=) I think that is what we all do with our reefs. They are so beautiful, how can we not look at them all the time? I haven't updated in such a long time.
I cannot take very good pictures... I don't know how to use the Kodak EasyShare very well. Here are my attempts at some new pictures.
I just picked up a new skimmer. WOW!!! This thing is a monster! It went to town as soon as I plugged it in. It is a SWC 250A. I picked it up on sale.....I had to! I hear a lot of good things about the Askoll pumps.
This thing is huge! The collection cup is gigantic! I had to compare my hand size to it!
Blurry FTS
These are Blastomussa's
When I first started reefkeeping, Kevin gave me this Pocillopora for my birthday. It has grown into
a pretty big colony. It is beautiful! Thank you Kevin! =) Kevin is so great you guys.
Here is a really pretty green Millepora I picked up from Kevin a couple of weeks ago. You all should go out there and buy some things if you have time. He has some extremely nice colonies and mini colonies! He has very good prices as well.
Orange Fungia
Caulastrea Candy Cane Coral I got as a free frag from my friend Michael and his wife Angie.
This is another coral I got from Michael and Angie...This is the prettiest Torch coral I have ever seen! I wish I could capture the colors better. It is extremely green with bright purple tips. Drop dead beautiful!
Purple and neon green Brain, Trachyphyllia I believe.