Flatworm Destruction!!!

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Who's Fault is it?

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Dec 23, 2010
Lakewood, WA
In my zeal i didnt dip my Coral nor clean my Live Rock (I'm a beginner I'm sorry) so now i'm paying the price or rather my Tang is. It has Black Spot and i'm looking for a cure ASAP. I've looked at Chelidonura varians, 6line Wrasse, and Nuking my tank. No other fish has or show signs and my Coral don't have egg sacks but i need to act now and act quick. Thx:badgrin:
I would skip the 6 line due to aggressive nature in the future and get a melanarus wrasse. They are excellent fish, bigger than 6 line, better appetite for the same thing. GREAT fish to own. Wouldn't have a tank without one.
I selected "me" :oops:. One thing about this hobby, which I'm sure you now learned, is that we have to take all precautions when adding something new to our tank. We can't rely on the seller to do it for us so it is up to us to do it for ourselves just to be sure. Nonetheless, I am terribly sorry to hear about your troubles. It really sucks :doubt:. I hope everything turns out fine... :)
I have to agree with Krish. I did select you and the store....but Krish is right. And to be honest.....or Frank about it....no matter how you spin it, it is still your, or our, fault when something like this happens. We are responsible for protecting our reefs. The store could have done a little preventative action here to kill this stuff before they sold it....but stuff happens and sometimes items are purchased almost as soon as they arrive so it is hard to prevent anything from being spread to customer tanks. So, back to what I said before....in all honesty it is going to fall on your shoulders.

Sorry bud, it is just the name of the game.
I will look for one after some research and Q&A to the seller, and just went to Walmart and purchased a 20gal for Quarantining the New guys and a 2gal for Coral dips/wash. Hard lesson but atlease the Tang is the only one affected, i'm sure there in the tank but not being attacked. So Mr. Tang (or Cyan) my daught call it is going to the hospital today for awhile. Thx
As long as you ask the questions and try your best to protect what you have that is really all that can be asked. This is one hobby where most the lessons are going to be taught the hard way. But there is a ton of experience and knowledge here to assist you on the way.
I've been up all night researching this and don't want to lose the Tang due to my oversite:( but I won't repeat this again an will try my best to save him (Cyan) because it's my fault:oops:. Thx for the support on this one and take care.
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I have put the Cart in the back and horse back up front, so i will glean from the wiser First (Humbly)to ensure a better informed decision. Thank you for the insight.
Since I have experience on both sides of this fence I think it should be both the Individual and the Store. If known the Store should make it aware to the customer of any problems it has noticed of the item it is selling or what problems may exist in their selling tanks. The customer should also have knowledge of what they are after to purchase. The item is usually available to look at and observe before purchase. Unfortunately there are unseen problems that arise from time to time that are out of control of the seller or the buyer. Not all sellers are out for the customer, they have to sell stuff to pay the bills. There is a wealth of FREE information available for all people to use for research before buying anything. I found that most of the time people have no patience, did no research, they have to buy it NOW, there is no proper quarantine period. I think most everyone has good intentions and everyone in the hobby is on a continuous learning cycle. Keeping an animal contained and getting it to survive is a great accomplishment not everyone can do, some can learn. Getting the animal to thrive and reproduce is another great feat. One should strive to be a knowledgeable buyer, this keeps the Sellers on their toes to provide quality information to the Customer with a quality product. This will keep the Customer coming back and maybe in the future be a local Supplier for the Seller.
I voted aliens

Because whatever that little fish sucking devil spot is, it probably does not look normal nor from this planet. I place 100% blame on that alien THING on your fish.

However it is your responsibility as an aquarist, to realize and accept the task of maintaining your own stuff, fish, corals, tank,etc... I would like to let you all know that I do not know who DTECH07 nor do I know what store he bought them from.

Yeah precautions are nice to take, that does not always happen. Sometimes problems arise from not taking those precautions, how is that in anyway the stores responsibility.

"I didn't quartine my livestock that I introduced, now my stuff is sick"
where in the statement above did the store do anything at all. They didn't, they probably sold you a product that you had picked out and wanted.

Accidents do happen, and myself as a store employee understands that. As soon as you start to point the finger at me for selling you a product that YOU wanted and that YOU did not take the appropreate steps to prevent spread of illnesses.
That understanding goes right out the window, I absoutly cannot stand customers that walk into the store with the ideal fixated into there brain that there dollars is worth more then anyone elses, AND that they can do no wrong. The only thing they do is cost money.

If your seeking retribution for your little tang, in the form of a possible store credit, be respectful about how you approach topic.
if your an A-hole you may as well not even waste your time.

If you state your case and are willing to admit (even a little) guilt more stores will work with you.

