Hey Gordon... Are the cards ready or will they be for the swap??? It would be nice to be able to hand people cards rather than having to mail later. Just checking....
MIKE: Re: renting the tables and chairs... My escape won't hold all that! If someone has a truck that can meet me there so I can pay, that would work if you think we still need it. Scott's truck is not reliable to go that far. At least I'm not riding with him!! So far we have 26 available chairs and four tables without renting.
Just a question, why the hassles with bringing all these little tanks if Alice has the shallow tubs?? I read they are too shallow for powerheads, but if they worked at the Calfo deal, why won't they work here? Sounds easier, just curious.
Also, checked with the hotel, and the dates are correct with the third Saturdays. What about February though??? Will we need the room??? And, if you guys think there will be more than 100 people for the vendor thing or anything else, we have to let the hotel know, especially if we want a bunch of tables or whatever. As it is, I have the rooms set up theater seating, with three 8 foot display tables up front, just in case.