Finally! Gina's (NanoReefer411's) 180+tank upgrade! =)

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Hi Gina,

That is so sweet. I would love to try my hand at breading/raising some salt water fish. I doubt I would have the time it takes but would love to learn. I hope all goes well with Squeakie.
It is going to take a lot of effort, but I am up for the challenge! Thank you for the good luck with Squeakie. So far, she is not doing good with the Chemo. It has made her really sick. The vets told me it does not make animals sick like it does to people, but I don't believe it. I won't put her through this if this is going to happen. I spent most of the morning crying.

I e-mailed Nemo's previous owner. She said that Nemo was the only clown in her tank. She had him for 8 years. So in that time frame, wouldn't Nemo have changed into a female? 8 years alone in a tank? The eggs are supposed to hatch tonight. We shall see. I picked up some phyto from Kevin and some Rotifers from Barbie.
The fish would probably not change if there was no reason to (sex)...When the fish hatch, as I preveously said approximately 14 days, they are the size that you are seeing now. Very, Very small. They will usually dive into the gravel and never be seen. Or be consumed by the tank inhabitants. Thats life :) However if you would like to try and raise some clowns I can offer some advice. They will usually survive about 3 days on thier yoke sack after that if there is no food they die. There are a couple of trap ideas out there which you can research and check out. I had great success catching them with a net and transfering them to a small holding tank. They will usually hatch about 1 hour after lights out. I believe this is because in the wild all the predators that would eat them are sleeping by then. Most of the nocturnal predators are larger fish looking for small fish. If you get a moonlight, nite light and rig it so you can place it on the side or top of the tank the newly hatched fish will swim to the light. then you can catch them with a brine shrimp net. If you have a lot of flow it is best to turn off or down a couple of pumps. They do not eat Phyto. I do not know if they will eat froozen rotifers or not, I had someone else suggest this but have not had a chace to try. If you do live rotifers they need the Phyto to eat. I have had half of the cluthch hatch one night and the other hatch the next nite. Sometimes all at once. Don't worry if you are not quite ready the first time around they should continue to lay eggs if the conditons allow. If you don't see any baby fish swimming around an hour or two go to bed and try the next nite.LOL You will also see all kinds of plankton swimming in the light it is very cool. I use to catch all that other stuff to feed my baby seahorses. Hope this helps a little. Good luck!!!
Hey Gina, read your thread and am very impressed with your tank set-up. Very sorry to hear about your kitty's illness, it is so hard to have a dear pet have a life threatening ordeal.

If you want to get serious about clown-raising, I would recommend Joyce Wilkerson's book called "Clownfishes" I have read most of it several times and it's my go-to book when I want to remember anything clown-fishy. I used it when raising up my ocellaris with great success! Raising babies takes a LOT of time though, I will warn you ;) lol but it is a great deal of fun.
Vinny, thank you for all the info. I will hopefully be more ready next time around. I went into emergency mode and picked up some Phyto from Kevin and Rotifers from Barbie. I also placed an order for phyto starter discs from florida aquafarms. I am sorry if I am not supposed to say where I got it, but I thought I would share in case anyone else will try raising fry.

I sat up all night and 17 babies hatched. There were more, but it was around 1:30 in the morning, and I thought rest of them were going to wait until the next night to hatch, so I went to sleep. I waited an hour after my first batch hatched to see if more would come. They never did. I woke up in the morning and there were none left. =*(. Poor little guys. So out of this clutch, only 5 are remaining. Last night I had around 15 left. This is my first time trying to raise saltwater fry, and I guess I'm not really doing too good. It is my own fault.

We had to take Squeakie to the vet day before yesterday, the pet emergency clinic, and now she is back at the vet today. Her kidney's were not doing well from the Chemo. I will not be able to continue with it. I just hope she can bounce back from this and make it to the summer. She loves to lay out on our chairs outside under the sun. She can be there all day, and I swear she is smiling when she is out there. I have just been praying she can make it until then. Yesterday was a really hard day for me and it was my fault only 5 fry are left. I spent most of the day crying and did not feed them every 3 hours like I was supposed to. I know some people will think, she is just a cat, but she is more than that to me. To me, she is my child and my best friend. She is so much different than any cat I have had in my life. We have 4 others, and her and I connect in a way that is like mother and child. I love my other cats as well, but she is the best.

Thank you Nana C for the compliments and for thinking of my baby Squeakie.

Thank you Tureef.

