Going skimmerless

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Dec 15, 2003
Tacoma, WA
I decided to start another skimmerless thread just to see how it goes and if its doable for an extended period of time. I'll let this go for 1 year and see what happens unless the tank starts to crash in the mean time.

Here is the history. The sump flows 3000+ GPH I toyed with adding flow to the tank for six months adding Koralia K4's until there were 4. I removed all 4 K4's in favor of the cleaner looking tank without powerheads. So as of today there is only a return pump flowing about 3000 gph, thats about 60 time turnover of the display volume through the sump.
On the 1st I shut down the Tunze 9010 skimmer. A little history behind the skimmers. I ran the tunze for about two months and thought it was subpar so I bought a SWC 160 along with a second cup. I spent 4 weeks skimming and evaporating the skimmate and weighing the cups after they were dry. I then reinstalled the tunze and did the same. To my surprise the tunze produced more crap by dry weight than the SWC 160 even with the extra salt that would have had to of been left in the additional volume of skimmate. So I sold the SWC and kept the tunze.
Now I want to try something a little different. We already know most people set up their sump flow pretty low. Usualy only a few times per hour turnover rate. Since mine is 60 I want to know if a filter sock and carbon would be enough to keep the tank in shape for sps. Usually when someone tries this they dont up the sump flow so they are filtering through the sock slowly and change the sock every few days. They also dont stop the air from entering the overflow so the water gets more oxygen which is going to produce nitrates in the sock over time.
I figure changing a sock every few days is just as much work as cleaning a skimmer so it cant hurt to give it a shot. Since there is no air in the overflow it shouldnt create nitrates as quickly as a durso or some other stand pipe configuration.

The tank specs are: Rimless 54G
Pump Reef flo dart
Heater 2x 250w / ranco
Lighting T-5
Carbon TLF reactor
Thats it no ato, timers or anything else.
Bioload is probably some where in the middle. One PBT, two chromis, one maroon clown, two scooter dragonets, 40 astrea snails, three hermits and one sand sifting star.

Nutrient parameters are: Nitrates 0 salifert, eleos and 5 sprectra labs
Ammonia 0 salifert, eleos and .2 spectra labs
Nitrites 0 salifert, eleos and .2 spectra labs
Phoshates 0 salifert, eleos .04 hanna and .04 spectra labs

Its been six days with no noticable difference in alge growth on the glass and no change in nutrient levels from salifert, eleos or the hanna. Now I just wait and do the normal 10g per week water changes that ive done for the last six months. Ill post the results on this thead weekly until the tank goes south or one year has past.

I know another guy that likes the natural way of keeping tanks. He's had a sw tank going for 5 years now skimmerless. He doesn't keep sps, only lps and softies. Looking forward to this test.
I decided to start another skimmerless thread just to see how it goes and if its doable for an extended period of time. I'll let this go for 1 year and see what happens unless the tank starts to crash in the mean time.

Here is the history. The sump flows 3000+ GPH I toyed with adding flow to the tank for six months adding Koralia K4's until there were 4. I removed all 4 K4's in favor of the cleaner looking tank without powerheads. So as of today there is only a return pump flowing about 3000 gph, thats about 60 time turnover of the display volume through the sump.
On the 1st I shut down the Tunze 9010 skimmer. A little history behind the skimmers. I ran the tunze for about two months and thought it was subpar so I bought a SWC 160 along with a second cup. I spent 4 weeks skimming and evaporating the skimmate and weighing the cups after they were dry. I then reinstalled the tunze and did the same. To my surprise the tunze produced more crap by dry weight than the SWC 160 even with the extra salt that would have had to of been left in the additional volume of skimmate. So I sold the SWC and kept the tunze.
Now I want to try something a little different. We already know most people set up their sump flow pretty low. Usualy only a few times per hour turnover rate. Since mine is 60 I want to know if a filter sock and carbon would be enough to keep the tank in shape for sps. Usually when someone tries this they dont up the sump flow so they are filtering through the sock slowly and change the sock every few days. They also dont stop the air from entering the overflow so the water gets more oxygen which is going to produce nitrates in the sock over time.
I figure changing a sock every few days is just as much work as cleaning a skimmer so it cant hurt to give it a shot. Since there is no air in the overflow it shouldnt create nitrates as quickly as a durso or some other stand pipe configuration.

The tank specs are: Rimless 54G
Pump Reef flo dart
Heater 2x 250w / ranco
Lighting T-5
Carbon TLF reactor
Thats it no ato, timers or anything else.
Bioload is probably some where in the middle. One PBT, two chromis, one maroon clown, two scooter dragonets, 40 astrea snails, three hermits and one sand sifting star.

Nutrient parameters are: Nitrates 0 salifert, eleos and 5 sprectra labs
Ammonia 0 salifert, eleos and .2 spectra labs
Nitrites 0 salifert, eleos and .2 spectra labs
Phoshates 0 salifert, eleos .04 hanna and .04 spectra labs

Its been six days with no noticable difference in alge growth on the glass and no change in nutrient levels from salifert, eleos or the hanna. Now I just wait and do the normal 10g per week water changes that ive done for the last six months. Ill post the results on this thead weekly until the tank goes south or one year has past.


Great experiment Don.
Very Interesting!