If you come in to my store telling me that I'm supposed to provide you with quality product and blah, blah, blah... and all the tank devistation is my fault. GO AWAY... not all of it is my fault, I'm sorry I was the store who tried to help you out and was wrong, I'm sorry you LIKED that product enough to take it home and you had problems when you got there, and your money is not worth the large ammount of BS your second visit caused, next time please take your money and BS somewhere else.
Very true thus is the resean i have been up all night researching on the next things i'm "Thinling" i need and will for sure post here for further input. Thx for the Wisdom
I think i can say thanks on some of your insight, but i also was in retail for 30+ plus years and realize that some of what you saying. As for me the Tang didnt get in my car on it's own, the seller didnt put a gun to head and tell me to Buy the fish, rock, sand ect or else, I did it of my own free will (and impulse buying). i'm not so high and mighty nor young and blind to believe that this isnt my fault and like a "Man" who's a "Aquarist" i'm learning from success and mistakes in this hobby. I hope the voting and my Thread didn't cause to many people "Stress" i don't want to see some breakout with "Ich" or "Black Spot" because the Quarantine period can put a damper on work;). Thx again for ALL the different styles and levels of input and support.

i will agree with vinny. it's usually both, the seller needs to sell and wont tell you what's wrong in some cases, and the buyer will buy without either asking questions or really looking into the product (fish,coral, etc.) ..........well the alien sound good too :) that way both the seller and the buyer are not found guilty!!!!
John, that's pretty good.:)

In the end, it is us as hobbiest to do the reseach BEFORE we buy the fish and corals.

One of the best places to do that reaseach is right here.
We will all tell you of of the mistakes many of us have already made, and I put myself at the top of that list.
I selected "me" :oops:. One thing about this hobby, which I'm sure you now learned, is that we have to take all precautions when adding something new to our tank. We can't rely on the seller to do it for us so it is up to us to do it for ourselves just to be sure. Nonetheless, I am terribly sorry to hear about your troubles. It really sucks :doubt:. I hope everything turns out fine... :)

+1 I agree with Krish on this one.

I too have little red flat worms in one of my tanks due to not dipping an incoming coral. I know better, but I didn't dip and now I pay the price. Did the seller know about the flatworms? Maybe, but this is a hobby where we all should be taking our time and things like this WILL happen from time to time. I've had many things happen and I know that I could've always done something different and received a different outcome. Is this the first time I've had flatworms? Nope will it be the last? Probably not.

Would've... Could've... Should've. That's the way every hobby is sometimes.

Hope that you can find the answers and cure that you need. RF is a great place to find answers. And remember that there's no such thing as a stupid or dumb question.
The Tang is in Quarantine, received a Fresh water dip and took it well. the Black dots are lessening. so for 4 more weeks and then we'll see how or when it can added back to the main tank. Found several solutions here on RF. Great Place for the Beginners on up!!! Oh as far as the store i purchased it from, it's a good store but i needed to Quarantine him to ensure that he (Tang) was safe, then there's also the Live Rock, Sand, Coral that any of these could of have been my "Ground Zero" for the Flatworm. Thanks for ALL the support.
The Tang is in Quarantine, received a Fresh water dip and took it well. the Black dots are lessening. so for 4 more weeks and then we'll see how or when it can added back to the main tank. Found several solutions here on RF. Great Place for the Beginners on up!!! Oh as far as the store i purchased it from, it's a good store but i needed to Quarantine him to ensure that he (Tang) was safe, then there's also the Live Rock, Sand, Coral that any of these could of have been my "Ground Zero" for the Flatworm. Thanks for ALL the support.

Look In Lee's Fish Forum here, everything you need to save this fish is there or at least give it the best chance, you have lots of reading but it is well trusted information. As far as the other issues, with FW's and who's at fault, we can go rounds on who's at fault etc. the big thing here is to learn, over come this and teach others from your experience. We have pages and pages of FW information, take some time and do the big searches, read and get it right so you don't have to deal with this again (hopefully). This will free you up for the next learning lesson! :) No really hope it goes well, try hard and keep us posted!
I also believe that it your own responsibility to check things before they go in the tank. A while back I traded some frags to somebody, and when they got home they discovered flatworms on it that I didn't even know about! I was thankful that they found out and told me before they put it in the tank. Another time I bought a few frags from somebody local, and found a bad nudibranch climbing around in the container. Sometimes things just go unnoticed, and there is nobody to blame but yourself. Sorry about the trouble, I think most of us have been there in similar ways.
:oops:Thanks the Tang is looking much better but still in care. Bought some Xenia and Aneomone but have them in Quarantine and dipped. but the support, direction, and input has been more helpful than you know.:D