Chris, thank you so much for thinking of my baby and for caring.
Yes, the waiting, still it is very exciting!!! I keep a 20 tall at my Daughter Lauren's Pre-school with a pair of Black Clowns. Thier young should be hatching tonite so I was planning on trying to catch some of them later on. Oldest Son just called so timing may have to wait until next time. I have all the stuff for the live but have not set the rack back up yet, soon I think. I was going to give the frozen rotifers a try or order a small bottle off line to speed up the process, instesd of hsstching them. The book suggested I have heard is the one to have I do not have it yet. I have the culture books. It is suppose to get easier each time. Good Luck. Vince
I have not tried frozen rotifers although I have a bunch.(have not heard much success with using them) I keep a live rotifer culture going all the time. When I don't have babies to feed, I freeze some to feed the corals. You don't need to batch greenwater either, there's an easier way ;) Feel free to PM me for info (I can read out of the book, lol)

Gina, you have a lot on your plate right now with Squeaky. Raising babies is HARD the first time and you will see a lot of little deaths. It does get easier, but wait until you have the time and the set-up all ready. HUGz
Sorry to hear about Squeaky. That really sucks. Hopefully she'll pull thru though. Animals are amazing and will surprise the heck out of you sometimes! As far as the clowns go, I hear they are really tough to keep but that is awesome that you are at least giving it a shot! Good luck with everything!
=*( Was not able to keep any fry alive. I was given the chore of force feeding my kitty every 2 hours from the vet. So tired...I tried with the fry. Next time I will get some pictures Chris. I'm sorry. =(

I just had too much going on. I feel bad for them, but I did try. I will try again in the future.

Matt thank you so much for the words of encouragement. It is a very aggressive cancer. The surgeon gave her 1-5 months. I hope she can make it to enjoy some of the summer. She needs to start eating and drinking on her own. The chemotherapy really hurt her body. The internal medicine specialist said that 90% of animals do not get sick like people do from Chemotherapy, unfortunately she was one of the unlucky ones that it made sick. I will try again with the clown fry. It was really exciting and gave me some joy to watch them hatch, catching them, and feeding them. They were so cute. I will be better prepared next time.

Nana-BIG HUG! I need one right now. I will pm you.

Vinny-Did you get any fry? Are you going to rear them? Or try? Let me know how it goes!
I thought I would put a face to the name. This is my baby Squeakie when she was very fat and happy.


Hey don't feel bad about the fry. You should be feeling really great that you have provided such a happy home that they want to breed :).. There is really a lot that goes into catching and the raising the fry have whole other issues. Also a quick note that if your Clown fish are breeding there are probably other critters that are happy too. This is all a excellent habit and good eco environment for everything in the little ocean. Everything must eat and live natural food is the best you can get. I did not get up to the school that nite to catch any of the fry there. There will be more eggs probably by the Tuesday when they open again for school. My Gold Stripe Maroon's laid more eggs yesterday and should be hatching in a couple of weeks. I did get some pictures I will post on my Sky Drive and put a short cut here or maybe I will start a thread. I am going to work on my Pyto rack this week and work on my Rotifer and Copepod cultures going. Then I will start catching some of my fry to try and raise. I already know I can catch them, need a better method so you do not have to stay up late for the job. My problem was keeping them alive longer than their yoke sack lasted. Everyone seems to have a little bit different method but the food and feeding habits seem to be consistent so I think you have to have the food for healthy fry. Sorry I don't share all of my secrets, but I am still learning myself. Books are good :)
From what it sounds like you have to be really prepared to raise them before they hatch. Like having the phyto and copepods going already. Next time it sounds like you'll have a better hold on things with all the research you've done already!
As far as Squeaky goes I really hope she makes it until summer for you. I think either way just so long as you're by her side comforting her she can't be happier!
Thank you so much Chris. She is my angel. I have good news! I found a drug called Remeron online that they use in animals to get them to eat. The vet had never heard of it, but we tried it and she is eating on her own! Praise the Lord! Thank you Chris for the prayers. I believe that they helped. Please keep them coming! God bless.

Thank you Matt for the words of encouragement. I hope she can make it as long as possible if she is happy. I finally got my phyto disks in the mail. I am going to start my phyto culture tomorrow. Hopefully they will lay some more eggs. So far nothing. They completely destroyed one of my brain corals though from hosting in it, then trying to move it. Strange clowns. I hope it makes it, but it doesn't look too good. I would love to get them an anemone.