How did you "evaporate the skimmate" to determine it's dry weight?
I can only think of 1 way to evaporate (with heat) but doing that with a cup full of skimmate sounds really gross...

You can evaporate skimmate by placing a computer fan on the cup for a few days in a heated room close to the heater. I used my shop so as not to stink up the house. Any bong shop will be abe to sell you a .1 gram scale and calibration weights.

I started my first saltwater tank when I was 10yrs old. It was a 10g with under gravel filter, hang -on the back filter, regular florescent and crushed coral. This was the pre-skimmer, rodi and no live rock usage yet era to my knowledge. I only had a clown, 2damsels, and a baby snow flake eel no corals. I did a lot of water changes though with conditioner and instant ocean. I had it running for almost 2 years until I got bored with it. Now, I'm 32 and boy have times changed. Good luck with the experiment Don. Based on your processes, I'm sure it will do fine.
I have never really owned and operated a tank with a skimmer :) I have had several reef tanks that were all successful over the years. The only tank that did poorly was a 40 gallon barebottom tank. That barebottom tank was completely overran with hair algae. I purchase a MSX200 skimmer for my current 120 gallon. I have not got around to hooking it up, so I am about 8 months skimmerless on this tank. It is a mixed reef (SPS,LPS,Softies). I tested yesterday and my phosphates and nitrate are at 0. I run both carbon and phosban. It is tempting to sell the skimmer :)

The tank is pretty much algae free now. I do have a two fish team that prevent any algae from growing in the display (foxface and sailfin tang). I just get diatoms on the glass, so it has be scraped once a week. Maybe with the skimmer hooked up I could go two weeks without cleaning the glass?

I would think you would have no issues except diatoms on the glass? Not sure how it would effect SPS growth?
That's Harry he just turned 3. A little wound up still. Our last one made it to 14 but was much larger.

I went skimmerless on my tank a while back and I never learned so much so quickly. I look forward to your experiment. When I tried this things were going really well and then I stopped the water changes. The tank slowly declined after that, so I put the SWC 200 on the tank. I still prefer a skimmer, but I don't think they are as essential now. Out of curiousity, how often and how much are your water changes?
That's Harry he just turned 3. A little wound up still. Our last one made it to 14 but was much larger.


Nice my little Cupid just turned 12yrs in February. My Fiance wants to get another when cupid passes. It will be a very sad day for us when that day comes. We had got him a few months after we met. He is still full of energy even though he is old. I hope to have him around for another 3 or 4 years.
Don, what all corals are you keeping in the tank. Skimmers aren't a must if you do weekly water changes. I prefer a skimmer over water changes to save $. My current tank I have done roughly 4 water changes in the last 3 years. My corals have great growth and parameters are always right on. I figure if i changed 10% weekly out of my 160g I would have changed over 2100g in that time and would have went through 15 buckets of salt costing me on average $40 a bucket so around $600 of salt. I know this isn't the norm but its been my experience. I do think skimmerless is much easier with lps and softies. I don't know anyone with a dominant sps tank that goes skimmerless with hard to keep sps. I have seen turf algae scrubbers with gfo run great with sps tanks, but the gfo has to be replaced often. There's always an expense is what I'm saying but skimmers aren't a neccessity if you know what you are doing : )
I think in terms of tank size comparing a 55 to a 160 is like comparing apples and oranges. I think this is one of the biggest issues in the hobby. It makes no sense to follow the habbits of a big tank person when you only have a little tank. There was no way I could go skimmerless on my old much larger tank the salt bill would have been crazy. This one is so small 10 g a week is no big deal and something I'd do with or without a skimmer. I think for the most part it an experiment to see if it makes much if any difference with such high flow through a 10m sock vs low flow. I already know won't work with low flow nutrient levels just climb to fast for pretty much any sps. As far as what corals ill try even the most delicate of sps IF my confidence level rises in the fact that I can keep them without a skimmer. Right now the jury is still out so just Digitas for now.

The natural way

I know another guy that likes the natural way of keeping tanks. He's had a sw tank going for 5 years now skimmerless. He doesn't keep sps, only lps and softies. Looking forward to this test.

But the ocean has the biggest skimmer of all....The worlds beaches? Curious to see the long term outcome?? best of luck.. :)
I dont want this to turn into a pro skimmer debate or anti skimmer debate. Its already been proven how little skimmers actually do and how little we know. There must be a way to replace or make up a the difference which is the reason for giving this a shot. Since a skimmer is only going to remove 20 to 30% of toc from seawater without the continuous addition it does make one wonder if the remaining 70+ % is even skimmable or if even the skimmer is just removing more pulverized poc's that could otherwise be exported with a low micron sock. Who know but it cant hurt to try.

As you know I went without a skimmer a good while about one year & my micron filter socks would clog up even faster but to me they worked much more efficient If you keep up with them, replacing about one a day sometimes twice a day. Maybe you can come up with a rack & diverters to alternate socks daily?
As you know I went without a skimmer a good while about one year & my micron filter socks would clog up even faster but to me they worked much more efficient If you keep up with them, replacing about one a day sometimes twice a day. Maybe you can come up with a rack & diverters to alternate socks daily?

I can go two weeks with a plain 100 Micron before it plugs. Right now Im using worn 25 microns and they plug about once a week but I change it before it plugs every three days. I'd like to get the tank to taper down to 1 micron and see what happens.
