns are having babies!!!!! I see little eyes. I am going to try and post some pictures, but I have a feeling my camera will not be able to capture their eyes. I am so excited. I have never had a saltwater fish spawn before. The lady who had Nemo said he was 7 1/2 years old. I am going to write her today to ask her if Nemo was, for sure, the only clown in her tank. Either way, it is exciting and a miracle! =) I got the okay from the fiance to try and raise them. I think I am going to be too late with this batch, but I will try the next.

I really needed a pick me up after Squeakie's (that is how we spell her name) lung cancer diagnosis. She starts chemotherapy today. This was it. I have been so down.
HI Gina the setup looks awsome!!! Did you ever get the bulheads you needed? I kind of skipped ahead to the end of the thread. Quick note if your are getting some noise from your durso it sounds like you need to allow more air intake ( hole need to be bigger)
Another quick note clown eggs when layed are usually a bright orange. they go to clear in a few days and the closer to releasing from the spot they were layed will have fluorescent green "eyes" on the end. From laying the eggs to release is usually around 14 days. I have heard that clowns will change sexes and if you would like to pair them you should have a noticeable size difference between the two. The large one will be the female and the smaller will be the male. The reason for the size difference is so there is less fighting to see who will be the dominate or female. If the fish are the same size the battle is tougher and injury can happen between the fish. If there is a noticeable size difference sometime there is no fighting to establish who will be female.
Hi Vinny. Thank you for the response. =) I did get the bulkheads I needed after a long wait. =)

Thank you for the information on the clownfish. =)

I have some pictures here of fishes babies! Or eggs I should say. Nemo is a good daddy. He does not like me taking pictures or going over to the side of the tank where the eggs are. I tried to take some good pictures, but I am not able to. My camera cannot take good macro shots. If you look close, you can see little eyes. =)


So if they are changing color and the male is on pretty much on constant guard, I would say you have a pair!